Template:Ken debate

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Dear horrible Anonymous User and friends,

RE: Your latest comment, which I found too ridiculous to even read due to your sheer atheist obesity related mental deterioration

1. You and your fellow obese Dawkins-worshippers at a rather atheistic website full of liberal claptrap that starts with an R have an ideology (atheism) that is so weak that you cannot find a single inaccuracy in Conservapedia's articles that focus on the topics of atheism, evolution, or homosexuality, all of which were largely edited by me. Due to the fact that there is no proof or evidence that any of these worldviews actually hold any water whatsoever, it wasn't very challenging for us to put together some articles that intelligently attempt to offer counterexamples regarding these worldviews.

2. I intelligently thrashed you folks on the talk pages of the Conservapedia articles that they were rather unsurprisingly angered by, plus on other places on the internet as well (atheism, evolution, homosexuality, etc.) Going from there, your claim that I am afraid to debate has no merit. I am most apparently not claiming that it is due to my excellent debating prowess that I won so many debates with you gentlemen from a rather liberal website, it is just that atheism is such an incredibly baseless position with a flabby midsection - especially compared to Christianity, which, however, has overwhelming evidence to support it.

3. I met my goals that I sought to achieve related to my participation with Conservapedia, the Trustworthy Encyclopedia. Anything else that I do further is just icing on the cake.

4. Encyclopedias hopefully involve multiple editors and personally, I haven't seen a single encyclopedia that I fully agree with. Feel free to whine at Conservapedia and find problems in it, but I really don't think that you can find a single piece of evidence that we are inaccurate or incorrect in the Conservapedia articles in regards to atheism, evolution, or homosexuality.

5. I know that it makes you cry to no end that I have met my goals and hereby declare VICTORY, since I have the ability as a Conservapedia sysop to block anyone who has the nerve to troll/harass me, and yet you still want to find fault in me. However, I have still succeeded in being more like my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ once and for all, in that I have delivered yet another punch to your flabby midsection! You on the other hand, have also succeeded at being more like your Lord and Savior PZ Meyers, in that you also look largely unattractive, also believe that women and men should be treated equal (!), and are also very large around the waist!

In regards to all of that, I hereby challenge you to A SECOND WRITTEN DEBATE. In this debate, I challenge you to prove to me that atheism is true and correct (which you probably won't be able to do anyway, due to the inherent glass jaw of atheism), and once I achieve victory, it will all but destroy atheism on the internet ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!

However, it will only be under THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS (in bold):

  • In case you attempt to martyr me in your anger as a result of my inevitable VICTORY, I get to bring with me a largely defensive weapon of gun.
  • You are to pay an exact total of $40,000.00 $5,000,000, which will be donated by a trustworthy bible-believer of your choosing to a faith-based Christian charitable organization of your choosing upon successful completion of the debate.
  • The debate will be written, and will be 30 hours long (which can be broken up over a 110 month period).

6. Well so long, you obese, militant, atheistic, and probably homosexual commie! Oh, and one more piece of Christian love for Horrible Anonymous User: I hope you live an incredibly short life, and spend the rest of eternity rotting in Hell, where your big, round body has always rightfully belonged!

DISCLAIMER: It's not that I hate you, it's just that I don't want you to exist. >:-b

