User talk:Test1

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Gentlemen! I will sacrifice your precious dog house, enabling me to destroy RationalWiki on the internet. You should all be pasteurizing over Operation binder, which will likely give Conservapedia a top result on a certain search engine starting with G.

Anonymous User

It does seem to me that your comments in regards to the death of evolutionism on the internet are utterly boorish. As far as atheism and spontaneous combustionWikipedia and morality, you fail to realize that Operation googling bomb is not yet at its apex. In fact, by some time in the next quarter, it is likely the Mainstream Media will have lost all vestiges of credibility. :) :) :)

Rest assured, Operation Charging Stallion is gathering steam!!! Full steam ahead! Sincerely,

—Quote of the Day


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But maybe a bit better detective work next time, eh?