I seem to remember you talking about Sherlock

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Armondikov
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It's what the mental reaction of every Sherlockian would be translated to a text-based medium. You've got to watch it. It's almost my favorite show ever (Doctor Who beats it by a slim margin).

Blue (is useful)08:44, 16 January 2012

Doctor Who I've watched bits and pieces of it, but I do enjoy it! But yes, the majority of people I know has watched Sherlock Holmes, and I get text-'squeeeeeee's of joy every so often about the show as well as "WATCH IT SO WE CAN SQUEE TOGETHER! OR ELSE I KEEL YOU"...

Dumpling (talk)08:48, 16 January 2012

Deranged fans? We've got 'em. Really, being a fan of any Steven Moffat-led show is an exercise in constant give-and-take, as Moffat is one of the best showrunners and writers around but a MASSIVE TROLL OF HIS FANS FOREVER.

Blue (is useful)09:02, 16 January 2012

DERANGED INDEED. Hahahaha. But to each their own, I suppose. Although, I always feel a bit uncomfortable when some of my friends tell me to draw fanart of their 'OTP'. Thaaaat's when I back off. Especially on the smut.

Dumpling (talk)09:06, 16 January 2012

Omg yes. I hope you have some Homestuck friends. I wish I could draw, I would be a prolific fanartist. By the way, do you have any OTPs? That you draw? By any chance? Hmm?

Blue (is useful)09:09, 16 January 2012

Homestuck? Only two. Hahaha. And not really, I've never been much of a 'matchmaker', per se? Nor do I really draw them that often, unless forced by said friends, even then it's just small sketches. :P

Dumpling (talk)09:16, 16 January 2012

I don't think you can compare it to Doctor Who. But then again, I've never been enamoured with it, all cheap special effects mediocre acting (compared to Sherlock) and the Doctor pulling plot coupons out of his arse whenever they're written into a corner. Maybe I've just missed the decent episodes.

Scarlet A.pnggnostic10:55, 16 January 2012

They kind of missed a trick with not having the phrase "no shit, Sherlock" appear somewhere.

Scarlet A.pngbomination12:22, 16 January 2012

Doctor Who gave us Amy Pond. Everything else is forgiven.

I must admit, I do like the humour in Sherlock - Watson's "I had bad days!" line in ep 2 made me laugh. Good to see it doesn't take itself seriously. Then again, with one of the League of Gentlemen doing the writing, what would you expect?

Also, excellent to see Idris Elba getting the Globe for Luther. Now there's a damn fine copper show.,

PsyGremlinFale!12:31, 16 January 2012

I caught a bit of Luther, pleasantly surprised.

But as for anything not taking itself seriously, my opinion is always the same; if done right, it means that when they do take it seriously it means so much more.

Scarlet A.pngpathetic13:34, 16 January 2012