User:∆JP二千二∆/Agenda gay

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Es la versión gay de los Protocolos de los Sabios de Zion.
Gay free zone
Icon homophobia.svg
Fighting the gay agenda
Judge not
That ye be not judged
Ustedes ponen la Biblia en cada habitación de cada hotel, ponen carteles en las esquinas, tienen iglesias en cada calle, insisten en que "Dios" está en el dinero y van puerta en puerta para esparcir la palabra del Señor. Háblenme otra vez de la agenda gay.
—Atheism: We-Think-More[1]

La agenda gay (no debe ser confunida con los planes diarios de un gay) es un hombre de paja creado por la derecha religiosa en los Estados Unidos. Se supone que tal agenta intenta infiltrarse y corromper todos nuestros preciados fluidos corporales cada tradición de la cultura americana, sobretodo los valores familiares" o la "familia tradicional".

El propósito primero de esta falacia es darle un toque sombrío, vicioso y ficticio a la lucha por los derechos LGBT+ (a veces anti-cristianos, anti-islamico[nota 1] y/o conspiraciones pro-comunistas) para mantenerlos deshumanizados.

El término es usualmente usado como un eufemismo para el reclutamiento homosexual. La agenda hace que sea más fácil odiar y criticar a las personas que buscan derechos civiles básicos.

Aquellos que creen en esta teoría a menudo citan el ensayo satírico de Michael Swift, Gay Revolucionario, como una evidencia. Al hacerlo, a menudo omiten la primera línea, que dice "este ensayo es un outré, loca, trágica, y cruel fantasía, una erupción de rabia interna, de cómo el oprimido desearía ser el opresor."[2]

Brokeback Mountain también es parte central de esta agenda, siendo una obra propagandística clave con la cual Hollywood planea lavarnos el cerebro.[3]

Exponiendo su fabuloso plan[edit]

De acuerdo a The Christian Post, la agenda gay consiste en:[4]

  1. Descriminalizar la sodomía.
  2. Igualar la edad de consentimiento sexual tanto para los heteros como para los homos.
  3. Aprobar leyes antidiscriminación.
  4. Matrimonio igualitario
  5. Adopción por parte de LGTB+.

Para otros esto puede ser conocido como "¡ser tratado como cualquier otro ser humano!" – ¡¡¡qué horror!!!

El uso de este término puede indicar paranoia, complejo de persecución y una "pequeña" obsesión con todo lo que es gay.

Una versión vieja de esta teoría conspiranoica era llamada "Homintern", la cual postulaba que los gays controlaban las artes y los medios de comunicación, y los usaban para sus propósitos propagandísticos.[5] Más recientemente, el término "bolchevismo sexual" ha sido acuñado por Metapedia.

Es un hecho poco conocido que muchos homosexuales tienen una agenda orientada principalmente a que sean tratados con la misma dignidad y respeto que todos los demás. Qué codiciosos idiotas.

¡Robando nuestro arcoiris![edit]

Arcoiris: Signo de la alianza con Noe. [sic] Sus 7 colores (de arriba a abajo: rojo, anaranjado, amarillo, verde, azul, índigo, y violeta) simbolizan los 7 Sacramentos (7 es el símbolo de convención y finalización). En la visión del paraíso de St. John, aparece un arcoiris arriba del ángel que le otorga un libro para comer (cap. 10), y le rodea el trono de Dios.

Everyone's favorite nutjob, Scott Lively, created a video trying to reclaim the rainbow as a Christian symbol, in a delightful little ditty, The Rainbow Belongs to God, which goes: "Who is the one that dares to defy God's covenant truth with lies?"[note 1] Answer: The Gays™ and the gay agenda.

En las escuelas[edit]

Some modern and fundamentalist conservative movements, particularly in America, believe that public schools are "indoctrinating" students to promote, convert to, or generally accept homosexuality as "normal".[7] This view has become more prominent in the latter half of the twentieth century following the sexual revolution of the 1960s, after which homosexuals became more accepted by mainstream society. However, the evidence to support the claim that homosexuals are trying to convert students (let alone the existence of ideological justification for doing so) is scarce non-existent. This idea, referred to as an arm of the homosexual "agenda", is a result of the acceptance of homosexuality by mainstream society and teaching about homosexuality in schools. However, the teaching about homosexuality has been interpreted by anti-homosexual and religious movements as an attempt to convert, rather than educate, students.

While there has been a noticeable lack of teaching gayness in schools, there has been a statistical spike in scared, closeted LGBTQ kids recently killing themselves rather than go to class the next day, to the point where Barack Obama, when President of the United States, made a YouTube video about it.[8] Evangelicals responded by saying their kids were bullied first by the kid "being gay" at school.

Reclutamiento homosexual[edit]

"Cheers for queers and muscle men's rears!"
They want you! They want you! They want you as a new recruit!
Village PeopleWikipedia, In The NavyWikipedia[note 2]

Homosexual recruitment is the working title of a conspiratorial moral panic spun into existence by some rather creepy people of the wingnut tendency.[note 3] Among proponents of the theory, homosexual recruitment is typically considered part (and likewise indicative) of the larger homosexual agenda. Important evidence cited in favor of the conspiracy is the perplexing fact that 'gays' have been observed giving each other toaster ovens.[9]

As a mother, I know that homosexuals cannot biologically reproduce children; therefore, they must recruit our children.
Anita Bryant,[10] completely ignoring how gay people come about

It posits that there is a concerted effort by the gay population to place large numbers of gay teachers in schools. Then, drawing from their idea that homosexual tendencies are acquired in youth, it goes on to claim that said gay teachers are there to seduce children and turn them gay.

It also draws on pseudo-psychological quackery regarding pedophilia. This form of bullshit posits the notion that gay men are all pedophiles and molest little boys, "pedophile" being used very broadly to refer to "anyone sexually attracted to an individual between 0 and 17 years of age, inclusive." They allegedly engage in this molestation because they know that such abuse will turn the children gay later in life; thus, the gay man "recruits" because he cannot reproduce.[note 4] For this reason, fundamentalist wingnuts often support quack psychotherapies like repressed or recovered memory "therapy" (to find "proof" of child sexual abuse in gay people) and reparative therapy (to "cure the gay").

Various wingnuts have found homosexual recruitment lurking in a number of other areas as well. Pat Robertson, for example, "discovered" that feminism is actually a front for turning women into lesbians (and socialism, Paganism, and sundry other bogeymen).

This panic led to the Briggs InitiativeWikipedia in 1978, a proposition to ban not only gays, but also anyone who supported gay rights, from working in California public schools. However, even Ronald Reagan went against this measure,[11] and it was defeated at the polls. Britain's infamous Section 28Wikipedia law was also passed into law, partly out of fear of gay "recruitment".[12]

En 2013, el gobierno ruso unanimously passed a law banning promotion of "homosexual behaviour among minors",[13] which was met with protests in Russia and abroad. Proponents of this law try to claim that it is a complete coincidence that its passage was accompanied by a large spike in violence against Russia's LGBT population.

Una agenda gay típica...[edit]

La supuesta...[edit]

  • 8:00am - Despertar.
  • 8:30am - Go to gym lusting after locker-room genitals.Ir al gimnasio deseando los genitales del vestuario.
  • 12:30pm - Light a scented candle and moan over its lusciousness.
  • 1:30pm - Motivar a los jovenes a que sean bailarinas trans.
  • 5:00pm - Take cocktail of AIDS pills.
  • 5:10pm - Take cocktail of ecstasy, xanax, oxycontin and paint thinner.
  • 6:15pm - Glory hole.
  • 7:00pm - Send mixed signals with strange beard and ironic masculine clothes.
  • 7:30pm - Trabajar en en un laburo tipico de moda, ganando un monton de dinero.
  • 8:00pm - Apoyar financieramente a las noticias falsas.
  • 9:30pm - Fill hole in soul with gross unprotected gay-man-sex.
  • 11:10pm - Convencer a una amiga que debe ir a la clínica para realizarse un aborto.
  • 11:20pm - Enviarle un mensaje al novio secreto de la ISIS en Siria.

La verdadera[edit]

  • 8:00am - Despertar.
  • 8:30am - Ir al trabajo.
  • 9:00am - Trabajar.
  • 12:30pm - Comer con algunos compañeros de trabajo.
  • 1:30pm - Trabajar un poco más.
  • 5:00pm - Comprar pan y papel higiénico en la tienda de conveniencia.
  • 6:30pm - Llamar a los padres por un tiempo.
  • 7:00pm - Hacer la cena con la pareja.
  • 8:00pm - Cenar.
  • 9:30pm - Mirar algún episodio de Grey's anatomy.
  • 10:15pm - Ir a la cama.

Enlaces externos[edit]


  1. That's not even the craziest part, see the full video here, please!
  2. This almost counts as proof. But not really.
  3. They are not gay themselves, for the record.
  4. Statistically the overwhelming majority of child sexual abuse cases involve heterosexual abuse by adult men of little girls. An exception is the priest molestation scandal where the vast majority of cases are priest on boy. What makes the RC priests so gay?
  1. A veces pro-islamico, cuando la fantasía se encuentra en la mente de un fundamentalista cristiano, que solo quiere mostrar cuán delirantes son sus ideas
