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God is dead, and we didn't kill him, but we were wrongfully convicted of doing so because of the inadequacies of the forensic evidence system in the United States and general scientific ignorance among the public.
—Randy in Boise
A selfie of me.

Pages I've created (excluding templates and redirects):

Good reading material (favorite articles):

About me

Hello, my name is QQ'hfFlaGNHmmg''Aa (which is pronounced like rapid gurgling, clacking, then blowing bubbles, very approximately like /ʡ̬̆͢ʢːːʭ̆ʭ̆ʭʙˠ/). I live near Adelaide, Australia and enjoy scuba diving, reading, and politics. I'm 550 million years old and graduated from Ediacaran University with a PhD in QQQttSVFk'''aAAAEKmmology in 549999968 BCE. I also played for the Adelaide Nonsessile Organisms, EdU's fossilball team.

Some more fun facts about me:

  • I'm 1.25" tall, a bit above average for my age range and gender
  • I was a member of the Liberal Party before I went to uni
  • I am technically not alive right now


Short stories

ClickerClock did a short story competition in December 2017 and I decided to continue it with a different topic every month. These are mine.

Opinionated rants

My generators
