Talk:Morgellons disease

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Disappointed to see this in Rational Wiki - do you know of the scientific research on this topic?[edit]

Possible research[edit]

Have any tests been done to see if (some of) these people are suffering from 'shingles and other diseases affecting the nerves and layers of skin' (including 'something to do with "trapped" body hairs') and other 'obscure real medical issues' in the short or longer term? This is not incompatible with others suffering from the issues mentioned in the article. (talk) 17:24, 7 December 2016 (UTC)

I am a sufferer and it is not related to shingles. It is in fact related to Lyme category disease and if you have all the mentioned morgellons symptoms plus Lyme symptoms (which overlap obviously), then you need to seek an open-minded physician who has experience in at least Lyme. Cat Scratch Disease is also a possibility. Interestingly, Pylori has also been found in large percentage of patients.
Lyme and related diseases such as Morgellons gets little attention by physicians partly to due to the lack of support by the CDC, and entrenched skepticism by medical facility conglomerates like the Mayo Clinic. Research continues due to private funds supporting research teams. In an age when the Government spends so much of OUR tax dollars on things that have no direct benefit to our day to day lives, why are we still not fully up to speed on Lyme, and Morgellons (clear clinical research now confirms without any doubt that this insidious disease still thought to be "delusional" is directly related to either tick born Lyme disease or one of three other related bacterial infections including Pylori and Cat Scratch Disease . Unfortunately, we are still a few years from finalization of studies and treatment procedures being finalized. What is clear is that advanced stage Lyme and related, require an aggressive mix of antibiotics to combat - all are readily available today, however doctors go by a playbook of approved treatments and such is not officially published - Some doctors are enlightened and prescribe a winning treatment. 95+% do not and patients must deal with recurring symptoms and progressive deterioration of health. Anyone who has had it who was not immediately diagnosed and properly treated will tell you this is a formidable disease to deal with - for many a living nightmare.
Current research is clearly indicating the Lyme relationship - A mix of rifampin, bactrim and ceftin (or azithomyacin in replacement of ceftin) IS working in research studies as of 2018.
Those mis-diagnosed (probably 90%+) as delusional and put on Psychosis meds are sadly destined to flounder or go underground (tell doctors they were correct even though they will pursue their own course, or worse).
This disease is real, not delusional (at least in vast majority or cases), is not a conspiracy (unless you count doctors whose egos and professional credentials are involved who publish DOP articles, in which case yes it is), and needs to be readdressed by the CDC with a proper unbiased study. Research dollars are pressed by many needs - those sufferers will vouch for this one as a priority. — Unsigned, by: Lyme Buster / talk / contribs 02:44, 23 April 2018‎ (UTC)
The question being asked (using shingles as an example) was whether certain types of infections and illnesses which can affect nerves/skin/cause tingling etc might give rise to what is called Morgellons disease - see, for example the ;secondary' section for Raynaud syndrome (though not necessarily the same causes). (talk) 17:11, 23 April 2018 (UTC)

'Several years after the above discussion' - has there been any research along the lines suggested above. There are certain diseases where there are 'signs and symptoms' years before the actual disease becomes visible. Anna Livia (talk) 10:20, 3 June 2024 (UTC)


New to editing here, but has there been any any discussion on the believer's theories regarding the fibers that allegedly grow out of the skin? In my travels through the dank corners of the believers websites much is made of the fact that the fibers correspond to no known products, that they've been supposedly "tested" by a forensic lab (many say a police lab in Tulsa, though I will have to check on that) and that they could not identify them, which apparently means that aliens/chemtrails/the Masons are responsible. It seems like this is an important part of mythology that believers have developed. Laserviking42 (talk) 01:23, 21 November 2018 (UTC)


"...which apparently means that aliens/chemtrails/the Masons are responsible."
Why hasn't the previous post been deleted? I visited this site for new information on Morgellons, not to read sarcastic remarks by close-minded jerks.— Unsigned, by: / talk 14:48, 8 April 2019
IP - you misunderstand the nature of RW: assume sarcasm/snark and 'round up the usual suspects' are the norm. It is not a news channel. Anna Livia (talk) 17:55, 8 April 2019 (UTC)

The original text[edit]

Appears to describe something that was not seen as a problem but 'a minor disease/the end phase of a disease' which provided immunisation against other childhood diseases. The modern version appears to be more of a perceived illness (though there #may# be underlying actual triggers). Anna Livia (talk) 14:25, 9 January 2019 (UTC)

Insufficient objective research into current state of objective research, bias, and issues with article.[edit]

This article fails objective analysis,from a delusion perspective. The writer needs to properly research the current standing of research and proof (days and weeks) and relegate the strange CDC efforts to the disproven anti-effort (see Greek ancient meaning of "anti-". You find what you are trying to prove wrongly) in a history section. There are delusional people who are convinced they have cancer or any type of disease, as may be. That is nothing but proof that the set of delusional belief overlaps a condition, such as it overlaps rationalism and sceptism severely among those who want to dismiss others without real proof and put themselves out there to do it. Real proof is the positive findings of morgellons among researchers. Observational proof is also first to be had first hand and evaluated objectively not evaluated unobjectively first hand through contrivance to dismiss without real proof, as has been the case in morgellons. The funky illogical dismissive thinking is fascinating from a psychiatric perspective. So, there is proof that contradicts this article the writer needs to read up about, and involvement of delusional thought in the parasitosis without adequate or proper examination diagnosis fashion among medical professionals, in relevance to group- think, double thought and neurotic overcompensation for feelings of adequacy. These are very real observable things which happen. As for the CDC, it is the latest real thing that the CDC has tried to make out isn't, and was later probably Ven to be real by the researchers, overcoming the manufactured delusion it wasn't real. People accuse the CDC of health insurance companies many billions a year by dismissing various things, please note. Please note also, the USA is not the most uncorrupt country on earth and the amount of corruption, even this author did not believe was possible from private corporate insertion into governmental process, is staggering. In the absence of better explanation, the simplest explanation here..

The page contradicts itself. It says the cause is delusional parasitosis but that the CDC investigated and found it was ""unexplained skin condition" or "unexplained dermopathy."". Delusional parasitosis would be "explained" showing no evidence of cause and effect, except from that.

It says that doctors diagnosed the original case as common eczema, but give no source of this to verify who they are and what they did to arrive at this conclusion, to verify the varsity of this and their claims (are they skilled enough and done an adequate job, instead of the opposite, as what a few mistaken people believe might be entirely irrelevant).

I am personally familiar with a case of spontaneous unhealing lesions forming and spreading as darkened areas under the skin, and finally leading to spreading white masses, without any picking scratching or penetration of the skin involved, as the patient's biochemistry meant they felt pain rather than itching, so avoided scratching and skin penetration of these areas until. However, using insecticide cream, the lesions would dry out quickly and heal up until reinfestation. Lumps under the skin in the area were evident. At a later stage they were squeezed with much force the smaller ones would pop out as grubs, and after insecticide cream, without much force. The larger deeper ones maybe over 2mm long were hard to reach, and definitely required insecticide to get them to let go, except for a surface one over 5mm. These are not nerve endings, and the description of self-inflicted wounds causing it, rather being an effect of it, dies not hold out, but is merely a convenient excuse to dismiss that does not cover the dataset, in other words a delusion in order to dismiss. As, stated, a wider study of what is happening with the actual physical evidence and objective observation, rather than unobjective psychological vested interest views, is needed before writing.

The article is laid out in a way that emphasises certain things and diminishes other things, in an undesirable way, considering the name of the website.

If you don't want your site to be another "Quack" cynic site, you have to write and research properly. (talk) 10:48, 20 March 2021 (UTC)

IP - you appear to be describing something different to what Mogellons Disease is posited to be, and have an incomplete sentence ('... these areas until.') which makes it difficult to understand your argument - and one isolated specific incident (for which you seem to be the only source) does not prove anything.
It would be quite possible that, as in the 'Possible research' discussion above several different diseases are being mis-named/mis-described Mogellons name.
IP - 'this is a wiki' and essays/drafts are accepted - you are free to create such (and then discuss how to integrate the text into this article/cross-link). If you do - remember to add sufficient references.
With your sentence 'The article is laid out...' can I refer you to Fun:Drinking Game. Anna Livia (talk) 14:23, 20 March 2021 (UTC)

A related term[edit]

From 'a list of weird words' - 'Paresthesia.' Anna Livia (talk) 10:03, 3 June 2024 (UTC)