User talk:Arcadium Trancefer

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If you don’t like a description of a WIGO, just downvote, don’t rewrite it, it was already discussed in the ATim a few years ago. Monet Ye 20:15, 11 January 2024 (UTC)

Merry Christmas motherf@cker.[edit]

What if, you were a broke ass revolutionary... but you had a rich sugar daddy like Engels to pay the bills? Now THAT'S a pro-gamer move! - Rairyu75 (Talk) 21:09, 13 April 2024 (UTC)


He doesn't appear to be a genuine "reformed" racist/alt-righter; one of his followers a few days ago still called him a "super racist." Anatoly Karlin's X account in the past week was defending Nick Bostroms racist emails and he still openly espouses race and intelligence pseudoscience and eugenics. He also retains far-right connections including Aporia Magazine. Indeed, if you watch a recent conference presentation he delivered at Vitalia his "recommended reading" at end of his presentation is a bunch of alt-righters and eugenicists including Jonathan Anomaly, Emil Kirkegaard and Aporia. Although part of his grift and deception is reinventing and relabelling his white nationalist/alt-right views, his core racist beliefs never changed similar to Richard Hanania. (talk) 01:00, 20 April 2024 (UTC)