please cease your campaign of harrasment

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Nx
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So one has to be a mod to point out failings in the mod system?

Aceace23:00, 13 December 2011

No, but opinions of mods have more weight (I don't know if this is because they can ban your ass or because they get respect through being mods). And as much as "setting an example" that it doesn't work might work for you, to the overall community it doesn't. To the community it just looks like hypocricy acting against what you believe and becoming a whiny bitch if somebody else does it to you. And as this is RationalWiki that deals with hypocritical, delusional crazy people all day there's alarm going off for people and the same way people don't really care what happens to Maratrean they start not caring for you either.

You might think that is tedious but many people don't read everything another user writes, and if one only has a partial impression (completely besides that you, erm, "changed" your opinion and argumentation several times) and isn't able to read your mind, that's the outcome.

ʤɱ anti-communist23:15, 13 December 2011

Under no circumstance do opinions of mods have more weight. This is the very problem with some of you an the "mod" system. If you would understand mods are just like everyone else, though they are there to enforce the will of the majority if that is necessary, it might actually become something I'd endorse. but right now, this very attitude is the problem.

Pink mowse.pngGodotI live in the Infinite monkey cage23:17, 13 December 2011

Godot is exactly right. Mods are servants of the community.

But as Nx aptly points out, the community is rather rotten, and as such, the mod system in its current conception fails miserably. And since we can't change the community, we can't change the system.

Blue (pester)23:23, 13 December 2011

Of course they are humans that make mistakes (that's why I'm not calling for the removal of Nx and I believe I didn't with Ace either the first weeks) but if you are a mod you need to behave in such a way that it doesn't cause even more trouble. That they don't enforce the opinion of the majority is a personal problem of every mod and the problem that the userbase elects people it already knows will be partial in many situations.

I think a month or so before Blue did it I posted a proposal for voting standards and almost nobody gave a fuck about it (I think many didn't see it either), Blue starts it and thanks to being a mod trying to calm down conflicts over what votes count or don't, should be stricken or not, she puts up a vote on a voting system that is now our standard. She could do this because she was a mod or maybe because nobody gives a flying fuck about what I think, but I haven't seen many normal users care about such things either.

ʤɱ anti-communist23:29, 13 December 2011

Why should a mod have any different standards of behavior. They are not super users. They are not morally, ethically or in any other way more important than any other user.

They should not of course, use their Mod Powers out of line or for their own goods (which happens all to often around here), but they are not obligated, requested or at any time held to different standards.

Mods are not more important than any other editor, UMH, except that they have one extra job that should not be used very often.

Pink mowse.pngGodotI live in the Infinite monkey cage04:35, 14 December 2011

I'm definitely a super user.

Blue (pester)04:56, 14 December 2011

Yes you are. but that has nothing to do with your mod status, but your Super Userness. :-)

Pink mowse.pngGodotI live in the Infinite monkey cage05:39, 14 December 2011


ʤɱ anti-communist11:10, 14 December 2011

Just FYI, people (including me) were talking about voting standards before we even had mods. And your recollection of how things shook out is a little myopic, but good for you. You're getting the mileage you want out of this story so run with it.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg06:03, 14 December 2011