User talk:Davidmihjn

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Your rants are getting more and more bizarre. steriletalk 15:08, 4 March 2013 (UTC)

"You are behaving just as badly as the editors and publishers of the AJP and causing just as much harm. That the articles are not retracted sheds light on how the Nazis could kill so many civilians during WWII. No one was ever forced to kill anyone. However, there were severe penalties for telling about the murders. Collaboration took the form of censorship and keeping quiet." [1] Perhaps you should refer to Godwin's law. Sterilesig.svgtalk 15:18, 15 April 2013 (UTC)
I have no idea how you got a PhD in physics. Some of the things you say are so bizarre. Sterilesig.svgtalk 16:14, 18 April 2013 (UTC)
You are really arrogant to demand that Catholic priests must visit you and that they might be in trouble if they didn't. They have far better things to do than meet with some crank about his rant. Sterilesig.svgtalk 23:29, 21 June 2013 (UTC)


Fact or theory, evolution gives rise to the question of what caused it. The only theories that even attempt to explain evolution are creationism and the theory of intelligent design (ID). Forgetting about orthogenesis, the other theory is natural selection, but natural selection only explains the adaptation of species to the environment. It does not explain the increase in the complexity of living organisms as the evolved from bacteria to mammals.

Um, no. Apart from the tenuous use of the word "theory," evolution provides its own explanation for the relationship of species to each other. Complexity (another loosely used term) is well explained.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, a gas will fill up the entire container it is in. This is the most probable distribution of molecules because the molecules do not interact. Their location is determined by random chance. When the molecules are spread out there is less knowledge of the location of each molecule and more disorder than if the molecules are huddled in one section of the container. When you compress a gas, you increase your knowledge of the location of the molecules and decrease the amount of disorder. You're still wrong about this. Entropy is fundamentally an energetic phenomenon, which is why it's part of thermodynamics. The "matter disorder" model of entropy is a misapplication of standard thermodynamics, unfortunately propagated by the educational establishment. The spreading out of molecules has to do with the density of states for their translational partition functions, which then allows for a broader distribution of the energy quanta. It has nothing to do with them interacting or not. You can measure an entropy change for a physical change (condensation of a gas to a liquid and freezing), which you can look up in a physical chemistry book; liquids and solids most definitely deal with interacting molecules.

More later. Sterilesig.svgtalk 20:47, 7 July 2013 (UTC)