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(→‎May 2009: WND's Fourteenth Amendment double standard.)
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===May 2009===
===May 2009===
<vote poll=clog167>WND: Giving "special rights" to gays is a [http://rationalwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=RationalWiki:What_is_going_on_in_the_clogosphere%3F&action=edit&section=2 violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.] But according to this very same Janet Porter, [http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=61629 sodomy laws weren't.]</vote>
<vote poll=clog166>Shame on you, Obama, for getting a [http://voices.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2009/05/_fallout_over_president_obamas.html?hpid=news-col-blog ''medium well'' burger] with ''dijon'' mustard! (Note:  Apparently ''not'' from The Onion, amazingly. Although you'll note there were none of those on his burger either!)</vote>
<vote poll=clog166>Shame on you, Obama, for getting a [http://voices.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2009/05/_fallout_over_president_obamas.html?hpid=news-col-blog ''medium well'' burger] with ''dijon'' mustard! (Note:  Apparently ''not'' from The Onion, amazingly. Although you'll note there were none of those on his burger either!)</vote>
<vote poll=clog165>[http://astrocenter.astrology.msn.com/msn/psychic-esp.aspx?GT1=21001 Free online ESP test!]  It's from PsychicCenter.com, so you know it's legit!</vote>
<vote poll=clog165>[http://astrocenter.astrology.msn.com/msn/psychic-esp.aspx?GT1=21001 Free online ESP test!]  It's from PsychicCenter.com, so you know it's legit!</vote>

Revision as of 02:15, 9 May 2009

Template:AOTW Navigation Add your snarkilicious take on some of the more WTF or egregious blog entries out there. Be sure to link to the entry, at the very least.

Same rules as WIGO CP. New items at the top, archive when it gets big. No need to vote on anything.

Voting helps people find the best entries over at Best of the clogosphere.

Always be wary of Poe's Law, if something seems too outrageous to be true fortunately it often is. If you see an entry that you think is questionable use {{poe}}.

What is going on?

May 2009

9WND: Giving "special rights" to gays is a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. But according to this very same Janet Porter, sodomy laws weren't.
19Shame on you, Obama, for getting a medium well burger with dijon mustard! (Note: Apparently not from The Onion, amazingly. Although you'll note there were none of those on his burger either!)
4Free online ESP test! It's from PsychicCenter.com, so you know it's legit!
3Red Beard is frothing again. To sum up his arguments, Dan Brown is Anti-Catholic, Ron Howard is Anti-Catholic, and people are so stupid that they think the Da Vinci Code is a documentary. Maybe he should lie down and take a nap.
7Concerned parents are concerned. But not with facts. Condoms do not protect against HIV or pregnancy. Remember that and see if you can beat my 80% correct answers!
2From AiG: Creation Vacations!

April 2009

3Who knew Ann Coulter could tapdance? Here she rambles on about how American techniques aren't torture. Sadly Ann cherry picked through the memos and only talks about two individual techniques The old sleight of hand.
1Someone get the butterfly net, Malkin is ranting again.
5Worried about swine flu? What you need is extra poo! Prevent the swine flu by self-induced diarrhea!
15As seen on The Colbert Report, now for your eyes only, George Will's Denim Demon. Now get off his lawn, ya dang kids!
7Best movie reviews on this net or any net: [1] "no sex scenes but woman says that she became pregnant and married a man who was not the real father because the real father was not there with her and didn't write after he went away until she had married the other man about a year later; brief upper male nudity; alcohol in one scene; no smoking; and, Communism overtly rebuked multiple times, kidnapping, extortion, death threats, betrayal, and a wedding kiss." from the review of Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. Only movie to get a four star rating: Beverly Hills Chihuahua: "Very strong moral worldview where characters choose right and sacrifice for others; no obscenities or profanities; two dogs attack each other a few times; no sexual content; one scene of women in bikinis; no alcohol; no smoking; and illegal dog fights, stealing, con games".
2WND: Gay? You mean 'gay'?
3"The vagina is full of AIDS!!"(Warning: Poe's Law in action!)
3Aliens are demons in disguise! Read all about how the rosary can protect you from a probed rectum! Jesus vs. Aliens
4Here to further the ridiculous notion that Vaccines are causing every disease known to man is.... Ace Ventura?
3Kent Hovind's imaginary friend at the Edgefield Federal Correctional Institution in South Carolina is apparently Christopher Walken from the movie Click. (It's nice to see that those taxes he didn't pay buy some reasonably dated entertainment materials.)
-3The latest post from one of the funniest (intentional) violators of Poe's Law on YouTube. Here are the New York Times article and the abstract of the JAMA article that he references.
-2Vampires are just aliens. It is so obvious now you have pointed it out.
1BREAKING NEWS: On average, a fat person is responsible for producing more CO2 than a skinny person.
1Stand by to insert nonsense or gibberish into brain. The latest in the world of self-help appears to be the idea of "MIND TATTOOS". Yes really.
4Buchanan again, this time attacking President Obama because he didn't declare war on all of Latin America because they dared to criticize America. Actual Quote:Civilizations? Before Pizarro and Cortez, the Inca and Aztec empires these conquistadors overthrew were into human sacrifice."
6Creation Ministries International doesn't do sneaky deceit, like the lib-burr-ruls do; they come right out with theirs. In one breath they bash people for having the notion that ID aims "to introduce Christianity into government-run schools;" in the next they speak of ID as part of the "work of the Kingdom" against "the Darwinian lie."
3Pat Buchanan rambles on for what seems like forever. His main point seems to be that United States is falling away from being a Christian Nation, but he forgets that the US never was a Christian Nation. Bonus Lulz Pat rants against the unelected judges forcing homosexual marraige, but leaves out Vermont. Coincidence, surely.
6Uncle Ed just wants to help those new, soft, firm, supple fragile Wikipedians.
6Anderson Cooper has become about the 1,000,000th person to make an immature teabagging joke. The mature way to deal with this: imply he is a homosexual because he never said he wasn't.
5It's great to be black in America, unless you have an opinion I disagree with. Best Quote: "The days of black pimp politicians and activists holding black Americans in thrall with abject deceit and the rhetoric of victimization have got to end." Actually the whole thing quotes well. The man knows how to turn a phrase.
4WND: "Christian views" include opposing federal taxes and illegal immigration. They are obviously citing Buchanan 3:2, Thou shalt secure the border, and Matthew 22:21, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's. (Whoops; that one says you should pay taxes...)
2Nice to know that no matter how long it takes, Pat Buchanan will continue to defend Nazis
1"10 Reasons the Resurrection Really Happened"
6Brent Bozell spends an entire column sputtering and ranting about Family Guy and it's creator Seth MacFarlane. Obviously the dreaded Red Beard has heard about the millions of dollars Macfarlane makes and felt a beard twitch. Note: Hellbent Bozo got his basic facts wrong. (Big surprise.) The song isn't titled "Everybody Poops" (the title of the Taro Gomi book that Stewie holds up during the video). The song is titled "The Freakin' FCC" and you can watch the video of it here.
5Whilst brains are so highly evolved they appear to be "designed", they are still capable of making an argument from incredulity.
13WND poll: Obama bowed before the Saudi king, because a) of he is eagerness to surrender U.S. sovereignty, b) one day all infidels will bow to Muslims or c) another ridiculous strawman.

March 2009

1This has got to be some sort of bizarre joke: YouTube video of an "Obama Youth Drill". (Warning: Reading the comments may make you wonder which side actually won the Civil War.)
27How to be a complete asshole at your childrens' soccer games.
1WorldNetDaily vs Obama round 153: Ex-Naval officer files criminal complaint against Obama for treason - he is surprised when the secret service comes around to visit him.
1Is God Real? Why the DNA structure points to God...
4Another HUGE breakthrough in WorldNutDaily's never ending quest to have Obama removed from office by any means: "The court clerks sent us a letter on behalf of the Justices saying they have got our paperwork. Onward Christian soldiers..."
3What a strange coincidence, Steve Vaus just happens to release the same song about reclaiming America's freedom every time a Democrat becomes President. It's not that your bitter your party lost is it? Nah can't be.
3Argument by metaphor is bad, except for when it's intelligent design. Yeah, that's it metaphor is OK when it's intelligent design.
1Inmate #06452-017 takes a swipe at Richard Lenski, among other things.
1Another WorldNetDaily top story: Save yourself from bankruptcy by buying our shit.
3Another WorldNetDaily exclusive: rant inanely at the President.
9Dennis Prager muses on how the world would be a better place if the scientists and intellectuals would just sit down and shut up.
3On the 19th of March this is the top item on WorldNetDaily, complete with flash symbol say breaking news and "Exclusive" in large gaudy letters. Why?
1Somehow, the words paranoia and persecution complex don't seem adequate for this one
3You would think that a posting that starts by calling Obama the Great Mixed-Race Father in Washington couldn't go down hill from there - you would be wrong.
4 Rape is such an ugly word. Let's say USE (unplanned sexual event) and be happy about it instead! T-shirts available! (Warning: Poe's Law in action!)
2Apparently any Federal spending on education is unconstitutional, but one reader get to the real issue is it biblical?
5Despite the comments of two Republican Senators WorldNutDaily is conducting a 17-option poll on whether Obama is eligible to be President of the US. Results.
4Fox News covers the most important issues of the day: Obama has gray hair!
2Oh Rush, you gave the finest speech in the history of language, if only that damned liberal media would see past their politics and admit it.

February 2009

15"Pine Cones Are Complicated". School kids prove Evilution wrong. And dismissing Muslim entries due to Biblical inconsistency is never wrong.(Warning: Poe's Law in action!)
1Andy is RIGHT (see #9). Otherwise, we wouldn't have THESE. Go read them. SRSLY.
3The Bananaman ups his ante to USD 20,000, calls Dawkins a chicken, then turns off comments on his Examiner page and runs back to his lair with the bravery of ten men because someone said something nasty about his wife. (Who must be something like 550 kg, what with Ray's food fetish and all... HA! raycomfortfood.blogspot.com! LOLcrab... Or something.)
5"You're a heretic!" "No, you!" Ray Comfort and Bill Donohue revisit the glorious history of their respective sects.
0It's truly a shame that THIS will probably never happen... But think of all of the YouTubey goodness we'd get if it did, Mr. Dawkins! MOAR: Ray Comfort is now the national "Creationism Examiner" at, you guessed it, www.examiner.com! (Be sure not to miss Jinx hi Jinx!, ranting in the comment section.)
2CSE Blogs continues to catalog Dr. Dino's descent into madness with "Knee-Mail" posts featuring astral projection, speaking in tongues (Spanish, specifically), and an ultimate shattering of the space-time continuum that would drive Gene Ray to re-write his master theory. Bonus points for the fact that a Babylonian's wife can speak fluent modern English and cite from works that were written long after her time.
6In what alternate universe is this not terrorism? And more charming humor from Mr. Turner. He's like Rush Limbaugh without the peace and goodwill towards all.
5Ronald Reagan Phyllis Schlafly serves up Operation Coffee Cup her latest dose of paranoia, complaining that Obama "got Congress to ram [a measure] through the House and Senate without reading it." We can only speculate who this mysterious "Congress" person is. Remember, it's only OK to rush bills through Congress unread if the initials are "USAPATRIOT".
4WND springs a shocker by saying, "Believe what the Communist Party USA has to say." What would make them say this? They are trying to get people to swallow an even bigger shocker: Obama is a Soviet mole!
2Even in the midst of tragedy, idiocy and bigotry reign.
2WND: Chavez: Bigger threat to U.S. than Osama? Note that while the headline uses Chavez's last name, it uses bin Laden's first name. A subliminal message, perhaps?
1Fed up with wingnut claims that evil communist, socialist and fascist ethics have their roots in Darwin's theories? WND's Molotov Mitchell explains that actually, it's the ethics of conservatives that are based on evolution.
7Remember: If you pray, God will abort other peoples' babies for you. Especially librul babies.
7On the other side of the wacko spectrum, evidently Obama is the second coming of Christ.

January 2009

4In a sickening and desperate attempt to stay relevant as conservatives are being shown the door, Ann Coulter goes back to what made her famous in the beginning: just being incredibly offensive and racist.
8Mommie Dearest's latest "Report": 16% of young evangelicals voted for Kerry, 32% for Obama. Obviously this is the fault of those dang-blasted liberal public schools.
3Deranged Conservatives can't deal with Obama being President, begin planning their suicide charges. Have fun storming the castle, guys!
10Fox News wets themselves over the Large Hadron Collider. Pseudoscience mixed with anti-intellectualism, anyone?
3The Fundamentalist Christian version of "Extreme Sports": Rapture Practice.
2Obama administration: the stimulus plan should not go only to white people. WND and CP: the administration is racist!!!!!111!
2Ann Coulter, Barack Obama inauguration..... Nuff Said.
9Newsmax: "Okay, okay, even we admit it. Bush was a terrible president. Happy now?"
6Conservatives want to do science by poll again, this time on global warming. Idiots. Everyone knows science is done in the courtroom.
9Conservapedia is grouped with muppet wiki, a strange spanish wiki about Chuck Norris and porn(?), and a wiki for Brazilian call girls.
14Brent Bozell has hit a new low, even for him. He's shilling for Ann Coulter! (Quote:"If [the media] weren't liberals, none of her mockery of liberals would bother them." Does Brent apply the same logic to gays I wonder? If so, did he ever get beyond the seventh grade? "Why are you sticking up for the gays? Are you gay? You must be!")
9A creationist tries to fight PalMD but fails epically.
23Clownhall's Dennis Prager lays out the case for marital rape. Most points can be summarized as "Because he wants to."

December 2008

5While it can't hold a candle to the sheer nuttery of Science Defeated (see below), this article in "American Thinker", bragging about how the blogger was personally collapsing the economy to spite the Democrats seemed like the dumbest and most egotistical thing I'd read today. Then I made the mistake of reading the comments. The Stupid.... it BURNS! BURNS!
370.9999... does not equal 1, because "women are deceivers". This blog is actually a goldmine of stupidity, such as these ones, so don't stop looking at it there. The author seems to think himself an expert on a very wide variety of topics, including but not limited to Dark Matter, Noam Chomsky, Evolution, and 9/11.(Warning: Poe's Law in action!)
0Watch this space: Come January 6th, there will be a website devoted to Conservatives in Hollywood. I'm sure the Liberal Media Conspiracy is shaking in its loafers.
3Do the clean coal people actually think that this ad campaign will work?

November 2008

6Some Texans want to secede from the US. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, guys. (This letter might not be for real, but these bozos seem to be.)
9It's not just US cloggers who like to get a bit extreme and blame everything on atheism. (With thanks to Ariane for bringing this up.)
5Daniel Henninger isn't the only one who seems to be dropping acid at the Wall Street Journal. Check out these whoppers: "The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace" and "Why I'll Miss President Bush". Leonard Pitts Jr. of the Miami Herald comments on both. (The former more than the latter.)
8Daniel Henninger blames the global financial meltdown on the War on Christmas.
2Homosexuality is like a deer tick. Thanks Julie! That explains it. If your sexual orientation offends thee pluck it out!
10Thomas Fleming makes your head explode when he describes Obama as an "enemy of anything good that has ever been done in this country or this civilization". Do I smell a closet racist? (Oh, I'm sorry, they like to call themselves "paleoconservatives" these days.)
4The white supremacist right are fairly into Dungeons and Dragons. Y'see, the problem is, dark elves are black ...[Warning: link to Stormfront: NSFW]
16Do you or any of your relatives support Obama? Yes? NO CANDY FOR YOU!
12He's not a clogger himself, but jhubert has gathered the Best right-wing sulks he could find, for all your Liberal Schadenfreude needs!
12Wow, it's only Obama's second day as President Elect and Ann Coulter is already in danger of complete mental breakdown(link dead) Experts with Rationalwiki predict a padded room in her near future.
4God calls Kent Hovind a nut. Hey, He said it, we didn't.
2Objectivist dingbats plan on "Going Galt" and "retreating from society" to show the Evil Communists who's REALLY the "Productive Class". Don't let the door hit ya where the dog shoulda bit you...
8Obama's grandmother dies: very sad, but isn't the timing suspicious?

October 2008

8Wow, it's only Obama's second day as President Elect and Ann Coulter is already in danger of complete mental breakdown Experts with Rationalwiki predict a padded room in her near future.
9Not only is Barack HUSSEIN Obama a Communist, the Antichrist, a Muslimofascist infiltrator, a foreigner, a mind-controlling supervillain, and the leader of a coven of curse-throwing Kenyan witchdoctors, he's ALSO the illegitimate son of Malcolm X. The man sure gets around.
3ZOMG Obama is Stalin! And he's black! AAAAAAAAAAA!!!1!!1!eleven!
3Ann Coulter, showing the massive intellect that only she can, reminds us that "racial bias crimes are almost always hoaxes." She might have a decent argument if the FBI hadn't just released statistics saying "More than half of the 9,527 victims of hate crimes committed in the United States last year were attacked because of their race, and seven out of 10 of those victims were black Americans"
1Sometimes the classics are the most enjoyable. Both Michelle Malkin and Brent Bozell devote their weekly editorials to reports on the infamous Pro Obama Media. Bozell even has rock hard evidence. His own MRC.... No bias there.
6Words fail on this "Yes on Prop 8" video.
2 Something we hadn't thought of: Is America having a bad hair day?, Julie wonders and then replies to her own question with a cursory attempt to make the obvious connection between hair, national identity, demonic possession and Frasier.
11Barack Hussein "Tarzan" Obama wants to steal Xmas Christmas!: In this People interview, Barack and Michelle Obama said that they don't give their daughters birthday presents. However, they implied that they do give their daughters Christmas presents from Santa Claus. Naturally, some wingnut pastor named James David Manning started shouting from his pulpit that they don't give Christmas presents. Ergo, President Obama will ban Christmas! And just in case his sermon didn't scare enough wingnuts, he made this video where children from his congregation beg people to save Christmas by voting against Obama!
23Just in time for Halloween, Focus on the Family has issued a 16 page PDF horror tale called "Letter from 2012 in Obama's America". Among the "scary" future events: Justices Kennedy and Scalia have joined Justices Stevens and Ginsburg in retirement; all heterosexuals are second-class citizens; the U.S. military has been withdrawn from Iraq; universal healthcare; reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine; and (GASP!!!!!!!) Bush Administration officials are being prosecuted for war crimes! Oh, the humanity!
8Barack Obama: The President who stole Christmas! Watch it through till the end to catch the children video Christmas cards.
6"Crazy Tracy" stars in This is Why America Is Broken (YouTube, originally from "Now on PBS").
6There are no words to describe the sheer stupidity of these top ten lists. Bonus points for the Argumentum ad Nazium though
3Pat Buchanan give an depth analysis of Colin Powell's endorsment of Obama: He's black.. DUH
6Research into possible republican VP candidates was done at... Wikipedia[2] "Brickley, a self-described “obsessive” political junkie who recently graduated from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, told me that he began by “randomly searching Wikipedia and election sites for Republican women.”"
6Barack Obama, super-villain extraordinaire, is winning the election through his mastery of mass hypnosis (PDF warning).
3Think you're safe from evil spirits just because you're a Christian? Think again. Have you checked your lawn ornaments?
3Welcome to movie review with PTC founder L. Brent Bozell III. Sadly, this show is not destined to last. In the words of one Fox exec: "My god, the bastard hates everything."
10Do you believe in Evolution? Here's a handy check list showing how that conflicts with YEC.
3Just in case anyone thought the whole "Obama is not a US citizen" fiasco died down this summer the right-wingers are still thumping it loudly everyday and have introduced new lawsuits.
8Liberals talked of moving to Canada in 2000 and 2004 when Bush won, conservatives talk about buying guns, secession, and reading up on insurgency tactics after Obama wins.
7Fanatical anti-Obama website says hello to Godwin's Law.
2DaveScot of UncommonDescent obviously doesn't know the difference between weather and climate. However he does give us the most ironic quote of the year: "We have a keen nose for bogus science here, folks."
8Obama wins -- Heartland Republic secedes the ravings of a lunatic show why 40 percent of this country will never vote for Obama and why we wouldn't want them.
1In part two of Demonic Awareness Month, Julie wishes for an X-ray machine for demons.
3Oh no! The election is over McCain wins! Hand writing analysis and astrology never lie!.
6There is a power behind Obama! Could it be.....Satan?.
0 In delightfully nutty post worthy of a cheesey horror novel Julie declares October Demonic Awareness Month and bookends her post with fart jokes, one concerning "silent but deadly demons" and the other, you guessed it, Kangaroos.

September 2008

11So after religious leaders everywhere put their tax exempt status in danger by promoting candidates at the pulpit, the creationist response is to call for the silencing of scientist and journals because they get grant money.
4Fascinating display of innumeracy at Newsbusters: an AOL internet poll is being touted as far more scientific than any of those pollsters. Do not miss the comment section either, these people are clueless!
1Meet Randy, or should I say, Peter Pan.

August 2008

7Let's arrest Obama, he disresecting(sic) us all by not properly saluting the flag! (One, the "law" cited is probably unconstitutional. Two, nobody in this picture is exactly "standing at attention.")
9God is totally stoked about bridges.
-2 Faux Christian Julie takes the low road concerning Barak(sic) Obama's lipstick gaffe and reveals that the best reason to vote against Obama is that foreigners like him more than McCain.
7A Discovery Institute fellow asks, "What does being president have to do with evolution?" Maybe the ability to reach conclusions from evidence rather than on poor assumptions and hunches?
3In a wonderful example of a blog costumed as a legit editorial, Gerard Baker spins so fast he nearly blacks out from the G-forces
3Ooh! In an apparent response to the close of the Democratic convention Julie gives us a wonderfully incohorent rant in which we learn, among other things, democrats wants to kill babies with downs syndrome and Michael Moore also, apparently, hates black people or something . . .
2Craig Smith, co-admin of the Blogging Tories, muses that maybe eugenics isn't a bad idea, if you sell it right.
2The photo shopped delusions of a deranged kook planning a hunger strike next month in DC. Spots are still open to join him sign up today!
13This just in:"Condom's" are not effective versus demons. According to sex-obsessed Julie, you still need crucifixes and garlic or whatever to guard your bloomers from demonic attacks.
0Is the Pope a "confirmed bachelor?" Julie wonders . . . Julie hints
8Are illegal immgrants causing global warming? We report. You ridicule decide.
11Oh my... just look what is going on in the CAMosphere! We might have a new toy to play with.
5Denyse O'Leary rains down fireballs on a fool who dared to suggest that Intelligent Design wouldn't replace all known evolutionary theories in the near future. And... draws cartoon glasses his photo? Let's not rule it out...
4Text of a statement read in court has been released whereby an anti-government kook earns himself an extra 10 years for insulting the judge moments before sentencing.
4Don't look in your mirror when driving. You might might be in a UFO car chase! (12 August 2008)
1Want 'mericans to discuss Sharia law? "Q(sic) weird Muslim music please." But debating the the precise composition and truth of various cuts off the body of Christ is obviously something everyone should do. BONUS: But that's not mysticism!
7A look into Kent Hovind's hobbies from behind bars: writing creepy creationist fairy tales.
5Here's what is evidently the big "Obama may be is the anti-christ" blog.
3Julie rambles on about the existence of one "true faith" and not being fooled by the many "untrue faiths". It's no surprise that the unassailable truth, as Julie sees it, turns out to be whatever she says it is.
5What's just as bad as torturing Chinese Christians for owning Bibles? Liberal activist judges, that's what! Once your head hurts from reading that, read a rebuttal (self promotion warning) (6 August 2008)
7Memo to spelling bee champion Jinxmchue: If you can't spell rememberence, remembrance correctly in your own blog then don't criticize others for simple transpositional typos. (See right-hand sidebar: IN REMEMBERENCE).
3Anti-atheist Freudian psychology? Apparently atheism can only be explained by one's relationship with their father.
0An obscure little book The Darwin Conspiracy promotes the tale that Charles Darwin stole his theory of natural selection.
4Letters to the editor are always gold mines for clog hunting as we see here: apparently Stephen Jay Gould was a creationist.

July 2008

2A funeral for the Libertarian party. Offered without further commentary.
3Opening scene of the new Ron Paul delegate DVD spam bonanza is now available! The plan: mass mail every Republican national delegate a DVD telling them to "unbind" from John McCain and vote for Paul!
2The Cola Campaign "where everyone can vote and buy their way to victory." The Ron Paul campaign is taken this very seriously and has put out a call to beat Barack Obama once and for all!
2Hurry before it is sold out! Ron Paul is holding his own national convention in St. Paul, tickets are sold for the adorable price of $17.76.
1ID'ers proclaim (again) that carnivorous plants are irreducibly complex blatantly ignoring scientific evidence.
10Phyllis Schlafly pontificates about Obama's suggestion that Americans should speak more than one language. Obviously he hates America and wants to destroy it. This post includes a surreal moment in which Phyllis asserts that bilingual education is "known as language apartheid". (July 23, 2008)
0Failed presidential candidate Ron Paul still knows how to fleece the True BelieversTM -- even if you can't show up to his events, you should buy commemorative tickets anyway!
0Jason Gerhard, convicted of bringing weapons and explosives to help fugitive tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown kill federal agents, was not helping fugitives from justice but fugitives for justice. Yes threatening to be the next Ruby Ridge and Waco is what justice is all about.
6Drum roll please! The Intelligent Design Undergraduate Research Center has announced the 2008 Annual Casey Luskin Graduate award! The winner is: Anonymous! Congratulations Anonymous on this fine award. The fact that the ID award is going to a history major (and that it is, quite tellingly, named after a lawyer) bodes well for the future of intelligent design scientific research!
1Evangelical Catholic and media hound Bill Donohue responds to the PZ Myers throwing away of the cracker/symbol/Jesus by exemplifying turning the other cheek and asking for him to be heavily sanctioned. This of course is just par for the course for Donohue. UPDATE:Donohue continues his hissy fit after Myer's university refuses to draw the pound of flesh.
4Creationists look for evidence of a Global flood on ... Mars!?! Apparently God was unhappy with the Earthlings and the Martians.
0The bad old south is alive and well in Jesus Landtm where racism is kind of cute and Julie still hasn't figured out what "macaca" means. Hint for Julie This is sort of tricky, but there is this thing called Google. Type the word into the little box, press "search" and read the first couple results. (July 15 2008)
-2According to Julie, Jesus so loved the world that he is going to send all non Christians straight to hell. At least she has stopped talking about devils in her bloomers. (July 1, 2008)
2Poe's Law in action, or deliberate parody? Shelley the Republican. (Parody. See how many scientific errors you can find per paragraph.)
-2You don't need a priest to cast out demons! That's only in the movies. All you need is Julie's simple five step plan (and the mind of a child). BONUS: Home prisons for wayward relatives are understandable -- and a little funny.
0Fret not. Enjoy the pool. God told Julie that the horrors of the world are not his fault. Then he asked her to rub sun screen on his back. (June-12-2008)
1 This just in: Some white people ARE racist. (June-10-08), though Julie doesn't know any personally . . . she's not counting racism directed against indigenous people or Julie's "Muslims Neighbors". That's simple common sense.

Egregious sources

List all your favorite small-time local blogiots main addresses, etc., here.