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I am a gaytheist.

I think this pretty much describes my life.

Specifically, I'm a Kinsey 4, female, and a huge gay rights activist. I'm an atheist, and in contrast with all of the taboo surrounding that, I've found that it has influenced my life in an incredible way. Because of my atheism, because I believe that I only live once, I want to make the most of this life. Since my morals don't come from A Magic Man In The Sky, I know that there is a personal motivation, that I want to do good things from the bottom of my heart. I'm a hippie, but it's not my fault. I don't shave my legs. I'm only sixteen, going on seventeen July 2007, and I hate ageism almost as much as I hate homophobia. I believe in direct democracy. I'm a moral relativist. I'm a geek. I think that genetics is a really, really amazing subject. I like to eat, swim, play video games, eat, debate, write, read, eat, be happy, and try to make other people happy.

"If you wanna be my lover
you gotta get with my friends.
Make it last forever;
friendship never ends."
-Spice Girls

Ambition: To always be happy.

Once I made a Conservapedia account just to edit out a few very subtle things, no trolling, and I was banned before I ever posted. That motivated me to come here and contribute to a, well, better cause. =P