Essay talk:Low flow toilets

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Bring back pay toilets![edit]

But how do you explain former Gov. Erhlic (R-MD) passing a flush tax? If liberals came up with mandating low flow toilets, why would a republican gov pass a tax on water usage making low flow toilets more attractive? Jrssr5 10:30, 19 July 2007 (CDT)

RINO In china, they still crap in holes. That's communism for you. HeartGoldSwarm like a hive 22:09, 19 July 2007 (CDT)
Also see, "not a real Scotsman" humanbe in 22:18, 19 July 2007 (CDT)
Should be No True Scotsman humanbe in 12:45, 20 July 2007 (CDT)
Btw, it's not nice to edit yourself before the timestamp like that (except typos, etc.). Luckily you didn't make me look like a complete idiot by doing so. humanbe in 23:04, 19 July 2007 (CDT)
I agree, but since somebody added a section title after I edited the section, I thought it was fair game. HeartGoldSwarm like a hive 23:17, 19 July 2007 (CDT)
Hehe, good point. Since the title did not clarify the section content but editorialized on it. humanbe in 23:56, 19 July 2007 (CDT)

Pay back, bring toilets![edit]

Huh? humanbe in 22:59, 19 July 2007 (CDT)

this essay = trash[edit]

Why? because it's author said "toilets do not destroy water". Well, yes they do - they pollute potable water with waste material, you dumb bastard. I don't know where you live, but even here in New England, where it rains copiously, sometimes, we have "watering bans", and why? because our water table is low! Are you a moron, just clueless, or intentionally ignorant? humanbe in 22:32, 26 July 2007 (CDT)

This response was a little over the top. But waster water is treated, discharged, where it eventually evaporates and rains pure and clean again. Or it is filtered by the Earth before reaching the aquifer. One problem, caused by inadequate engineering, is wells drill too near the top of the aquifer. Another problem is the use of water by farmers. (This problem is actually *the* biggest part of the problem.) Another problem is that the effect on the acquifer caused by slow replenishment due to some previous year's drought, in conjunction with high demand during current year's drought result in an aquifer whose levels fall at a faster than normal rate. However, when a past year's abundance of rainfall causing the acquifer to replenish quicker than normal coincides with a current abundance of rainfall (and consequent low demand) the acquifer fills up very quickly. These problems are solvable with wells that are dug deeper than the water table, and by directing conservation efforts toward circle farms. Meanwhile, I'd like to see a study that shows conservation efforts are being directed toward the most bang for the buck. HeartGoldSwarm like a hive 00:32, 28 July 2007 (CDT)
Wow, yeah... I apologize for my choice of wording there! I think I could have made my point about potable water, etc., without resorting to namecalling... humanbe in 11:39, 28 July 2007 (CDT)
"...water is treated, discharged, where it eventually evaporates and rains pure and clean again." What is the water being discharged into? Water can take a very long time to pass through the cycle. Unless the water is being spread into the soil (which has a residency time of 1-2 months) or straight into a river (residency time of 2-6 months), that water could take a very long time to evaporate. Some water can take thousands of years to pass through the cycle. ThunderkatzHo! 09:35, 28 July 2007 (CDT)


But as long as it keeps him happy & off other things its good though? (like the swarm) Keepgoats 11:51, 28 July 2007 (CDT)

Yes, and it's obviously not finished yet, so I am sure I will have to eat my words someday! humanbe in 12:12, 28 July 2007 (CDT)


Hey, you want water? We've got water. Keepgoats 12:21, 28 July 2007 (CDT)