Essay:Sounds like Defending Trump

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Smiley - Driveby.gifSome drive-by editor spammed us with this, and though we decided not to delete it, we don't really care much for it. The talk page is probably a lot more interesting than the actual essay.

Essay.svg This essay is an original work by MysteryMan9000.
It does not necessarily reflect the views expressed in RationalWiki's Mission Statement, but we welcome discussion of a broad range of ideas.
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Feel free to make comments on the talk page, which will probably be far more interesting, and might reflect a broader range of RationalWiki editors' thoughts.

Apparently deviantART is a controversal subject and doesn't matter, Here I am going to discuss the Hilarity of the deviantART group SJW-Resistance.

If SJWs are insane, isn't Trump and InfoWars insane too?[edit]

Are you tired of SJW stupidity, bullshit, and hypocrisy? Do you tire of third-wave feminism, imaginary genders, and spiritual woo? Well, SO ARE WE! SJWs are getting entirely too influential on deviantArt, and they will have this website over our dead bodies!"
—The Group's founder, Aren't Trump-Trolls and Pro-Trump propagandists getting too influential too?]

The DeviantART Group in question is against rapid far-left SJWs, but aren't they aware that their hero Donald Trump is also insane in terms of the reports such as Puerto Ricans dying, Siding with Big Lobby Groups and horrible corrupt crap, but Oh No! Alex Jones got censored by Big Tech, big frickin deal as FCC's Ajit Pai, a Donald trump appointed Chairman of the FCC repealed Net Neutrality.

What do they Stand For?[edit]

The Group's Gallery consist of rhetorics overused by Reactionaries, MRA's, and yet they are against Corporate Corruption.[1] [2] [3]

However, They are known to be a Joke when they stand and Defend Alex Jones,[4] [5], I hate to break it, but Alex Jones deserves to be silenced. Alex Jones has shown to be a goddamned Con-ARTIST[6], (Yet Youtube Commenters belivede in the Controlled Narrative bullshit (refer to Pathos Gambit), Defamed a bunch of individuals who witness Sandy Hook[7], and profit off of Snake Oil.

That just shows that Far-Right Groups (composing of Trump trolls, reliance of Pathos Gambit, and The Whole Anti-SJW Movement), They're are desperate people, and I done something silly. Yeah, call it a rant, I just wanna let it all out and speak out against the so-called "SJW Resistance Movement" They say Alex Jones is a hero to everyone and yet in reality he spread numerous conspiracy theories that some can be proven, some may argue its proven, but still it defamed and hurt people [8]

"RationalWiki is blind to Mainstream Media" -Alt-Right This site doesn't care, For some reason While they are bigger issues, MysterymanMan9000 will like to apologize for this what you call a rant, and also He wants to let the community know there are groups on DevianART who are desperate and rely on Pro-Trump Propoganda while hating Tyrrants like Ajit Pai, despite Evidence backing that Trump is indeed a tyrrant

External Links[edit]
