I seem to remember you talking about Sherlock

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Armondikov
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They kind of missed a trick with not having the phrase "no shit, Sherlock" appear somewhere.

Scarlet A.pngbomination12:22, 16 January 2012

Doctor Who gave us Amy Pond. Everything else is forgiven.

I must admit, I do like the humour in Sherlock - Watson's "I had bad days!" line in ep 2 made me laugh. Good to see it doesn't take itself seriously. Then again, with one of the League of Gentlemen doing the writing, what would you expect?

Also, excellent to see Idris Elba getting the Globe for Luther. Now there's a damn fine copper show.,

PsyGremlin話しなさい12:31, 16 January 2012

I caught a bit of Luther, pleasantly surprised.

But as for anything not taking itself seriously, my opinion is always the same; if done right, it means that when they do take it seriously it means so much more.

Scarlet A.pngpathetic13:34, 16 January 2012