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So you're calling me a liar?

I'll find it. Searching for rape related websites should find it quickly.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:14, 19 February 2013

And if you fail to find it? What penalty should you suffer?

Hipocrite (talk)20:15, 19 February 2013

I'm not going to fail to find it. I'll move the controversial section to my sandbox until then.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:17, 19 February 2013

How long do you have before I can declare that you have failed to find it. You said "quickly." I'll give you a week. After that, what penalty should you suffer?

Hipocrite (talk)20:18, 19 February 2013

You stated "According to Feminists, women are more likely to be raped in the United States than during the liberation of eastern Germany by the Red Army". Unless you have an example of feminists saying this, I am calling you a liar.

Edited by author.
Last edit: 20:24, 19 February 2013

Here's one that says 1 in 4, which is more than 1 in 5

I'll find an example of 1 in 3.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:21, 19 February 2013

Which is larger? 1/4 or 1/3?

Hipocrite (talk)20:23, 19 February 2013

That should have said 1 in 5. I misstyped the statistic.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:24, 19 February 2013


Hipocrite (talk)20:25, 19 February 2013
ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:22, 19 February 2013

Not quite. You said "Feminists claim that 1 in 3 women in college have been raped." Your source says "Nation wide 1 out of every 3 women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime." Surely, you can see the difference. What punishment, exactly?

Hipocrite (talk)20:24, 19 February 2013

That was the original claim. Find it yourself. You lose, don't cry, and don't grasp at straws.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:26, 19 February 2013

You said "Feminists claim that 1 in 3 women in college have been raped." I asked for a source. You said it would be easy. You have failed to find the source. You make up statistics. All future statistics you intend to put in articles must be impeccably sourced, or I'll revert them. All of them. Any number you write, anywhere - cited.

Hipocrite (talk)20:27, 19 February 2013

No, I don't. And yes, I will provide sources because that is important. What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to make a threat?

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:29, 19 February 2013

No, I'm merely telling you how your ability to edit has changed as a result of your blatant innumeracy and dishonesty.

Hipocrite (talk)20:31, 19 February 2013

Don't be such a fucking bully Hipocrite. He made a slight mistake with a fucking stat and now you are all over him like some internet hardman. I'll bet it makes you feel good to bully others on the internet?

DamoHi20:32, 19 February 2013

I agree, thanks.

Plus there was the discussion post where I accidentally typed 1 in 3 instead of 1 in 5 and you started doing a victory dance.

It's a wiki convention to attribute things to accident or ignorance before malice.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:34, 19 February 2013

Yes, I now just assume that you believe everything you write to be true, but that said belief has no basis in fact, and that you are innumerate. No worries.

Hipocrite (talk)20:41, 19 February 2013

No, I accidentally wrote the wrong number, and intended to write the right one. Of course, you do appear to be a troll who likes to bully people to feel powerful. Bullying people from the comfort of your room paid for by your parents doesn't make you a better person. I can help you find ways of making friends if you want.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:49, 19 February 2013

The parent's basement joke is funny. Want to see pictures of my toddler?

Hipocrite (talk)20:53, 19 February 2013

If you have kids, you should set a good example and not bully people.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:55, 19 February 2013

I'd prefer my daughter stand up to people like you and be called a bully than back down and let you indoctrinate people via made up facts and distorted statistics into your perverted little patch of hate.

Hipocrite (talk)20:58, 19 February 2013

Except that's not what I was doing. I simply typed the wrong number by accident, and now you're started a hate-campaign.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:16, 19 February 2013

You've provided statistics that claim 1 out of 3 women experience sexual assault in their lifetime, not that feminists claim 1 in three women are raped in college. Big difference in the two claims.

SharonW (talk)21:25, 19 February 2013

That's not the one I'm talking about.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:32, 19 February 2013

Rape statistics are really hard to deal with, because of under-reporting, but the latest figures from the UN range from zero to almost 93/100 000 per year. I don't know what that works out to for the odds for a particular woman in her life, but what country you live in seems to be a pretty big factor. Sexual assault probably trends way higher than rape, but that may change depending on the criminal code of each particular country and how they define the terms, I dunno. Man, you people get pissy with each other.

My guess is that it's what the more extreme Feminists (the ones who give Feminism a bad name and make it harder for anyone who wants to advance women's rights) define rape in such a way that 1 in 3 women will experience sth that they define as rape.

If you way that having sex with someone who is drunk is rape because she is not responsible for her actions, than that would also mean that men who rape women while drunk are not responsible for their actions. Most of these people have probably never been drunk. I've had people I would never have sex with sober try to do me while I was drunk, and I... did not have sex with them. You don't lose control over your actions not to have sex just because you're drunk.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:45, 19 February 2013

Wow. You're a really hateful piece of work, aren't you? Next time I'm passed-out-drunk I'll try to remember to do better at taking responsibility for what happens to me.

If you pass out and someone has sex with you, that is rape.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:50, 19 February 2013

Well, I'm glad your feminism is radical enough to embrace the idea that you can't fuck unconscious people. Maybe soon we'll get you to understand that alcohol impairs judgement, and therefore drunk people cannot give consent. Hope springs eternal.

Yeah, no shit. I'm sure even the Republicans understand that. Alcohol impairs judgment, yet it's more like hypnotism; you're more likely to do things you wouldn't normally do, but you don't do anything you're extremely opposed to.

By your argument, men who rape women while drunk are not responsible for their actions and consequently should not be punished.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:00, 19 February 2013

No, because consent to having something done to you isn't the same thing as responsibility for what you do.

And what if two drunk people having sex? Are they both raping each other? And what about the thousands of people who willingly have sex while drunk? To call that rape would be degrading to the tragedy and seriousness of rape.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:07, 19 February 2013

So, you are of the "a Russian soldier jumped out of the bushes at me" school of rape definition. Figures. Facepalm

MonarchofascistBulgarian M36 Helmet side view.jpgС нами Бог!20:49, 19 February 2013

No. I am well aware that nearly all rapes are committed by someone known to the victim.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:52, 19 February 2013

Are you aware of the concept of mens rea? Given that awareness, certainly you realize case law in your jurisdiction means the mens rea is intent, which alcohol doesn't prevent. See specifically [1].

Hipocrite (talk)20:52, 19 February 2013

Yes, I understand intent. Anyone who intentionally rapes a woman should suffer the full penalty of committing rape, even if they are drunk. I believe that people are fully responsible for crimes that they commit while drunk.

If two drunk people have sex, that is not rape.

If a man forces a drunk woman to have sex, that is rape.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:04, 19 February 2013

"My guess is that it's what the more extreme Feminists (the ones who give Feminism a bad name and make it harder for anyone who wants to advance women's rights) define rape in such a way that 1 in 3 women will experience sth that they define as rape."

Your "guess" is exactly that. "A guess."

So I am a victim of rape, is that what you are saying?

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:11, 19 February 2013

Only you would know. Were you in a situation where you felt compelled to have sex, where you were not given a choice in having sex, or where you did not really understand what was going on?

Ie., were you drunk enough to really give consent? You'd have said yes to painting the cat orange, if someone asked you to?

It's not about a need to define rape such that so many women end up "being raped", it's about getting a male entitled society to figure out it's not ok to use a women, just cause. you rally need to know she's ok with what you are doing.

Green mowse.pngGodot Chúc mừng năm mới 21:14, 19 February 2013

I would say I felt compelled to have sex because of the social pressure to have sex, and so I felt it wasn't something I could walk away from. Another time I was blacked out, so I would say I wasn't really aware of what was going on.

I agree with your last part.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector21:22, 19 February 2013
Not quite. You said "Feminists claim that 1 in 3 women in college have been raped." Your source says "Nation wide 1 out of every 3 women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime." Surely, you can see the difference. What punishment, exactly?

Here's 1 in 4, which is more than 1 in 5.

ఠ_ఠ Inquisitor Sasha Ehrenstein des Sturmkrieg Sector20:37, 19 February 2013

There is a difference between "feminists claim..." and "statistics show..." Your references lean toward the latter, and don't support the "feminists claim..." portion of your statement.

SharonW (talk)20:47, 19 February 2013