Essay:Election 2008: Racism in America

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Essay: Election 2008: Racism in America[edit]

Normally I don't read the newspaper when I take it into the library from the drop-box out front but today was an exception. The story involved a veteran New Mexico/national Republican party official. It turns out that a roving band of BBC (thanks, Great Britain) web and print journalists were cruising America looking for interesting election related stories and managed a sparkling quote from the Bernallilo Country GOP Chairperson - whose name is here withheld to protect the guilty-. Or, to protect the soon-to-be unemployed.

"The truth is", we were told, "that Hispanics came here as conquerors and African-Americans came here as slaves. Hispanics consider themselves above blacks. They won't vote for a black president."

This is classic use of the term the truth is as sort of a cover page for the phrase, in my opinion. It is one of many words and/or terms used for this purpose. My Rule #41 on the Rules-To-Live-My-Life-By is to recognize and point out these when ever possible. But that is not what is interesting about this quote. For those out there who were wondering just how much race would be a factor in the 2008 U.S. national election - wonder no more. Racism is alive and well in America and I have few doubts that regardless of how careful people are what what they say and to whom they say it (just because the British look and sound funny and have odd teeth does not mean that they need not be taken seriously) more gaffs will happen, more scapegoats for America's racism will be slaughtered, and on November 4 the American public, somewhat filtered through Diebolt voting machines, will have its say.

Carptrash 18:51, 23 September 2008 (EDT)