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A Burqa (also Burka) is an outer garment worn by some Muslim women in particular Islamic traditions to cover their body when going outside of the home or other safe areas. A burqa generally must be thick and drapy enough to conceal the body shape of the woman wearing it, as only her husband and family are allowed to see her form. The naqib is a face veil worn with outer garments and hair veil to have the same basic effect as a burqa.

The burqa itself is extra-Qur'ranic. The term used in the qu'ran is Hijab (often translated as veil) but it remains unclear to scholars exactly what type of covering the Hijab represented.

Burqa Requirements

In some parts of the Islamic world, a woman is required to wear a burqa at all times in public, and this is enforced by law. Saudi Arabia has a particularly nasty group of police, the Mutween, who are most famous for allowing 14 school girls to die in a fire because the girls were not wearing the proper covering. Afghanistan is another country that, until recently, required women to wear a burqa at all times when outside of the home. Women who did not wear the covering could be arrested and / or beaten.

Burqa in Europe

Currently, in no small part due to confusions or even fears of the Islamic religion, several western countries have addressed the issues of veils and women. In the Netherlands, full face coverings such as the burqa have been outlawed. In France, it is illegal to wear a veil of any kind in a public situation including schools. This pertains to both teachers and students. The French law is wrapped into a whole protection from religion law which says no one can wear any outer manifestation of their personal religion, however, only Muslims have had this law used against them to date. Other countries in Europe have similar legislation, but it is only on a city-by-city basis.

Other forms of Islamic Dress

"The Prophet (PBUH) said nothing about tobacco."

Islam requires that both men and women dress modestly. To this end, many styles from simple long sleeved shirts to full burka & naqib can be found in any mosque.

The Hijab is the most common form distinct to Muslim women. It is a veil that covers the hair only. Often in modern Europe, the Hijab is worn with typical everyday western wear.

An Abaya is a long coat that covers the body's form.

This is what a woman in a niqab looks like.

Many Americans only think of the long black burqa & naqib when they think of Muslim women, but women can be very fashionable, even in the most modest of clothing. Some examples of modern conservative Muslim dress can be found at Al-Farah.

See also
