Speaking of Cordelia Fine and irrationality

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The human mind blows me away. I want to talk with a native deaf person, and ask them if, when they think to themselves, the "see" a 3rd person signing, or "see" their own hands as if from their own perspective, or "feel" their hands forming words.

i'm guessing it's one of the latter two, or both, since (at least i) most people hear their thoughts in their own voices, not in some 3rd person's voice.

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.01:40, 9 November 2011

My inner monologue isn't in my own voice, or at least it doesn't have the strong accent, which confuses me when I do talk and realise I still have it. Can't really say who's voice it is, though occasionally it sounds a little like Ben Goldacre for some reason. As I tend to read fiction "in character" (hence I read far slower than my other half) it does vary. For instance, while I'm going through G.E.B, Achilles is Patrick Stewart and the tortoise is Ian McKellen, and I can't help but read anything by Stephen Fry in his voice. This sort of thing has pretty much rendered by inner voice very interchangeable, and absolutely nothing like I sound (I've thought most of the second half of this post in Stephen Fry's).

It would be interesting to find out what a deaf person's view on it would be. I mean, would you even have a clue what words even sound like?

Scarlet A.pngsshole01:49, 9 November 2011

Hey, if i really think about it, that's how voices are when i read fiction. Not non-fiction, which is in my own boring voice, but yeah..i hear women as women characters, and males doing the male voices, and a male or me narrating. never noticed that till yo point it out.

and for the deaf, that's my point. of course they would not hear anything. they would see the conversation. But i was curious if it would be from their point of view as teh signer, or would see some generic person in front of them signing, or not see it at all, but "feel" their hands moving. (when i am practing sign on the bus, i imagine or "feel" my hands moving.)

i really want to know why your inner dialogue is less accented.

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.01:56, 9 November 2011