Pinker and Lakoff

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Why would I need to put on a dress, heels and make-up to experience "womany" when that would just be enforcing the gender stereotypes and roles that have contributed to the problem? Character0005.gif

Scarlet A.pngpathetic19:05, 7 July 2012

Part of the experience. physically understanding what subjugation means. It was a challenge debeauvoir had to (her husband, perhaps).

I don't think you are using "sterotype" there, correctly. It is a sterotype that women *like* heals, that they *want to look made up*, that they enjoy dresses. It is however, a reality that they must wear them, if they intend to be taken seriously. It is the "reality" side that matters in this argument, cause that sense of having to be what is expected of you is the core of the entire way of seeing yourself as teh Other, in deBeauvoir's voice.

Green mowse.pngGodotStop the damn screeds!20:35, 7 July 2012