User talk:Genghis Khant/Astrology

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Do tell us if this all works out :) <font=""; face="Comic Sans MS">Jellyfish!Holy Roman empire 12:51, 4 June 2008 (EDT)

WOT! NO tall dark strangers? SusanG  ContribsTalk 13:07, 4 June 2008 (EDT)

Would this be the "Professional Jenna" from the Google Ads? --AKjeldsenPotential fundamentalist! 14:25, 4 June 2008 (EDT)

Yes it would. I'm doing a little experiment to see what differences there are related to gender, marital status and employment. There are quite a few sites that badmouth her. If anyone wants to take part then just keep a note of what details you submit and let me have the link to her reading. If you can't see the Google ad then the link for her free "reading" is under External Links.I feel that this a suitable case for woo-busting. Jollyfish.gifGenghisRationalWiki GOLD member 14:54, 4 June 2008 (EDT)
Perhaps we should have a special section where we discuss the merits of whoever is advertising with us? Sort of like "a word of warning". Woo-busting would almost certainly be involved. And I already have a snazzy acronym. <font=""; face="Comic Sans MS">Jellyfish!Holy Roman empire 14:59, 4 June 2008 (EDT)
I like what you are doing. Even with just Genghis and "Gina" side-by-side the similarities, the probably auto-generated word salad, leap out at the reader. It's too bad they are so long, since having, say, five of them set up like this would be even cooler (with the specs submitted at the top?) ħumanUser talk:Human 14:12, 6 June 2008 (EDT)
A truly (I am sad to say) awesome collection of emails, Genghis. Have yo ever acutely replied to any of them, of do they just keep flying in?--Bobbing up 07:50, 5 July 2008 (EDT)
I haven't replied to any of them yet but may actually query what the transit is supposed to be of. Jollyfish.gifGenghisRationalWiki GOLD member 08:09, 5 July 2008 (EDT)
Yes, because if you asked her some nice specific astrological questions you might get her to waste some real time rather than cutting and pasting her boilerplate text. Unfortunately I don't know enough astrology to invent a plausible-sounding complex question, and I don't know if that would destroy your pattern analysis either. I would join in, but I don't want my e-mail compromised - but I suppose I could get a throw-away one.--Bobbing up 08:14, 5 July 2008 (EDT)
The number one rule about predicting the future... keep it vauge. If you don't get into the details and leave a lot of space to fill in the blanks, people will think you are more credible. If you get into the details, there is more you can go wrong in, hence , you risk losing a reputation. JAVASCAP Talk to ME BAN SOMEONE!

Permission to do some grammar editing? ThunderkatzHo! 19:18, 17 September 2008 (EDT)

Go ahead, but only change my stuff (which is all preliminary as this thing is much larger than I ever expected). Redchuck.gif ГенгисRationalWiki GOLD member 19:35, 17 September 2008 (EDT)

This is quite lovely - thanks for your patience in cataloguing all the bullshit! Pseudomonas 18:19, 13 January 2009 (EST)

Some of the text raised red flags for me in being very similar to West African scams, though it would be much much more sophisticated. Any idea where these emails came from? Smyth 13:51, 15 January 2009 (EST)

There is some evidence that it is hosted in a French-speaking country. Redchuck.gif ГенгисRationalWiki GOLD member 06:15, 31 January 2009 (EST)

What I will probably never understand is how so many Idiots across the world believe in this BS (i.e. astrology) - it's worse than YEC!--British coat of arms.png Redcoat British coat of arms.png 05:54, 31 January 2009 (EST)

When you read some of the stuff where people own up to having fallen for the scam, it is quite dispiriting. Poor suckers! And in many cases they are quite literally poor but end up wasting their money on this BS. Redchuck.gif ГенгисRationalWiki GOLD member 06:15, 31 January 2009 (EST)
Since Turncoat changed his comment slightly I'd like to point out that its not just astrology. The Jenna team throw the whole new-age woo book at their "marks" - numerology, chakra, crystals, reiki, totem animals, tarot, spirit-guides, angels, divining, psychic reading, etc. While I regard it all as twaddle I recognise that there are some people who sincerely believe in astrology and follow strict methods in it's application (just as I recognise that some some people feel sincere about a religion). Jenna however just jumbles it all together hoping that some of it will bait the hook. Redchuck.gif ГенгисRationalWiki GOLD member 14:41, 31 January 2009 (EST)

Still planning on publishing this?[edit]

Seems like a lot of work, and the comparison of the responses is interesting. Considered moving it to mainspace, or perhaps as a subpage of Astrology. "Professional Jenna" is still separating bloody idiots from their money. --ConcernedresidentAsk me about your mother 22:45, 6 March 2010 (UTC)