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"Marriage Sucks!" is an entire forum and not just a thread topic? Those are some serious fucking issues there.

Scarlet A.pngbomination21:07, 7 August 2012

Yes, you know, Marriage that horror show for men, where **still** by and large, guys and gals both work, then they both come home, then the men watch tv, or read or play on the internet, and the women largely do the dishes, feed the family, do the laundry, do housework, keep the kids in line, make sure the kids do their homework and chores - and then on the weekends, when the men are playing golf and watching football, the women are shuttling the kids around to their activities and doing the shopping.

and while this is not every home, and while i'm hopeful younger generations share the duties more, it is still the most common pattern for households.

so yeah, marriage must really suck.

Green mowse.pngGodotL'important c'est d'aimer15:56, 8 August 2012

See, that's not the norm in pretty much every married couple I know. We need to start updating our stereotypes.

Scarlet A.pngmoral18:59, 8 August 2012

Do your friends all have kids yet? I still see this pattern in virtually every married w/ kids couple I know. It's denver, but i'm not sure that really matters.

I see men say they "help" with the house work, not "we share the house work". but as i said, i think younger couples may be different.

Green mowse.pngGodotL'important c'est d'aimer02:45, 9 August 2012
Nebuchadnezzar (talk)02:51, 9 August 2012

I can concur on the woman-still-does-the-housework thing. My mom basically handled all the housework, childrearing, and cooking.

At least until her sons hit their teens. I don't think she's done chores for the better part of 15 years now. Child labor is an ugly thing Q__Q

Star of David.png Radioactive afikomen Please ignore all my awful pre-2014 comments.03:32, 9 August 2012

Nah, we're all young, hip and liberal. There is one one-sided relationship I know, but they're not-quite-married-yet.

Scarlet A.pnggnostic09:33, 9 August 2012

Sadly, i think things really do change once kids (and the romance of 'oh, they new baby' wears off) sets in. But what's interesting (and maybe more than likely true) about the article nebby linked to, is that women in a sense, are victims of their own views. Not only "mom did it, so it's what I have to do", but this idea that they will do it better/faster/"right" than men, cause we are taught to believe that. Self fulling kind of thing. "men suck at laundry. Hubby did laundry once, messed it up, instead of teaching him, I just took it over".

In my own house, i see myself in that exact place. how many times I've said "you didn't do X when you washed the dishes (did the laundry, vaccumed) and now it's like totally fucked up and i will never ever get it back, so i'll just do it". if i would jsut accept that he does it differently (yes, less "perfect" but he's not obsessed with cleaning the way women are rasied to be) i'd get the help i want.

Interesting part i never considered: my roll in the problem.

Green mowse.pngGodotL'important c'est d'aimer20:10, 9 August 2012

Actually, it's part of the conspiracy. Men intentionally fuck up at housework so women will think they're too incompetent to do it.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)20:15, 9 August 2012

I would agree that marriage does suck, but for different reasons than the out-of-date dichotomies presented in the forum.

Seth Peck (talk)19:52, 9 August 2012