
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Blue
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Part of the function of memory is to forget; the omni-retentive mind will break down and produce at best an idiot savant who can recite a telephone book, and at worst a person to whom every grudge and slight is as yesterday's.
Christopher Hitchens, Love, Poverty, and War: Journeys and Essays
sterilesporadic heavy hitter21:27, 21 December 2012

Completely irrelevant. These "slights" represent a pattern that has been more or less constant over the last couple years. If there were just one or two incidents, or if there was an apology, I might be unjustified in not "forgetting" about this.

I will discuss this no further.

Blue (pester)21:31, 21 December 2012

How can it be completely irrelevant? You clearly hold a grudge with unusual stubborness. It's rather unhealthy. And I am unsympathetic to one who does more to tear down the person she hates rather than build herself up, which I've seen you do multiple times, including to me, with no evidence to back it up. Mostly I pity you.

sterilesporadic heavy hitter21:37, 21 December 2012

Go direct your lectures at your pal too, then, for he is as guilty as I am, though he cloaks himself in martyrdom and concern.

Blue (pester)21:39, 21 December 2012

I've apologized for the most intemperate remarks. If my memory of that is wrong, I'll remedy that privately. As to governance issues, I still firmly believe you have a habit of thrusting yourself into the fore with childish behavior and this officious concern for unnecessary legislation. I don't take back anything relevant to that, however I am definitely sorry for getting personal with you.

But all of this is neither here nor there. The fight I'm referring to is a political one. We can loathe each other. I don't actually hate you. At this point, after making an effort to reach out, however unsure I was of how to approach it and meeting the same response you've given here, I'd prefer to just pretend you don't exist. But I can't when you keep bringing this old fight up.

And Sterile is talking to you. None of my "pals" is responsible for me, just as I'm not responsible for them. If I were, I would have intervened when Ace was melting down, but I wan't there when I could have done anything so I didn't have any opportunity to rethink whether I'd get involved.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg21:53, 21 December 2012

Sterile... seriously. That was one of the smuggest, purple prose things I've read on this site.

Revolverman (talk)21:45, 21 December 2012

I'm not sure to which quote you refer.

sterilesporadic heavy hitter21:48, 21 December 2012

"How can it be completely irrelevant? You clearly hold a grudge with unusual stubborness. It's rather unhealthy. And I am unsympathetic to one who does more to tear down the person she hates rather than build herself up, which I've seen you do multiple times, including to me, with no evidence to back it up. Mostly I pity you. "

"I pity you" Seriously? That just makes you come off as self-righteous. Granted I know nothing of yours and Nutty's problems with Blue, but statements like that? Not helping.

Revolverman (talk)21:52, 21 December 2012

Well, take a look at the history then, and then make your informed, meaningful contribution to the discussion. The three-year old's game of "he/she started it" doesn't impress me.

sterilesporadic heavy hitter21:57, 21 December 2012

I HAVE looked at the history, and quite frankly, if anyone made any sort of meaningful contribution to it right now, it'd be the first it had any. This is below even schoolyard tribal jocking.

Revolverman (talk)22:04, 21 December 2012

I unfortunately have to go--end of the world party here I come. Maybe we can chat about it some time.

sterilesporadic heavy hitter22:14, 21 December 2012

Revolverman, I don't know who you are or your perspective on all this. My recollection is that you weren't around or at least weren't a big participant in the first discussions last year about how we'd approach the moderator role.

Let me just say that my relationship with Blue is intractably fucked. I have no idea if it will get better. I do know that few people can bring anything helpful by intervening in this conversation. Brx is obviously a troll who consistently brings nothing of any substance when he comments like this. You're not, but I think your distance from all of this probably makes it unhelpful for you to interject. Sterile's got his own substantive things to say here. I don't think you do. Yet another meta-conversation about all of this is just a distraction.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg22:06, 21 December 2012

You're probably right. I'm just sad how... Venomous we act towards each other. Its not a good look. And I'll end with that.

Revolverman (talk)22:08, 21 December 2012


Theory of Practice "Now we stand outcast and starving 'mid the wonders we have made."04:17, 22 December 2012

It's not "years" but the nasty personal remarks totally overshadow the real meat of my message and I'm both sorry for making them and sorry that they distracted from addressing RW's best interests. There's no point in trying to explain how some of the rotten things I said don't really represent my real feelings. They were horrible and intemperate things to say at a time that I was having an impossible time separating my growing anger at you for things I've already addressed and the real issues.

Nutty Roux100x100 anarchy symbol.svg22:13, 21 December 2012