RationalWiki:What is going on in the blogosphere?/February 2010

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February 2010[edit]


Interesting about inerrancy (of the Biblical kind)


Small dogs are a product of a change in the IGF1 gene that took place in the Middle East 6000 years before the Garden of Eden 12,000 years ago. Evidence shows that Great Dane sized dogs existed in Europe 13,000 to 31,000 years ago. This PDF is a preliminary version of the report which is still being finalized.


Time magazine: Many people with college degrees are not in jobs that require them. Therefore, obviously we don't need so many people going to college. The Time writer should try to learn what "liberal education" means.


Death of the Dawkins forum. The world’s busiest atheist forum closes. UPDATE : Resurrection is expected in 30 days.


Facts from authoritative sources no longer carry weight with today's crop of opinionated screamers. Case in point: "I don't care what them PC historians at Arlington National Cemetery sez. Blacks didn't fight for the US military before 1947." (Looks like he doesn't trust them eleetist, PC dikshunaries and grammar books, either.) As if this one example isn't sad enough, read the comments that follow.




David Axe's blog is a must-read for all who care about war and security. A recent post shows how gun prices in Mogadishu are predicting a giant increase in violence there


If you support torture, then support torture. Stop playing word games to pretend there's any debate on this. (self promotion warning)


How crazy is it getting when principals are spying on their students through school-provided webcams? (self promotion warning)


When Russia engages in defending its favorite quasi-state, it's illegal interference in another state's internal affairs. When the US does it, it's supporting a crucial ally. Hypocrisy much? (self promotion warning)


Nothing says the Olympic spirit like anti-Canadian and anti-gun control strawmen: Canadians were shocked today to find out that athletes in the biathlon event of the Winter Olympics procure, possess and discharge firearms as part of their sport.


Misspelled political signs: Death to all juice!


Distilling diet advice into simple "yes/no" or "eat this/don't eat this" answers? Can't be done.


Sarah Palin wants Rahm Emanuel fired for using the word "retard," but is OK with Rush Limbaugh calling liberals "retards" because that's "satire." So, Stephen Colbert one-ups Limbaugh's "satire" by calling Palin "a fucking retard."


Exposing the utter nonsense that is presented to support Don't Ask Don't Tell.


A totalitarian regime can't survive if it can no longer effectively force people to accept its will. Is North Korea soon to collapse, then? (self promotion warning)


So, how exactly can a gay man vote Tory when Labour have the better policies on equal rights for gays? By realising it's not about who you sleep with that should determine who you vote for.


Liberals, libertarians, and religionists agree Jesus rifles are nonsensical, unconstitutional, and violate foreign policy and common sense.


There can't be more like CP out there? Oh yes there can: PZ's found one.


Breaking news! The Bible has >ugh!< sex in it! And God engaged in nude wrestling and swore an oath on Jacob's nuts!


The Daily Kos, an obviously biased blog, asks self-identified Republicans some straightforward questions. The results show that only 42% believe Obama is a US-born citizen, 23% believes their state should secede from the US and 31% would like contraception outlawed.


An abstinence-only program that actually works - by dropping the only bit.


Ahoy, me hearties! Arr! It might just be that our ancestors were sailin' the old briny 5 million years ago. Arr!


Sally Jenkins disagrees with Tebow, but according to her expressing political views is better than women in bikinis selling beer. A better topic would be "why is a sports columnist wasting out time with her political views?"


Two flags fly over the entrance to the headquarters of Goldman Sachs. Here is a photo from July 2009. And here is a more recent photo. This may be a naive question, but are we being sent a message here?