Talk:Miles Mathis

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Miles is hurt and opens up[edit]

Somebody did a pastiche on MM's paranoia-filled genealogies, and turned it on him. This touched a nerve with MM, who appears to have a tin ear for satire, at least when he is the butt of the joke, and he responds in an indignant piece that is almost lucid and truthful for whole paragraphs at a time. E.g.:

"Mary and I [...] didn't have children because no woman wants to have children with a guy without a steady income. Most artists don't have a steady income, and I never yet have. That is just the way it is. I wanted children almost as much as Mary did, but I wasn't willing to quit art and get an office job to do it. I made my choice and I have had to live with it. As you know, it is one of the reasons I am angry, and anger drives my research. I have always admitted that. I am angry that despite being very good at what I do, I have never been able to make a decent living at it— except for a few months here and there. And the reason (I believe) I wasn't able to do that is that I wasn't connected." ... and we're off into la-la-land. But still. (talk) 15:13, 10 May 2018 (UTC)


What sets MM apart from many conspiracy loons is that he is a equal-opportunity denouncer. The common or garden variety conspiracy theorist tends to be anti-science and far right (and often white male with nothing to show for his life). Ultra-left ones also exist, but this seems to be the century of the ultra-right nut case.

MM's antisemitism, nasty as it is, seems to be a deeply embedded prejudice and he is as likely to go after Trump as JFK. Exactly why "they" want you to think that celebrity jews are actually goys and vice versa never becomes clear. I guess for MM there are so many layers of subterfuge that public politics becomes an irrelevant side show.

Don't get me wrong. MM is still insane. This is a man who scans the New Scientist for hidden messages of the illuminati. (talk) 11:21, 8 November 2018 (UTC)

Why collapse the above as antisemitism? I was written by a Jew! (me) — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs
This person thinks a global elite of Sumerian-Hebrew descent rules the world since six thousand years.
I think he is influenced by Miles Mathis' works and it could interest you to list him and denounce his theory here or on another page dedicated to this French author whose claims concern politics, history, religion, etc. — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs
Global elite conspiracy theories regarding Jewish folks were, sadly, quite salonfaehig pre-WWII - it might be said that they were mainstream, even. And then, as now, regular folks just keeping our heads above water say would that it were. But what makes MM odd is that according to him, every Jew he does not like is secretly a goy and every goy he does not like is secretly a Jew. Either one of these would make for a despicable, yet coherent conspiracy theory: bad guys masquerading as good guys, depending on which you choose to believe is which. But MM has it both ways: if it were true that prominent Jews are pretending to be non-Jews, why would non-Jews be pretending to be Jews? The whole world would come to the same, modulo a switching of the labels. — Unsigned, by: 2a01:cb0c:1704:9a00:11e5:81c6:b47e:aa4d / talk / contribs

Are his arguments[edit]

'Pi in the sky (without diamonds)'? Anna Livia (talk) 11:40, 8 November 2018 (UTC)

Are you sure it's not a parody?[edit]

Are you sure Miles Mathis is not kidding? — Unsigned, by: / talk / contribs

If he is not kidding, he is insane. And if he his kidding, well, then he has been expending way too much effort on the act than any sane person would. Since MM primarily identifies as an artist (the honest, decent, never-sold-out-and-hence-starving kind) it is natural to suppose that his pseudomaths and pseudoscience is the product of a kind of performance art. There are examples of this; but none, I think, have consistently kept it up for many decades with such a prodigious output - with as far as we can tell nothing to show for it (I imagine he could have garnered quite a following as a YouTuber). But let us suppose that MM-the-crackpot was, at least at the outset, a performance persona. It would seem to have completely taken over by now, unless MM really is hyper-intelligent and privately a gifted, reasonable, and intelligent chap - but even then it would still be odd that he spends so much time clowning around when he could be, say, spending his time on serious mathematics. — Unsigned, by: 2a01:cb0c:cd:d800:7cf7:19b0:c016:4fea / talk / contribs


The mainstream has been lying to you about this molecule, MM says. The 3 hydrogen atoms are not pointing down, as in the mainstream diagram, but to the right. What boggles the mind is that such nonsense has followers! — Unsigned, by: 2a01:cb0c:1704:9a00:11e5:81c6:b47e:aa4d / talk / contribs