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The Minnesota accent is very helpful when one goes abroad, I hear, since it makes people think the Minnesotan is Canadian.

Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX00:52, 15 December 2011

That would be awesome if I had one. But I assure everyone that I do not sound anthing like Michele Bachmann *shudders* or any of the Fargo characters.

Kristin Rudrüd was the only player in Fargo with anything like a real Minnesota accent, which is unsurprising since she was the only Minnesotan in the cast.

As for me, my people are from Hanover by way of Northeast, so I pronounce "yeah" with a long "a" but do not use phrases such as "uff-da."

Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX01:01, 15 December 2011

It's amazing how you do that, ListenerX. Someone says something—anything—and bam, well-informed reply that at least partially refutes what the person said! I like to imagine you've read every reference book on the face of the earth, just so you can be able to do that.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.01:06, 15 December 2011

He is quite the contrarian.

PintOfStout Talk Good people drink good beer.01:08, 15 December 2011

Firstly (and least importantly), how the hell did this go from a post about farts and the term "asshat" to another Wiki discussion about accents?

Secondly, my lineage is a mix of being half-Swedish (my mom is a full-blooded Swede) to, as I like to describe my father, "a tour of Europe." I've got lots of German, French and Romanian Swiss in me, but the rest is so many tidbits of other crap that I couldn't name it if I tried. I don't say shit like "uff-da" or "you betcha" either, though I do (allegedly) say "ya know" or "don't ya know" on occassion.

"Romanian Swiss" ???

PintOfStout Talk Good people drink good beer.01:12, 15 December 2011

Eh, it can't taste much worse than normal Swiss.

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.01:14, 15 December 2011

"Romanian Swiss," aka: "Gypsies"


When you have my voice, you get used to everything being about the accent. On the plus side it's an idiot-proof ice-breaker.

Scarlet A.pngsshole01:27, 15 December 2011

The other day my friend accused me of talking about class too much (working, middle, upper, etc.) which I think I only do because I enjoy trying to place peoples accents so much.

Having an English-Irish heritage results in me occasionally getting jokingly called a "pikey" (racist term for an Irish traveller/gypsy) even though my Irish ancestors were not gypsies. My accent remains a loveable south-east, London English one.

SJ Debaser11:35, 15 December 2011

I still don't get how this conversation turned from farting and asshattery into a discussion about accents....

ADK saying "Fat-handed twat" doesn't pack so much of a punch with a yank accent.

SJ Debaser11:38, 15 December 2011

That bastard! How dare he change the subject and not notify me in advance!


I know people who do say "uff-da," and not because they are trying to sound hokey, either.

Mjollnir.svgListenerXTalkerX07:34, 27 December 2011

Yeah, you get those people here. Especially in the northern parts of the state like Grand Marais and Brainard.

What the hell is "uff-da" anyway?

It's the Minnesota Nice way of saying "Goddamnit!!!" Or so I've come to believe.