Essay:Choose your religion, but you cannot not choose.

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Smiley - Driveby.gifSome drive-by editor spammed us with this, and though we decided not to delete it, we don't really care much for it. The talk page is probably a lot more interesting than the actual essay.

One must choose a religion(but not an Abrahamic one)[edit]

One must choose a religion. Preferably this religion will correspond to your ethnic and racial identity. For example, if you are a norseman you would worship Thor, Odin, and Loki. If you are of Persian descent you worship their ancient gods, and follow their customs. You see, my philosophy is really based on Ancestor worship and honoring my forebears. The title of my essays says to choose any religion you want, but that's just clickbait. This is more of an explanation of why no one should worship the Abrahamic god or his foolish pet religions.

These religions are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. All of whom have committed their own batch of atrocities. The religions also profess to be the "truth". This would logically lend itself to a sort of Universalism. One cannot profess to have sole ownership on the truth while citing tribal/racial/ethnic reasons why without seeming a greedy fool or an ass.

My thoughts aren't the most coherent as of right now. Don'tjudgeme.