Speaking of Cordelia Fine and irrationality

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It made spelling tests really easy in elementary school.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)01:38, 9 November 2011

you are the bane of my existence.

try reading at a high school level when you are in 3rd or 4th grade, but spelling at a 1st grade level and being put into remedial reading. ARRRUUGGHHH...

so are the words flashign "one at a time", or sentence by sentence, or letter by letter. and do they ticker tape across your head, or do they flash into the center, or appear at teh botto like sub titles. these are serious questions.

i've never heard of anyone who "saw" language, unless that's how they learned to communicate in that language, like a deaf person with english.

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.01:43, 9 November 2011

Maybe I'm an ultra-high functioning aspie, because this always made perfect sense to me.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)01:50, 9 November 2011

Visual thinking is NOT a sign of aspie; all aspies do not visually think, nor do all visual thinkers have "some" aspie in them.

My husband thanks you. he was trying to explain to me when i asked "do you think with a french accent" that he doesn't think in words. you posted this, and he said THAT'S IT!!!! (so thanks, he has a name for it).

I envy visual thinkers. I'm very auditory, and wish i could see things like that. pouts.

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.02:00, 9 November 2011

by the way, it is hardly worth stating that most visual artists are visual thinkers - but actually, most designers, most engineers, archatects, etc., are visual thinkers.

Math is also (apparently) a very visual thing... i have NO idea what that means. but I have heard it said often by high high high end math maticians.

Pink mowse.pngGodotGet over it!.02:02, 9 November 2011

I actually sucked at math until we learned graphs.

Nebuchadnezzar (talk)02:27, 9 November 2011