Your evil plan

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Blue
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Er, I'm afraid I don't. Five nerd points from Ravenclaw.

Blue (pester)00:34, 11 March 2011

Brief explanation. Guy on left: Lord Castellatean Urskar Creed:Tactical Genius. On right Tzeenecth, God of over elaborate plans,

ТyTalk.00:37, 11 March 2011

Speaking of which, I've a hankering for a Xanatos Gambit, but have yet to find an opportunity for one.

Blue (pester)00:38, 11 March 2011

well, get your skype working, The goon and I have pulled at least one over elaborate plan already.

ТyTalk.00:41, 11 March 2011

I'd love to see this all head to a 30 Xanatos Pile-up...

ThunderkatzHo!01:03, 11 March 2011