Atheist "identity"

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Armondikov
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Ah, but No True Scotsman...

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)21:35, 14 December 2011

No true Scotsman has ever said those words, or they wouldn't be a true scotsman, therefore by teh face of it's own fallacy, there being no true scots, to every have said that there are true scots, the No True Scotsman fails on its own petard. (? right term?)

And with that, I must find myself some haggas for xmas. oh dear and all....

Pink mowse.pngGodotI live in the Infinite monkey cage21:43, 14 December 2011

"Hoist by its own petard." But yes, there are no true Scotsman because "Scotsman" is a social construction. Logic refuted!

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)21:45, 14 December 2011

That paragraph is headache inducing.

ʤɱ sinner22:04, 14 December 2011