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When you have my voice, you get used to everything being about the accent. On the plus side it's an idiot-proof ice-breaker.

Scarlet A.pngsshole01:27, 15 December 2011

The other day my friend accused me of talking about class too much (working, middle, upper, etc.) which I think I only do because I enjoy trying to place peoples accents so much.

Having an English-Irish heritage results in me occasionally getting jokingly called a "pikey" (racist term for an Irish traveller/gypsy) even though my Irish ancestors were not gypsies. My accent remains a loveable south-east, London English one.

SJ Debaser11:35, 15 December 2011

I still don't get how this conversation turned from farting and asshattery into a discussion about accents....

ADK saying "Fat-handed twat" doesn't pack so much of a punch with a yank accent.

SJ Debaser11:38, 15 December 2011

That bastard! How dare he change the subject and not notify me in advance!