RationalWiki:What is going on with the elections?/December 2015

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December 2015[edit]

9Cruz says he would withdraw U.S. from Paris climate accord if elected
17Fact check.org declares Donald Trump to be their first ever "King of Whoppers"
4Spain's Popular party has won the election, but without a majority. The Socialist party came in second, but the two new parties, PODEMOSWikipedia and CiudadanosWikipedia, hold the balance of power.
10Ted Cruz: Obama is forcing Americans to ‘submit’ to him by banning anti-Muslim speech
10Even literal Nazis think Trump's plans are infeasible.
8The Republican establishment is starting to plan for a nomination battle at the convention.
6Frank Luntz gazes into the abyss of Trump supporters. They know the mainstream media is all lies; that's why they go to reliable sources like Breitbart. Also don't forget Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist!
4So, Trump's proposal to ban Muslims is just making him even more popular among Republicans. Although in I guess good news, a majority of Americans overall oppose it.
12Ted Cruz Tells Fabricated Story About A Girl Threatened With Jail For Saying ‘Jesus’
12In case you thought Trump had abandoned the whole birther thing, he's cleared that up by saying-not-saying that Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist.
1At the risk of bending the rules for what goes on this WIGO, here's a look at how judicial elections affect judicial functioning.
6Spain's upcoming elections will be way different this coming time - the third and fourth parties will actually matter now.
11A large majority (73%) of Republicans consider Donald Trump electable. We don't know how either, so don't ask. Marco Rubio slides in a far more believable second, with 63% of Republicans considering him so.
5A breakdown of TV ad spending by campaign
6Is Trump seeking a way out finally? Probably not, but hey, one can hope.
5Campaign Fact-Check: Ted Cruz Claims GOP Threats Against Birth Control Are ‘Completely Made Up’.
2Here’s How the 2016 Presidential Candidates Reacted to the Shooting at Planned Parenthood.
7Marco Rubio: 'Ignore' Gay Marriage Decision Because 'God's Rules Always Win'.