RationalWiki:What is going on in the blogosphere?/November 2017

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November 2017[edit]

16People spreading conspiracy theories increases the prevelance of conspiracy theories? STOP THE PRESSES
24The alt-right's weird year under Trump: rapid rise, sudden drop.
61Christianity has died in the hands of Evangelicals. Evangelicalism ceased being a religious faith tradition following Jesus’ teachings concerning justice for the betterment of humanity when it made a Faustian bargain for the sake of political influence.
30How White Nationalism Courts Internet Nerd Culture
33The Nationalist's DelusionThe Atlantic offers a detailed analysis on the rise of Trump and the self-deluded "economic anxiety" rationalization, an argument that falls apart when examining demographics, cloaks the white supremacist ideal.
6After Al Franken and Roy Moore, We Are Dangerously Close to Botching the #MeToo Moment
45A Christian pastor explains how young Earth creationists like Ken Ham are turning young people against Christianity. (Short version: a myth that flies in the face of all evidence is a terrible foundation upon which to build a lasting faith.)
28r/Incels has been banned from Reddit.
7When does a watershed turn into a sex panic?
15The Merah Family’s Islamist Insanity: Inside a French courtroom where Muslim victims are shamefully abandoned by the French state, the French left, and their own community
15Islamophobia and sexism create a moral panic that victimizes Muslim woman in Canada
25Joy Reid: Wednesday reminded us that the alt-right is not, in fact, winning, and allowed us a glimpse of what a post-Trumpian America may look like.
27Exhibit A: Roy Moore is a sick bastard and the GOP ought to be ashamed of itself for continuing to support him anyway. Exhibit B: Roy Moore is a sick bastard and the GOP ought to be ashamed of itself for continuing to support him anyway.
16Ken Ham is invited to speak at a home school convention in Alberta, Canada. Quite a few people are not exactly happy about this.
-4United States Politics: Could it be that both political parties are doomed?