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Second Law of Thermodynamics 1

Piltdown Man 2

Show us the Transitional forms! 3

Darwinism is a religion! 4

Marxism was based on Darwinism! 5

Darwin was an Atheist, therefore he was WRONG! 6

Microevolution, yes. Macroevolution, NO! 7

Mutations can only lose information! (whatever that is) 8

Haeckel's diagrams of embryos were wrong, so EVOLUTION IS ALL A FRAUD. 9

What about polystrate fossils? 10

Obviously, the speed of light has decreased over time, because shut up. 11

Things are bad right now, and it's all Darwin's fault! 12

Lots of myths mention a Great Flood, therefore OUR version of that myth must be true. FREE SPACE

"EVILution" 14

The world is so perfect for humans, it MUST be God's work! 15

The BIBLE says... 16

Intelligent Design is SCIENCE, too! 17

I don't understand your argument, so it must be false. 20

Most Americans are Christians/creationists, therefore the Bible is right. 21

HITLER believed in Evolution! 22

Fossils were laid down in the great flood. 23

Without God and the Bible to tell you what is right and wrong there can be no morality. 24

The Bible confirms God exists. God's word confirms the Bible is right. 25

Universities are biased against creationists, therefore creationists are right. 26

Evolution makes ugly things. Creation makes butterflies~ 27