Fun talk:Conservapedia, The Musical/90-10

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I was thinking of putting all the songs here, but I'll leave it to the individual authors. CЯacke® 15:38, 23 June 2008 (EDT)

Suggestion: Replace 'blocked for all time' with 'banned for all time'. I think it would sound better because the original is "damned for all time'. 15:14, 25 June 2008 (EDT)
I was about to suggest the same thing as bunchonumbers. Anyone object? DickTurpis 11:48, 8 July 2008 (EDT)

Alternate closing[edit]

Before making any significant changes to one of the first and best songs, I thought I'd propose an alternate closing to it here, to in a way better reflect the original song. I think the whole thing is terrific, by the way. I think, though, that this change reflects both the original song and CP a bit better. Feedback? DickTurpis 12:09, 9 July 2008 (EDT):

You can't make retroactive new rules!

The rule's always been here
It's just been hid.

You can't just punish me like this!

What are you talking about?
I believe we just did.

BDobbs, (If
That's even your real name)
This reply is final
I just made the call.
EdPoor, 90/10
Is our brand new weapon.
It's not "punishment"
It's a "vacation" is all.

I think this would make a great replacement, but I'm not sure about the first BDobbs line -- I think the original sounds better. <blink></blink> <blink></blink> 12:33, 9 July 2008 (EDT)
Yeah, that change was made more for argument's sake than for musical/meter reasons. There's nothing wrong with new rules, places are always adding to their rules, it's when they're made retroactive that it gets ridiculous. If they want to say "here's a new rule, if you break it you will be blocked" that's expected. When they say "I'm blocking you because you violated a rule that I'm just now putting in place," that's utter abuse, which is the topic of this song. DickTurpis 12:47, 9 July 2008 (EDT)