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Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Miekal/LQT
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Really? That's amazing because im pretty sure popular people have gotten away with some pretty light sentences that get normal people long jail time.

il'Dictator Mikal02:02, 10 April 2012

Yeah, next time someone gets wrongfully convicted, you go tell them it's their fault for not being pretty enough.

"Shut up, Brx."02:06, 10 April 2012

"Justice." "Wrongfully convicted." For Christ's sake, it's a marginal website, not the Nuremberg Laws. Stop taking yourself so seriously. If I go to a party and a bunch of people there really don't want me there, I find another party. I don't call the UN and scream about persecution.

P-Foster Talk "Armed with the knowledge of our past we can charter a course for our future"--MX02:11, 10 April 2012