I can only hope you saw fit to say a few "fuck yous" in your own thesis

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I was flicking through one of the several softbound thesis copies I have floating around the office, and discovered that the last chapter was on curry recipes... not quite as good as slipping in a good "fuck you", but I know the feeling.

Scarlet A.pngd hominem01:53, 14 March 2012

No, see I needed a job, and didn't want to leave the state yet, so that meant lots of small term/short term local teaching gigs. which meant lots of people would say "Oh, you know Sam, i'll give him a ring". Saying "Sam Gill is an arrogant ass", while true, wouldn't have landed me in very nice water. So i said all teh right "assisted me in framing my initial ideas into an actual thesis", "aided me with access to DC archive, which were invaluable to..."

Pink mowse.pngGodotoi, putain, genial, merci02:01, 14 March 2012