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Pointless poll

Who's winning?Wikipedia

Kendrick Lamar






J. Cole



Spicy food, yay or nay?

Spice is nice!



Can't handle heat, must avoid at all costs.



Should Azureality be the site mascot?

Heck yeah!



That thing is so cool, I love it!



Needs more goat



What am I looking at, and whose hairbrained idea was it to make a frickin' Pokémon our mascot?!?



Who is the better rapper?

Tupac Shakur



Biggie Smalls



Both are equally great



MC Goat



To do list

Progress & Regress Pokémon — Help Wanted[edit]

Hey, I've been working more on my Progress & Regress Pokémon concepts, and I'd like to get some feedback on them. I'm also running out of ideas to expand with (I'd like to end the chains with a Fire/Rock Progress Pokémon and a Poison/Fighting Regress Pokémon, to be hard-countered by Crimsolusion and Azureality, respectively), so I need some more ideas on things RationalWiki endorses and opposes. Luigifan18 (talk) 17:47, 10 February 2024 (UTC)

…Hello? Luigifan18 (talk) 18:48, 11 February 2024 (UTC)
I'll check it out. Carthage (talk) 06:02, 12 February 2024 (UTC)
I can hardly wait. (I also need some help fleshing out the ideas I do have. Like, for instance, was Leavanny really the best Pokémon to turn into the avatar of hippies? I still have some doubts about that.) Luigifan18 (talk) 05:06, 13 February 2024 (UTC)
I have nothing whatsoever against you Luigifan (I'm a big Ingress player) but if you expect RW to endorse your Pokémon enthusiasm I think you may have to wait a long time. :-( Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 15:04, 14 February 2024 (UTC)
…Can I get some feedback on my ideas, please? Luigifan18 (talk) 04:35, 15 February 2024 (UTC)
I got a Gameboy and Pokemon Red as a Christmas present back in 98. there were two other kids in my 5th grade year who knew anything about pokemon, and they liked the anime, so they were making Pokemon noises at each other for fun. You have to understand that this is incredible for me, not the first I've seen it but do you really get what being a fan of Pokemon would afford you in the late 90's? The game was awesome, the fandom was getting beat up. To see somebody so confidently be like 'don't y'all know Pokemon?' Like, no, I don't. I know about around 150 pokemon. But I am a little jealous of current anime fans. Their taste is bad, but everybody's taste in everything is bad, so whatever, at least they get to watch anime without being called the f word. Torrent (talk) 10:18, 15 February 2024 (UTC)
…Uh… should I take this to the saloon bar talk page? Luigifan18 (talk) 17:46, 18 February 2024 (UTC)
Any ideas on what sorts of woo I can represent with a Grass/Ground-type? (Aside from herbalism, since Creikipath has that covered.) Luigifan18 (talk) 03:50, 20 February 2024 (UTC)
@Bob M By the way, what does Ingress have to do with this, aside from being developed by the same peopleWikipedia as Pokémon Go and using basically the same servers? Luigifan18 (talk) 16:21, 21 February 2024 (UTC)
You walk about and interact with locations in the real world. All the PoGo gyms and poketops were originally imported from waypoints created by Ingress players. I only mention it in the context of having nothing against these games in principle. But, as I said, I kind of doubt you will get the community very interested in this.Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 11:56, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
Things are progressing pretty smoothly, but I do need a few more ideas. Luigifan18 (talk) 03:43, 24 February 2024 (UTC)
BTW, I'm in the process of commissioning artwork of Azureality from BaeFakemon on Instagram (who previously drew my Paradox Dragonite idea, Noble Wish). Luigifan18 (talk) 19:43, 25 February 2024 (UTC)
I now officially have a rough sketch of Azureality! Would anyone like to see it? Luigifan18 (talk) 15:43, 27 February 2024 (UTC)
Here's another rough sketch. Luigifan18 (talk) 03:59, 29 February 2024 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── …I dunno how much longer I'm willing to keep this open without responses. I'm currently waiting for BaeFakemon to finish the drawing. (And can someone please help me think of a few more ideas?) Luigifan18 (talk) 17:51, 2 March 2024 (UTC)

I've now got the finished drawings of Azureality, for those who are interested! (But seriously, if this continues to get no responses, I'll probably archive it myself and recreate it in the talk page.) Luigifan18 (talk) 17:40, 3 March 2024 (UTC)
Maybe a military or war one? It could be like a tank or bomber plane. maybe steel/dark or steel/fire. steel/dark with an ability that powers up fire type moves could work. Koafox (talk) 16:36, 5 March 2024 (UTC)
I already have a war one. It's named Inceruction, and it's Steel/Fire. Luigifan18 (talk) 15:08, 6 March 2024 (UTC)
Hey @Carthage, did you ever check out the project? Luigifan18 (talk) 21:48, 8 March 2024 (UTC)
@Carthage? Hello? Luigifan18 (talk) 00:39, 11 March 2024 (UTC)
…I do wonder what the holdup is on Instagram… Luigifan18 (talk) 05:06, 14 March 2024 (UTC)
I just PM'd BaeFakemon; Azureality is due to appear on Instagram this week. Luigifan18 (talk) 18:13, 18 March 2024 (UTC)
…Maybe I need to send another PM. Luigifan18 (talk) 15:37, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
Never mind, the Instagram post just came up! Luigifan18 (talk) 02:25, 24 March 2024 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── After reading (and editing) the pages on numerology and new gematria, I can't help thinking that maybe one of the remaining Regress Pokémon should be based on it. Should it be the Ground/Grass one or the Fairy/Ground one? (Also, apparently none of the Regress Pokémon represent conspiracy theories yet. What?) Luigifan18 (talk) 20:15, 28 March 2024 (UTC)

…Still not sure what woo I can represent with Ground and Grass… Luigifan18 (talk) 22:57, 3 April 2024 (UTC)
Okay, conspiracy theories it is, at least unless I get a better idea. Luigifan18 (talk) 03:01, 8 April 2024 (UTC)
I also decided to make the Fairy/Ground Regress Pokémon represent freemen on the land. (I've named it Legandeeract — a (admittedly somewhat butchered) portmanteau of "legal", "land", "free", and "contract", with "legend" semi-coincidentally mixed in.) I even made the symbolism a pun on the typing, since the legal system devised by the freemen on the land is, well, a fairy tale — a mere fabrication, not accepted as valid in reality. Luigifan18 (talk) 17:38, 11 April 2024 (UTC)
Still waiting for BaeFakemon on YouTube… Luigifan18 (talk) 01:48, 14 April 2024 (UTC)
I should probably PM Bae on Instagram again. I'd like to keep this topic alive until I have a chance to show off the drawing process video… Luigifan18 (talk) 03:54, 19 April 2024 (UTC)
Apparently it's gonna take a while for the video to come out… Luigifan18 (talk) 09:19, 1 May 2024 (UTC)

Common ground between rationalists and the alt-right?[edit]

…Anyone have any ideas what rational leftists and alt-rightists both dislike? All I've got is communism. (Conservatives don't like communism because it bashes their self-interest, and rationalists don't like it because it requires the absolute suppression of self-interest, which only works for eusocialWikipedia animals like ants, bees, and mole rats — not for humans, so attempting to implement it results in shitholes like the Soviet Union and North Korea.) Luigifan18 (talk) 22:43, 16 March 2024 (UTC)

I think you might be conflating rationalism and rationality. A rationalist is a person that adhere to the epistemological view of rationalism, not someone that is "rational" (indeed, everyone thinks they are rational). GeeJayKWhere all evil dwells Where every lie is true 12:06, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
I did indeed mean "rationalism", but "rationalist[ic] lefties" would have been a bit of a mouthful. Luigifan18 (talk) 20:03, 20 March 2024 (UTC)
There are also definitely leftists whom I met who identify as a rationalist (of the less wrong variety) and as a communist on the internet. Many folks who self-identify with the term "leftist" rather than liberal, specifically do so because of their explicit support of socialism, or their sympathy for communist ideals. You have to remember that communism broadly speaking is like egalitarian "communal living" as an economic system. Small-scale "egalitarian" or "intentional" communities exist throughout the United States and elsewhere that live by the norms of "each according to their ability, and each according to their need" in small commune communities. The issue is with applying such norms nationally, or upon economies of scale. Not everyone who identifies as a communist is sympathetic to the model of state socialism practiced by the likes of Russia, or China. And folks sometimes can recognize the applicability of "commune-living" on a small scale, or among hunter-gatherer tribes (as what Marx would call "primitive communism") without embracing it as a political ideal on a national or international level. Even those who may identify themselves as social democratic, and may not fully embrace communism as a national political system, or even socialism for that matter, can still be argued to have some sympathies with these political philosophies regardless and hence the overlap between social democrats and democratic socialists in terms of supported policies. It is weird and kind of politically loaded to assume that to be a "rational leftist™" would entail some unnuanced rejection of communism as a general idea. It also seems to be at least partially crediting the alt-right as having some rationalistic commitments.
And as with what GJK said accurately, rationalism is an epistemological view, and you are confusing rationalism with rationality. They are not both conflatable, and it should be said that "rationality" itself is a term with no consensus definition among those within cognitive science and philosophy who study the concept. What is rationality supposed to be here? Responsiveness to reason? Logical coherence in one's set of beliefs? And instrumental relationship between what means reliably produce what ends? And inherently valued state of being? The maximization of personal utility? Why would any of these definitions per se rule out any particular political philosophy? Some seem more inclusive to certain political philosophies over others, and some seem compatible with any particular ideology dependent on the particular ends of the individual who is applying it. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 00:12, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
Yes, social democracy, democratic socialism, socialism, and communism occupy a spectrum of equality (economic and otherwise), [enforced] altruism, focus upon the whole community, etc. There's a reason why Karl Marx called socialism an intermediary step before the full implementation of communism in the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, and that's because socialism is, in many ways, a "diet" version of communism. The idea behind why I think a rationalist could support socialism yet reject communism is that socialism (and its one-step-below variants, social democracy and democratic socialism) is workable in practice, but full communism, as you said, is not practical, at least not on a national scale (or anything above the scale of individual villages, really). Socialism, social democracy, and democratic socialism allow for some degree of reward for above-and-beyond effort, individualism, and other things that can channel humanity's innate selfishness in productive and communally-helpful ways, while still being… unamused with "look out for number one" antics; communism expects humans to behave like ants, with all effort being directed towards the well-being of the group as a whole, and then gets flabbergasted when humans turn out not to act like that. (BTW, I'm not crediting the alt-right with having any rational thoughts, let alone commitments; I'm asking what things they might dislike that might also be things that rational lefties would dislike. The two groups can and probably would dislike those things for very different reasons. For instance, conservatives tend to skip all the practical reasons to be skeptical-at-best of communism and zero in on it being a huge change to the status quo (which makes it scary) that seems to be out to hurt them in particular (which, to be fair, it kind of is…).)
As for rationalism versus rationality, well, I do tend to conflate those and treat them as equivalent. I think I go a little more in-depth when I talk about Azureality (i.e. what I'm hoping will be the site mascot), but "rationality" and "rationalism" as I see it entails responsiveness to reason and evidence, i.e. a skeptical, empirical, scientific point of view. Rationalism is not hostile to ideas that came about largely through the exercise of solid logic, and can have a grudging respect for beliefs that are logically consistent even if their truth value is shaky-at-best when put to the test (for instance, the ideas behind the concept of qi). However, while rationalism can respect ideas that are logically well-formulated and conceived with good intentions (especially if the people who came up with those ideas legitimately didn't know better and lacked the ability to properly gain the information that could have helped them know better), that respect tends to go out the window when people start getting hurt and/or ripped off or when those ideas are presented as some sort of [empirically]-verified truth when they're not, and it does not accept ideas that do not have supporting evidence and/or do not pan out within perceivable reality; for instance, rationalism does not hate religion and attack it on principle (unless the religion in question is something really abhorrent and/or stupid), but given the lack of evidence for religious claims, it is strictly secular and does not incorporate religion into its philosophy. Luigifan18 (talk) 15:27, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
Actually, Marx never claimed socialism as a interperiod transitionary state, That was something introduced by Lenin. One thing GJK and I would agree upon is that socialism is best thought of as a economic system where the means of production is predominantly under collective and/or public ownership as opposed to being predominately privately owned. Communism is therefore a proper subset of socialism, but socialism is not a subset of communism.
As for the rationalism conception, that is way too broad. I know of philosophers who use that exact definition as a basis for moral naturalism. “Responsive” to reason is so vague, it’s hard to see who isn’t a rationalist besides those who have no language capacities and are completely indifferent to their sense experiences. You need to determine what is and what is not an appropriate response to reason and/or evidence. Regardless, by your definition, most philosophers throughout history could be conceived as rationalists, communists included. Also most philosophers of rationality (and many a cognitive neuroscientist) would discount one as being rational if they rejected inferences of classical logic.Wikipedia I don’t think you are really describing rationalism if implicit to it is a skepticism of logic, that seems to be a more radical empiricism than that of W.V.O. Quine - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 23:05, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
*sigh* Not skepticism of logic, that's just silly. I'm talking about skepticism driven by logic. Luigifan18 (talk) 02:27, 24 March 2024 (UTC)
Oopsies, I misread. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 09:05, 24 March 2024 (UTC)
Whoops, I was not aware that the idea of socialism as an intermediate step towards communism started with Lenin rather than Marx.
For my interpretation of "rationalism"… if it helps, you can think of intuition and pure logic as being useful as starting points — the process of forming ideas that make sense, given what is known about the world. Then the next step of empirical rationalism is to see if those ideas actually work in the real world, i.e. experimentation. This is what I mean by something like qi being logical but lacking truth value — the underlying concepts are logical and consistent, but they fail to actually explain reality.
As for zeroing in on communism, that is largely being used as an example of something that both rationalists and alt-rightists would dislike — the alt-right hates it because it directly challenges their ambitions to achieve complete… economic… domination, keep them there dirty minorities in their place, and/or rule like kings over all of mankind, and rationalists don't trust it because it's been tried several times and ended catastrophically damn-near every single time. Why communism seems to consistently fail is a subject for debate — I'm sure tankies would blame it on the U.S. and other capitalist nations relentlessly sabotaging and undermining communist nations like the USSR to force them to fail, but that sounds like a baseless conspiracy theory to me (if communism is really such a perfect and optimal way to run a country, one would think that a communist nation would be able to be a prosperous state and a great place to live, even with the rest of the world doing everything in their power to turn it to shit; it makes more sense to attribute communism failing to plain old weaknesses of human character that it doesn't account for, which results in stuff like government corruption and excessively-optimistic hair-brained schemes (like Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward)Wikipedia that hamstrings it before it can even get going). Anyways, I'm sure there are other things that both rational, sensible people and fascist fundie nutters would have a noted dislike towards. Communism was just the first and main thing I could think of; to me, it is the prime example of something that the reality-based community and the Religious Right Trump's coterie of Worst People Ever People With More Hate-Boners Than Sense would both dislike. (That, and I blame the Cold War for shifting the Overton window far enough to the right for fascism to not only become viable in America, but to get strong enough to flat-out utterly consume the Republican Party. (Well, I partially blame the Cold War. I'm sure McCarthyism and other facets of struggling against communism wasn't the only factor that made the American political climate scared shitless of anything left of center and hospitable to the far right; just one of the bigger ones.)) Luigifan18 (talk) 18:00, 26 March 2024 (UTC)
I think there are some conceptual problems from the outset here. Given the inclusive definition of communism here, including what Marx called “primitive communism” — not every historical attempt can be called a failure. Are the small intentional egalitarian communities that have populations of a few hundred people or less who have managed to sustain themselves for decades failures? What about the various hunter-gatherer tribes or horticultural tribal communities that survived for centuries sometimes even for millennia without any semblance of a class, state, or currency?
If you are versed in communist theory as you claim, than the issue of “communism” here is not per se in the possibility of a classless or stateless society. There something more so the matter with the means to which states have tried to direct society towards an advanced communism that has consistently failed in the last century.
That being said I think the sustainability of such an advanced communism is underdetermined, because as an end-point stage it has never successfully been reached. Every state project has turned into something that would resemble a capitalist market economy with more or less of a presence of state enterprise. To talk about a “communist country” is a contradiction in terms if used under its economic meaning. The only sense of “communism” that is applicable is as an ideological orientation of the ruling party. The problem with that being that none of these nominally communist states actually have a wholly consistent or shared ideology. Hence all the variations from Classic Marxists, Leninists, Trots, ML’s, Maoists, etc.
There is also an issue of simply accepting state’s definition of itself. Is China really a republic? North Korea a democracy?
Also “reality-based community” isn’t a genuine social group. Have a little more analytical of a mindset then relying on the positive association of terms. This is on par with calling one self a “goodist”. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 23:07, 26 March 2024 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── What is RationalWiki if not an expression of the reality-based community?

Also, @OnlySortaDumb, can you give me a source on Lenin being the source of the idea of socialism as a transitory state to communism? Our list of forms of government article's section on communism seems to attribute the view of communism following socialism to Marx. Luigifan18 (talk) 16:25, 29 March 2024 (UTC)

Everyone thinks they are part of a “reality-based community”. It doesn’t genuinely pick out anyone specific. Hardly anyone thinks they are not believing on the basis of what is real. That is almost what it means to believe in something. The only purpose of such a term is to allege a special insider status for oneself to insult an outgroup. It’s unhelpful, prevents meaningful communication, and only speaks to illustrate how far your head is up your own ass.
As for the claim about socialism. It’s a basic fact about the very notion of a socialist mode of production.Wikipedia Wikipedia says “Marx himself did not use the term socialism to refer to this development. Instead, Marx called it a communist society that has not yet reached its higher-stage. The term socialism was popularized during the Russian Revolution by Vladimir Lenin.” Don’t think Wikipedia is reliable? Similar claim is made in Marx: a very short introduction by Peter Singer published in the Oxford University Press. Most secondary literature I have read has suggested that Marx didn’t make the distinction between socialism and communism, and instead spoke of higher and lower stages of communism. Even the DoTP is never described as “socialist” within the communist manifesto. That which I have read several times. When socialism is mentioned in the manifesto is often used disparagingly by Marx to describe german and french socialist projects that Marx saw as failures, or doomed to fail on the basis of being largely petit-bourgeois projects. Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 18:43, 29 March 2024 (UTC)
I'm inclined to disagree with both of you. I believe it was Engels who, in fact, coined the term "scientific socialism".[1] If you want my opinion, he was far more of a sophisticated thinker than most people give him credit for, but for some reason he'll live forever in the shadow of his friend. It is true, however, that Marx (especially the older Marx) hardly ever wrote about communism, he was studying capitalism. Heck, the tiny communist manifesto at least had a list of ways to achieve communism IIRC, Das Kapital basically only focus on capitalism. GeeJayKWhere all evil dwells Where every lie is true 18:54, 29 March 2024 (UTC)
Nope, nope, nope, to the land of 10 thousand nopes, nope. These are not people we should be finding common ground with. They need to eat shit and die alone, they do not deserve to be legitimized. Fuck off with that liberal bullshit. PoorlyDrawnRockford.jpeg Rockford the Roe boop my snootpraise Oscar Wilde 17:47, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
Normally, I would agree. But the Progress and Regress Pokémon are still Pokémon. Pokémon is a very idealistic franchise that has historically been averse to depicting any of its titular monsters as pure evil; it's not afraid to depict humans as being evil (Giovanni, Ghetsis, Lysandre, and Volo being some excellent examples), but the Pokémon themselves are usually only as good or evil as their trainers shape them to be. Thus, I felt the need to force the Progress and Regress Pokémon to set their differences aside in my hypothetical post-game, and the most feasible way to do that was with a common enemy. (The Regress Pokémon will still be very much Reformed But Not Tamed at best (the situation is Enemy Mine, not the Regress Pokémon having a miraculous change of heart), and the alliance will be a case of Teeth-Clenched Teamwork. I'm not letting the fascists off that easily.) The best candidate I could think of for the common enemy was communism — as I said, rationalists don't like communism because it doesn't work, and conservatives see communism as an existential threat. So while rationalists and conservatives don't have to like each other, they might agree that it's in both of their best interests to put tankies in their place. Luigifan18 (talk) 04:06, 19 April 2024 (UTC)
Historically liberals have sided with fascists to protect their economic interests, so your uncritical take here has some historical precedent. Usually this would take the form of overthrowing socialist regimes (democratic or otherwise) and replacing them with reactionary dictatorships, or enacting fascist policies and supporting fascist politicians that would break up labor movements, often violently. Our article on liberalism is quite enlightening as to the degree liberals have cooperated with fascists to protect their interests. You know the old saying that fascism is capitalism in crisis? Carthage (talk) 04:41, 22 April 2024 (UTC)
I've hung out with enough communists on Reddit to hear the "fascism is capitalism in crisis" thing. What's your point? (Bear in mind that I'm American, so I'm using the American definition of "liberalism", i.e. as synonymous with "progressive".) Luigifan18 (talk) 03:54, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
(edit conflict) That you're ignoring material realities. Why exactly would liberals side with fascists? What threat does, say, organized labor pose to the shared interests of liberals and fascists? Carthage (talk) 03:56, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
The common threat I have in mind is less organized labor and moreso the specter of the Soviet Union, a la Putin's Russia or North Korea. Again, it's not socialism that I see rationalists having a problem with; I think socialism/social democracy can be very rational. The problematic, moonbatty, insane ideology here is communism, i.e. socialism gone mad and having devolved into repression and authoritarianism (which, for all the commonalities Soviet communism has with fascism and its capability to be on par with fascism in terms of badness (a capability that was certainly realized under Stalin), is still opposed to fascism/capitalism and treats fascism as its enemy).
The point of me opening up this sub-thread was to ask if anybody had any better ideas for what a common enemy for the Progress and Regress Pokémon (i.e. rational progressivism and other-fearing fascism) could look like. I may already have designed Revladutchyu as the post-game final boss, but I'm still open to alternative ideas (given that the Cold War has been officially over for about three decades now and Trump is basically Putin's lapdog). Luigifan18 (talk) 04:23, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── I'm going to ask what exactly you believe communism to be? To communists, they would argue "real communism" has never been achieved, and can't be achieved without significant capital and technological advancement, outside of small communes, where arguably communism does work for the communities in question, like hunter-gatherer societies. I would argue that there was no real distinction between socialism and communism as organized movements way back when. Hell, even the USSR never officially claimed to be communist, merely that they were building the groundwork for socialism, the transitory stage (where the means of production are collectively or publicly owned) between the dictatorship of the proletariat and communism (a stateless, moneyless, classless society). What policies did socialists or communists promote that led to fascists and liberals cooperating? Nationalization of key industries is something that many communists and socialists have promoted, and the specific nationalization of key industries have seen regimes be toppled by hegemonic powers (as with Mossadegh in 1953). Carthage (talk) 04:31, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

Well, when I hear "communism", I do think of the countries that have tried and failed to implement it (with often disastrous results), like the Soviet Union, North Korea, and China. I do agree that "real communism" has never been achieved on the state/national scale, because there's always some sort of stumbling block that prevents it. As far as I can tell, that stumbling block is human nature itself — human psychology has not evolved to be compatible with absolute selflessness. People have innate drives to push themselves higher on the social ladder and claim a bigger slice of the metaphorical pie, since that generally leads to better odds of prolonged survival and successful reproduction for oneself and one's offspring. Sad to say, but natural selection usually favors selfishness. Again, if you want to see communism working, look at an anthill or honeybee hive. Those insects have mastered the concept of colonies of individuals working for the overall good of the whole collective.Wikipedia But they have evolved to be that way, with stuff like the worker individuals being sterile (and thus not having anything to actually gain by acting selfishly — their success is one and the same with their queen's success), and even in their case, it can be argued that their "communism" doesn't work that well on a scale larger than individual colonies (ant colonies have been observed to wage vicious wars with one another). So maybe it is the American propaganda talking (and my general approach of viewing things through a biological/evolutionary lens), but I see communism as being an idea that's good (if not great) on paper, but not so great in practice, largely because we as a species can't really bring ourselves to actually try it on a wide societal scale. With that said, I do believe that lesser forms of communism (like socialism and social democracy) that allow for some degree of selfishness and individual advancement, while still curtailing abusive behaviors and foul play and providing a safety net to prevent anyone from being completely screwed over, are not only workable, but are an optimal state for humanity and human society.
Anyways, the real question here is whether there's a better candidate than communism for a "common enemy" that could force RationalWiki-style rationalism and progressivism to at least call for a tense truce to be formed with conservatives and regressives (and have the conservatives actually agree to said truce). Heck, maybe there's an alternative means of reconciliation I haven't thought of. Luigifan18 (talk) 15:25, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
You say that "communism would require a eusocial nature," but that seems like a strawman. How does this hierarchical view of human nature equate to societies, like hunter-gatherers, who live decidedly communal lifestyles? Marx called this "primitive communism," as there really are societies where people live without money, states, and classes. That doesn't mean they are "eusocial" or selfless to a fault by any means, but that simply the dictates of their material conditions incentivizes cooperation over competition. It seems naive to assert that the conditions of very specific cultural circumstances that incentivize selfish behavior over solidarity should be universalized, as opposed to the more sensible idea that human nature is malleable to the specific material conditions humans find themselves in. In fact, in certain cultures a "radical selflessness" is exhibited, such as in certain Native American cultures where in certain ceremonies giving away almost all of your material possessions actually reinforced your social status. This is still competitive, as people compete to give away more of their possessions, so the idea that communal societies must be eusocial is a fallacious misconception. Carthage (talk) 15:39, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
"Radical selflessness"? I think I actually heard about that (though not in those exact terms) while studying the Makah IndiansWikipedia for a research project in a music college course I took. I found them so fascinating that I made a Pokémon out of their tumanuwos concept. Good times. While I mostly remember the tumanuwos (having made a Pokémon out of it and all) — in fact, I'm rather baffled by Wikipedia having virtually no information about the tumanuwos — I also still remember the paper I was using as my research basis ("Aspects of Spiritual and Political Power in Chiefs' Songs of the Makah Indians", Linda J. Goodman, World of Music) mentioning the concept of a "potlatch", which is essentially the sort of "competitive giving" festival you described. (BTW, the paper is behind a paywall, so the best way I can summarize the tumanuwos is that it's like the Christian concept of a guardian angelWikipedia or the New Age concept of a spirit guide (with a bit of "divine right of kings"/"mandate of heaven" mixed in), but with more individual agency (not really being tied to a specific mortal individual) and having a noted love of music, making music a core component of their associated rituals.) But enough getting sidetracked…
Make no mistake, I'm aware that humans are a social species at heart, and society is built on cooperation (which is part of why I call social democracy an optimal state of being). But for a social species, humans are also very prone to intraspecific competition. I specifically mentioned "the state/national scale" in my last posting out of awareness of and deference to "primitive communism" and the small communities that still successfully practice communism to this day. However, I'm pretty sure that advanced societies have tended to be hierarchical as far back as the Bronze Age (as seen in empires and civilizations like the Assyrians and the Mesopotamians); I'll admit that I have yet to do research to confirm or deny this and I'm working off what I remember from school and other history conversations I've observed, so I may not have my facts straight, but the point is that while the concepts of class or money may not have been around since the very beginning of civilization, they did get developed and established pretty early on. They were definitely well-established enough by Marx's and Engel's time for them to dedicate their lives to complaining about it and trying to solve the problems created by inequality.
Anyways, I actually agree with a lot of your criticisms of communism being a suitable common enemy for rationalism and fascism to take seriously enough to try to work together to fight (and then go back to trying to squish each other into nonexistence afterwards…). The problems with communism aren't so much flaws of the concept as much as they are flaws with the execution. The worst you can really say about communism (assuming that you are an epistemic rationalist who's willing to evaluate it fairly and rationally instead of having a knee-jerk negative reaction at the idea of not being superior to others) is that it's horrendously naïve and fails to account for cultural and psychological factors that could undermine it. I know that communism isn't the perfect candidate for something that rationalists and [irrational] conservatives would find common ground and a common cause in treating with contempt (albeit for very different reasons). It's just the best idea I could come up with. Therefore, I seriously need to ask if anyone has any better ideas. Luigifan18 (talk) 17:01, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
I think it worth mentioning that humans have lived in communal societies for the vast majority of our existence. Hierarchical civilization has only existed for about ten thousand years, whereas not only is Homo sapiens three hundred times older than that, but the hunter-gatherer mode of social organization dates all the way back to Homo erectus. I also find the argument that a "superior mode of production" to capitalism is impossible unconvincing. Human nature is malleable according to material circumstances. We all feel the base urges to eat and sleep, but we can choose what to eat and where to sleep. However, I would agree that the projects of the 20th century were failures, although the reasons for their failure are still subject to debate. Dumb mentions, for instance, the contention that one of the possible reasons for the collapse of 20th century communist projects was because of the insistent focus on matching standards of living to the West rather than focusing on increasing the quality of life. That link I posted about "radical selflessness" also mentions that "many contemporary Russians voice regret for the disappearance of old patterns of cooperation in the new capitalist era and are decidedly ambivalent about the virtues of competition," though it takes pains to point out that "no large socialist or Communist state ever managed to create a population of ideal Communist citizens." I would also like to point out that the "human nature" objection to communism or socialism is an appeal to nature fallacy. Carthage (talk) 17:16, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
You… kinda talked past me. There is a rather large difference of circumstances in the lives of prehistoric/hunter-gatherer humans and agricultural/civilized humans that could contribute to making a communism-type lifestyle viable for humanity at one point of its development, but not at another. I also mentioned in a previous posting that the exact reasons why the communist nations of the 20th century failed to succeed are complex, unclear, and very much still up for debate. Luigifan18 (talk) 19:54, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
Sure, that’s what people within the literature mean when they talk about the “feasibility” problem. Analytical Marxists like the likes of Cohen and others, have argued why socialists may have to make concessions on things like markets as “necessary evils” because it does seem that prices are the only effective means of communicating demand in sizeable economies.
But there is an argument to be made that such limitations may be technological limitations, rather than a hard limit on economic systems as a whole. Proponents for par-econ have argued that the system can be proven a priori to be Pareto efficient. There is also the speculation that a sufficient advanced AI system may be able to effectively run/plan an economy given the access it would have to unfathomable amounts of data, and processing power. “Rationalists” have communicated just as far-fetch speculations in mind uploading and Roko's basilisk. Why those things are welcome parts of the territory of rationalism but communism is off the table, seems to me a logical incoherence.
Like I think you are running with the assumption that all self-described communists think a sizable communist society can be implemented whenever, provided that the capitalists are overthrown. Hardly any actually think that. Trotskysts are pretty open about certain technological advancements needing to happening first, and the impossibility of “socialism in one country”.
There is the question I would like to propose, if feasibility wasn’t a problem, what would be ethically objectionable about a classless, moneyless, stateless society? - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 00:11, 26 April 2024 (UTC)
Feasibility is the core problem with communism. It's a textbook example of something that sounds great on the drawing board, but proves to be nigh-impossible to put into practice. Luigifan18 (talk) 17:24, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
Restating something without actually acknowledging counterarguments is a textbook case of argumentum ad nauseam. Carthage (talk) 17:36, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
So ultimately, if feasibility wasn’t a problem. You @Luigifan18 would have zero objections to communism? Why is it so hard to say that directly? - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 04:51, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
Yes, on paper, communism as written — the idea of a society without inequality and where everybody gets the support they need — sounds wonderful. I'm just deeply skeptical about whether or not it can be achieved or maintained. I'm a biologist at heart and I accept the reality of evolution and natural selection. As such, I believe that everyone has intrinsic drives to promote their own welfare, and while I believe that humans in particular can and should strive to temper those impulses so as to avoid inflicting undue pain and/or hardship on others, I don't think that the impulses to promote one's own welfare can or should be entirely denied. The problem with communism is precisely the fact that it disregards the own-welfare impulses that are, well, survival instincts.
To say that in a bit more detail, humanity is a social species, so excessive selfishness tends to be extremely problematic for everybody (paradoxically including the selfish), to the point where extreme selfishness has historically been considered a solid benchmark for defining "evil" (though I believe that true evil includes components of inflicting pain for its own sake (i.e. cruelty/sadism), relishing in misery and destruction regardless of their necessity (again, i.e. cruelty/sadism), and/or arbitrarily regarding certain conspecifics as vermin and treating them that way (often as a "safe" outlet for sadism), that mere amorality lacks; we generally don't take anyone who calls a non-human animal "evil" seriously, regardless of how messed-up some of what they do may look to a human perspective, because (at least as far as we can tell) they don't usually have as much reason or capability to hold their treatment of others in any significant regard as humans do). However, as much as I'll rail on and on about how altruism, heroism,Wikipedia compassion,Wikipedia and empathyWikipedia are great (at least for humans and other social animals), I'm also somewhat skeptical of excessive altruism being feasible or even desirable (albeit in more of a "too dumb to live" sense than a "menace to everybody" sense). I think that both capitalism and communism skew too far towards one end of the altruism-selfishness scale for their own good, and the ideal state is somewhere in between, leaning a bit towards altruism (e.g. social democracy or socialism).
Anyways, my core question — whether there is a better candidate for a common enemy for rational progressivism and conservative regressivism than communism, and what that common enemy could be — still has not been answered. Luigifan18 (talk) 16:58, 7 May 2024 (UTC)

What the heck is "everybodywiki"?[edit]

…Huh. What is this "en.everybodywiki" that vandal cited in his "fishhook theory" tirade, and is it trustworthy? Now I'm curious. (I'm not restoring the vandal's comment itself because the way it was phrased was clearly more of an attempt to pick a fight than to contribute to the conversation, but I did take a peek at that link he posted, and it looks decent enough aside from a typo (and being a stub… and not being updated since 2020). Do we mention that subject on our horseshoe theory article?) Luigifan18 (talk) 15:12, 22 March 2024 (UTC)

Just checked… yep, fishhook theory is there. Right in section 1.1 after the intro, even. Luigifan18 (talk) 16:34, 22 March 2024 (UTC)
Horseshoe theory is hot garbage, and the article we have on it is hot garbage. "Anecdata". Seriously? That's your standard for evidence? Carthage (talk) 16:41, 22 March 2024 (UTC)
Everybodywiki is a Wiki with no notability requirements whatsoever. Predictably, a lot of the recent changes therefore are self-promo spam.
My take on "horseshoe theory" is that it has some "merit" mainly because binary "left-right" political classifications in itself are often problematic. But only because of that. It's like music genres - everyone uses these terms as shorthand. And by-the-numbers genre artists certainly exist. But when you look deep into the detail of many artists classified a certain way, though, it's often not like the genre stereotype at all. BobJohnson (talk) 16:55, 22 March 2024 (UTC)
I am inclined to say it's got something to do with the 'Overton Window' than anything else. Folks [of all stripes] who fall outside of it end up having rather similar views towards the various horrid mainstream anything - for example, a Nazi will bitch at 'the MSM' because it doesn't report how whites are being screwed-over by 'da Jews' etc while Communists will equally bitch at them being nothing but flunkies for 'international capitalists' but fundies also hate it for not taking seriously their claims that Satan is physically present on Earth right now and organising their minions to conquer the world. Occasionally, you can get a situation where several, unrelated groups end up hating the same person for overlapping reasons - good example being George Soros. KarmaPolice (talk) 19:42, 22 March 2024 (UTC)
I think Horseshoe theory is valid in that authoritarians often come to similar conclusions and use similar methods once in power no matter what ideology there is behind it.-Ryan1257 (talk) 00:23, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
I love how we keep pretending a theory considered garbage in political science is worth taking seriously, and the fact there are so many interpretations of this garbage theory just within this very thread doesn't make a charitable case for its analytical utility. Carthage (talk) 00:33, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
So we have different opinions on why extremists seem to come to similar conclusions, we just recognize a common phenomena and don't quite have any better term for it besides "horseshoe theory". How would you explain far right/left similarities, or do you seriously believe they are nothing alike?-Ryan1257 (talk) 02:51, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
Horseshoe theory is oversimplified rubbish that does away with the political spectrum entirely. I think a better question we should be asking is if these similarities are stylistic or substantive. As for the problems with authoritarianism, that's just how power works. It's not limited to the "far left" and "far right," no matter how vague and useless such terms are (horseshoe theory ignores the top down axis entirely), as Tikitime illustrates on the horseshoe theory talkpage. So do I believe that authoritarianism is a real thing? Yes. Do I believe that horseshoe theory does a good job of explaining it? No, and neither do political scientists. Carthage (talk) 02:58, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
I think Bob's take is pretty defensible. If there is any merit to the idea, it is only because the left/right political spectrum is itself not particularly unambiguous or distinctive. I think it is more than possible to make "similarity" arguments superficially that can come off as equally compelling to someone of a particular political background simply because it permits them to hate on the groups of people they were already inclined to hate on anyway. Like it wouldn't be hard to make the argument to lefties that liberalism is openly compatible with and benefits from far-right authoritarianism based on the active interests of neoliberal institutions to help establish far-right dictators in South America during the Cold War, highlighting the subsequent gross human rights violations. I can hear the centrist cries of non-applicability already, given that such violations or policies weren't established domestically, but I can already predict the leftist response in not finding that particularly compelling considering that there is an open history of human rights violations against certain disenfranchised groups within the US, and the sheer fact that countries like Canada and the US founded upon liberal ideals, were also established through acts classifiable as genocidal. Then we can devolve into the discussion of the various leftwing atrocities and attempt genocidal acts until the cows come home, with nobody realizing how not fucking innocent any particular point of the spectrum is in any of this. We need to build a new house that is not made with the master's tools. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 03:20, 23 March 2024 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Anything which is 'overfitted' becomes 'rubbish', Carthage. Horseshoe is a fair (though simple) explanation of how various types of nutjobs can end up at similar conclusions. Consider it more a 'lie-to-children' answer for laypersons than a fully fledged pol/sci theory which you'd use in an academic debate. KarmaPolice (talk) 11:07, 23 March 2024 (UTC)

Is it though? You run the risk of false equivalency with such oversimplifcations (as can be seen in our own article), especially when an argument can be made that they don't fit. An argument can be made that centrism just as easily runs the risk of authoritarianism as any other ideology used to justify power, as has already been expressed both here in this thread and elsethread. I am not convinced that this "confused, semi-illiterate" reading of politics is worth the digital paper it's being printed on. Carthage (talk) 11:06, 24 March 2024 (UTC)
However, you run the risk of folks not getting your argument at all if you subject them to a multi-minute, polysyllabic monologue detailing why at times folks on the fringes of political debate appear to end up holding suprisingly similar views at times despite being ostensibly being ideologically opposed to each other. Similar complaints can be made towards, say Occam's Razor, Dunning-Kruger, the Grass/Rabbit/Fox ecoystem, 'Outside Context Problem' and so on - that they are simplifications which some can either over-apply or not understand at all.
This is basically the 'lies-to-children' debate; it is better to give 'children' [laypersons with no specialist interest/knowledge] a simplified, though technically incorrect view of the subject/issue so they can at least grasp the principle [and run the risk of overfitting etc], or do we try to drill them in the correct technics straight away, knowing full well that a large % will most likely mentally give up before they finish your lesson? KarmaPolice (talk) 16:06, 25 March 2024 (UTC)
Arguably the former suggestion is based in a kind of epistemic injustice and a slight sense of intellectual arrogance. People can be genuinely curious, and be provided with the epistemic capacities to understand a subject, or at the very least you can debunk common misconceptions. Something like an oversimplification, is not merely a simplification, as “over” is built in to the terminology it’s worth considering what could amount to such an overcorrection to be bordering on disinformation. As skeptics, we end up perpetuating the exact thing we are supposed to be committed to combating. “Lies to children” (putting aside the deep condescending nature built into the term) is often how pseudoscience gets born. It’s how a lot of quantum woo came to be. It is how climate change, framed as an inevitable apocalypse, motivates doomerism. This isn’t to say there isn’t a place for necessary simplification, but in stating that we have to keep in mind that simplifications can distortive, and over-simplifying can be overly distortive. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 21:07, 27 March 2024 (UTC)
Yes, simplifying can be distortive. That kinda happens when you throw nuance and accuracy out the window to make sure the dumb less-educated rubes get the overall message. Luigifan18 (talk) 14:03, 31 March 2024 (UTC)
If you throw "nuance and accuracy" out the window, then what is that message worth? People are not inherently stupid. This more implies a laziness on your part to adequately explain the topic (which, yes, impedes the "overall message") than the intellectual capacity of the person you are condescending to. Carthage (talk) 05:01, 8 April 2024 (UTC)
I think we're referring to something that requires specialist knowledge to comprehend, and thus has to be dumbed down to be communicated to laypeople — for instance, the Talmud or an advanced scientific paper. (See our page on "release the data" and why acquiescing to such demands can be… impractical.) Luigifan18 (talk) 01:51, 14 April 2024 (UTC)
What specialist knowledge is required to understand the 14 characteristics of fascism? It doesn't take specialist knowledge to understand that fascism is a separate beast from, say, council communism. Likewise, what specialist knowledge is required to understand that liberal societies have engaged in authoritarianism to protect entrenched interests before, and this has gone as far as to include open cooperation with fascists? Carthage (talk) 02:39, 14 April 2024 (UTC)
I am kind of curious when we speak of "specialist knowledge" what exactly, if anything, makes any of the editors here particularly qualified? What is your educational background @Luigifan18? - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 04:49, 24 April 2024 (UTC)
I'll do it. On termed of education about the subject, -- > None <-- that is the answer here, and it's not difficult. I would love if the question 'do you support fascism?' was so simple. I wouldn't myself speak of specialist knowledge in terms of pure education. Someti!es, specialist knowledge comes from working in the field. It would be a little nosy and rude, if not bad faith, to ask you, for your curiousity, how you came to ask such a question. If that is your question, who do you need an answer from? Torrent (talk) 09:43, 5 May 2024 (UTC)

Social-democracy and socialism[edit]

Hello. I’ve been seeing a lot of people on Reddit and social media, and elsewhere, claiming that « Americans don’t know what socialism is » and what not. It’s all about social-democracy « not being socialist ». And honestly, I don’t get it. To me, American ignorance on socialism is precisely that Americans think socialism/communism is just one big thing that wants to quickly and violently overthrow the capitalist system either by direct revolution or by immediately destroying democracy after winning an election and taking power. I always thought of socialism as an ideology, equal to liberalism, conservatism, fascism etc. And not an extremist ideology that is fundamentally opposed to the capitalist « ideology ». It’s funny, because I’m European. In Europe, the only people I can imagine saying that social-democracy is definitively not socialist are « social-democrats » like Tony Blair, Gerhard Schröder « third way » neo-lib style, or far-left commies (the type of commies that the left I identify with, call it radical old-school social-democracy, or whatever you want, the « populist left », takes as an exemple of what’s actually far-left, kind of like when Trump fans say « those are the real nazis » [obviously that’s just an exemple]). But what I find weird is the definition of what would be your average French trotskyst is seen as « correct » in the US of A. People just assume that Bernie supporters don’t know what socialism means because they’re American. Even though what Bernie did is precisely open up americans to socialism. With most mainstream European left-wing parties, who moved towards the center in the post-Soviet 90s, this works. But Mélenchon is a social-democrat by this definition, Lafontaine is a social-democrat, Pablo Iglesias is a social-democrat, Jeremy Corbyn etc. Most of these are social-democrats and self-proclaimed socialists. But by this definition they are not socialists. My problem with this is that these people left the traditional parties or fought them because these parties didn’t support their radical left-wing positions anymore, so saying that social-democracy has officially « moved away » from socialism is ignoring these figures. My problem with this is that it doesn’t just ignore that, it ignores most of the history of socialism in Western Europe. The split between reformists (who formed socialist parties, that’s a hint to why some people might use some words in certain ways) and revolutionaries (who formed communist parties, hey, that sounds familiar). The fathers of socialism in France, like Jean Jaurès, support de-polarizing views that might be seen as not socialist by these popular definitions. Social-democracy doesn’t exclude the possibility of socialism via, very slow, gradual reform. Some nationalizations, some social programs, a pension reform. Slowly, and I mean actually slowly, it doesn’t need to be like Venezuela, Chile or Bolivia style, and gradually that can potentially lead to a truly mixed economy or, in theory, to socialism. In Germany, SPD members call themselves « comrades ». The US and Canada both have « liberal » and « conservative » parties ruling the country, so it’s very easy to make socialism a fringe ideology which can’t work. And this restrictive definition of enabling the social ownership of the means of production immediately here and now is inevitably doing exactly this. Anyways, sorry for the rant. What do you think of this? Cheers. New world (talk) 01:37, 15 April 2024 (UTC)

You might want to consider splitting things up into paragraphs, or at least use of some sort pacing structure in your writing. Dense walls of text can easily make a reader lose their place. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 03:42, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
I think the conflict in this sort of thought, is that it doesn't really distinguish capitalism and socialism as being distinct modes of production. Many a social democrat in terms of political philosophy rejects the mutual exclusion of socialism and capitalism, and are less willing to accept the existence of the Marxist conception of class conflict. I think the worry is that by "watering down" the idea of what socialism is meant to entail, you actually undermine the ethical and political aims of what socialism as a concept is set out to do. It is like expanding the definition of "healthcare" to include alternative medicine, such alt-med advocates definitely think what they are providing is healthcare, and sure, expanding the concept of medicine would definitely make it more accessible. But in doing so, you also make medicine as a whole far less effective on what it is set out to do to begin with. Why is having a more inclusive conception of what a socialist is be better than a more exclusive definition? - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 03:54, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
The thing is that I agree. Though this is only the far to radical-left version of socialism. Why can't we have Jean Jaurès and other theorists next to Marx, who’s definition wasn’t the last. The problem with this is that Bernie might call himself a socialist, some might say he’s not a socialist. But the republicans can profit from that, by taking this definition, and getting at Bernie because « socialism doesn’t work ». Bernie isn’t the most moderate of social-democrats either, he fits with the old-school socialists/socdems like Mélenchon, Jeremy etc. So it’s an actually interesting debate if his economics works, and there are historical exemples for that. Take Sweden, Danemark, you know what, those countries. And besides, revolutionary or radical socialism isn’t just Marxism. What about those crazy maoists? And I bet if Bernie said « Radical Keynesian economics work, look at these countries » less people would have got to support or know him. Take France now for a sec: Jaurès founded the SFIO, which became the PS (socialist party) later on, and Mélenchon left that party to found his Party of the left, and then his Unsubmissive France (La France Insoumise). Almost every leader of this party, from Leon Blum, to Mitterrand, to Lionel Jospin, to that guy that didn’t keep his promises, to today, is not socialist. From François Hollande, or maybe Lionel Jospin, onwards that works, call them social-democrats. But Mitterrand nationalized one of the biggest banks in France. In 1981 he did a huge amount of economic reforms. If it wasn’t for an international economic crisis, he would have continued, but then he did the tournant de la rigueur (turn of the rigor), which, while usually frowned upon by the left, was supported by young Mélenchon. And Leon Blum also didn’t overthrow the capitalist system, Leon Blum and his front Populaire in the 1930s did some very useful reforms, though. And that’s the point, he did reforms, which might eventually lead to something like socialism. That’s why many, ahem, self-described socialists in the US might identify with a certain FDR (not like he really cares about that, though). In the 1940s or 50s in France the communist (Stalinist) Party was leading a government, and it surely didn’t overthrow the system, it enabled a wave of nationalizations. Reducing socialism to « radical communist revolutionaries » is ignoring all of this history. And it separates people who follow similar principles. Democratic or reformist socialism doesn’t have to be Chavez (though all respect to Chavez. And here again, Lula is a « socialist of the 21 century », and Colombia’s Gustavo Petro is a social-democrat who is spitting eco-socialism in every single one of his speeches). New world (talk) 09:20, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
I guess paragraphs are capitalist and should be avoided.Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 09:48, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
I am sorry for not speaking a 20 year old code which screams for an update. And besides, when is RationalWiki getting that nice "answer" function like on Wikipedia?? I don’t want to need to be hacker to edit this. New world (talk) 10:16, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
I would argue the folks who are saying 'soc-dem not socialist' in regards to Sanders etc are basically folks who have decided a variant of 'lying for jesus'; that 'socialism' is viewed as a very toxic term and thus, it's best to avoid it - even now, I suspect any American public figure who said 'I am a socialist' would then have to constantly fend off attacks from 'Very Serious People' and demands that they constantly defend Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Stalin etc. 'Social Democracy' does not have these negative connotations, which means the activist etc can actually talk about the stuff they do favour [and polling shows the Big Public also agree], like 'decent living wages for hard-working folks ', 'getting the corp welfare mammas', 'making the ultra-rich pay their whack' and so on.
We Europeans don't have the such a negative connotations for 'socialism', so we can more freely use the term - but that's because we have our own histories of 'socialism' being associated with things like the nationalisation of the 'commanding heights of the economy', a firm welfare state, worker protections etc. For example, here in the UK any screed against the 'evils of socialism' can be instantly be countered with 'oh, you hate the NHS then' which is the nearest to a secular religion in the country. Each country has their own traditions of socialism; for example the UK has a long non-Marxist tradition via the co-op movement and trade unions.
But the truth is; 'socalism' is a very broad church, in which the only real things we agree on is a) 'change is required' and b) ''unfettered capitalism is the enemy of the people'. In my time here I've had a fair view arguments with other socialists, which perhaps highlights the 'divisions' between us but masking the fact that 80%+ of the time we are in fair agreement. KarmaPolice (talk) 12:39, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
Aren't most European socialist parties also socdem too though? I wouldn't say that the French Socialist Party or the Spanish PSOE support what I'd call "socialism". In fact, I'd say that the very Socialist InternationalWikipedia is pretty much center-left nowadays IMHO. GeeJayKWhere all evil dwells Where every lie is true 12:51, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
For the record, I see "socialism" as a system where the means or production are either public or collective. This is not by any means a perfect definition (for instance, cooperatives can exist within capitalism, as they actually do, so I'm not very sure about how to classify them), but scialism IMO doesn't have a lot to do with a robust welfare state, and I wouldn't call folks like Clement Attlee or Tage Erlander socialists (or at least their governments, maybe their ideas were more radical, but I'm not very familiar with their intellectual formation). GeeJayKWhere all evil dwells Where every lie is true 12:58, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
But you see, only marxists and really radical commies would argue for that in Europe. Reformist socialism means social welfare, waves of nationalizations etc. which might eventually lead to something which actually works. It can also go quicker, like with Chavez, which went badly, with Bolivia, which I suspect could potentially go badly, and with Allende in Chile, which went great before the US backed coup. When talking about this Americans often mix third way bullocks with radical social-democracy. Essentially there are two wings in Europe, one wing for radical old-school social-democracy, which wants a way towards socialism through natural development, and a wing which is now mainstream, sadly for us radicals, which is for I don’t what it’s for it claims to be "socialist" that’s all I know. Now saying social-democracy has finally moved away from its semi-socialist goal since the psot-soviet 90s is ignoring the radicals, who either left or are trying to knock the right-wings of the socdem parties out. And sometimes they are successful. Mélenchon replaced the socialist party in France, Jeremy was in power once upon a time, Oskar, now crazy conservative (Look up BSW by his wife Wagenknecht… a sad turn of events in Germany), at least managed to found his Die Linke. And as to the definition of socialism, Marxism is one courant of socialism, it isn’t the socialism. Look up Jean Jaurès, the father of French socialism, heck Lionel Jospin, a rather « liberal » fellow (but not Blair style), defined « modern socialism ». So he doesn’t have the right to define it ?(I mean the line is a crossed when Tony does it, but this guy did the 35 hour work week). The nature of moderate reformist socialism not chavez or allende style, respecting the electoral system to the very end, means that a socialist government is just that, a socialist government. And right-wing governments also occasionally do social programms, but ideologically it’s more aligned with the État providence (the welfare state), republicanism, conservative style. What’s bothering me is that in Europe US-americans we’re laughed at by the left because, you know, François Mitterrand, undeniably a socialist, wins the election in 81: Oh no, the Soviet tanks are marching to Paris! New world (talk) 13:48, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
From what I can tell, almost all advanced-nation 'left-wing' parties have been co-opted by Third Way, which often contains a fair smell of 'technocracy' about them ['populist' being a commmon snarl-word, as though they'd prefer have an inert Big Public while they pull the levers in the centre]. Thus, it is difficult to see, for example Tony Blair as 'socialist' because he showed almost nil desire to decrease economic inequality, reign in big business or even to rock the damn boat [actions, not words].
A 'robust Welfare State' is a vital piece of 'socialism in action' because it not only 'pulls the teeth of capitalists' [example, you cannot frighten workers with the sack so much if a decent unemployment system exists] but also helps to lesson economic inequalities in health, education, housing etc which helps with 'cracking open' class privilege [which isn't even really liked by classical liberals, let alone socialists].
But with Attlee... you are talking out of arse here, Gee. He headed the most 'socialistic' government in UK history - founding the National Heath Service, overhauling the education system, hugely expanding pension provision, nationalising 20% of the UK economy [mainly it's 'commanding heights'], limiting the power of landowners, putting in regulations to protect the public from businesses, starting with slum clearances and so on. However, he was a 'socialist' in the reformist 'Fabian' tradition, not a revolutionary 'Marxist' one. KarmaPolice (talk) 13:56, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
If anything, can’t we just agree that Tony isn’t a socialist or a social-democrat, but a social traitor? New world (talk) 14:00, 15 April 2024 (UTC)

──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── (EC) I'm in a bit of a hurry right now, so I can't answer everything, but I'd say Mitterrand made a soft-neoliberal government after 1983 with his "tournant de la rigueur", adopting austerity and privatizing most of the French SOEs. So, again, in my opinion most of the European "socialists" are also socdems. I do trust Karma more than myself when it comes to British history, so if you say that Attlee was a socialist I won't dispute. GeeJayKWhere all evil dwells Where every lie is true 14:04, 15 April 2024 (UTC)

I am aware of that. Us mitterandists stand by the fact that it was an international crisis, and that Mitterrand had to do that. And as I said, Mélenchon supported that. With Jospin I have mixed feelings, he privatized more than any government before or after him… But Mitterrand, nooo. Say what you want about his « secret » past and nazis and what not, but he was a socialist. He never publicly supported the bullocks his later ministers said. (And Rocard hated him. Rocard, the French Tony Blair). He wanted to save his image. And according to Mélenchon, he was a sincere socialist. No matter Iraq, tournant de la rigueur and all that. It was a crisis, stalinist communists switched sides back then. Mitterrand didn’t, and don’t forget that the right got into power in all that chaos. What about Leon Blum, or the communist stalinist, Maurice Thorez? They didn’t overthrow the capitalist system. And again, Bernie is more the radical type, the « populist », like Méluche, like Jeremy, like Al those Latin Americans. New world (talk) 14:15, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
The wider socialist 'family' shall always have debates on what should/not be in private hands, why that is so and if so, how that is done. It is quite possible that a socialist government can easily 'sell off' a load of SOEs on the basis 'we have no decent reason to be in this business' [UKGov owning a travel agency or breweries anyone?] or that there was better ways of achieving your goal [say, having a Govt 'golden share' to block foreign takeovers, or even selling some of the shares to the relevant trade union]. KarmaPolice (talk) 15:21, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
Yes. But let’s not mix Mitterrand, and maybe even Jospin, with the Third Way guys (as a reminder, the socialist party never had a third way program, that asshole Hollande didn’t follow up on his program, that’s what happened). That’s the important thing. Observing and explaining this unsettled situation from and to the US isn’t an easy task.. Especially since the right is using the situation to its benefit (in Germany, they accuse the greens of extremism, the modern "greens" of Germany…). Seriously, I’m tempted to deny both labels to these bourgeois traitors, and to just call them social-liberals (but that’s not correct usage, at all, I admit..). New world (talk) 15:47, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
Just found this, if it helps. You might also be interested in the disputes between Rosa Luxembourg and the Jauresian socialists. I remember reading about it, and a quick google search in French shows results. Cheers. New world (talk) 20:55, 15 April 2024 (UTC)

@GeeJayK I think the definition only needs a slight adjustment to the system having a predominate collective or public ownership over the means of production.

So sure, an market economy where only worker co-op’s existed could be classed as “socialist” — but a system where the majority of firms are still traditional firms, with the class distinction between private employer and hired employee still in tact. The presence or absence of some cooperatives, or even many could still be classed as capitalist, right?

Having some state-owned enterprises would still be distinct from a system where the majority of enterprise is state owned. Your definition is the most part fine. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 21:58, 15 April 2024 (UTC)

I have one last question. Are there any cases of communism, as I’m going to insistingly call this, and it’s definition of a socialist, ahem, utopia, actually working? Because if not, you are reducing socialism, the ideology of the entire left-wing, with Spartakists, Jauresians, Maoists, Marxists, (Willy) Brandtists, Mélenchonists, Stalinists, Trotskyists, and co. to its impossible far-left component. And may I even make the suggestion that you are either american/canadian, or at the very least, either a radical communist, a marxist, or "a" "capitalist" (don’t know what that means, economic liberal? Conservative? You gotta have ideals man, convictions). Tell me I’m wrong, please. New world (talk) 22:36, 15 April 2024 (UTC)
I think the issue with that sort of question is that is that it comes from a bit of conceptual misunderstanding. Communism as an ideology versus communism as an economic system are two different things. Ideological communists think that a certain kind of "communism of scale" is possible, inevitable, and (arguably) desirable. Communism as an economic system is essentially "living communally" and is not at all unusual throughout human history, especially for small rural communities. Marx himself makes explicit reference to this when he speaks of "primitive communism". Communistic living is kind of the default for hunter-gatherer tribes. When speaking of "communism" we are speaking of classless, stateless, moneyless societies. They have always existed, some are more successful or more sustainable than others. "Working" here isn't a well-defined notion. For the small egalitarian communities that live sustainably among their community of about 100 or so people...are they working? Arguably, yes, as it is doing what it is intended to do. Did the "Jonestown" commune work? Arguably, not depending on what we take the "purpose" of such a project to be. The real economic controversy surrounds whether communism is something that can work as intended on scale, that's already a controversy for socialism of which communism is just a subset. When we speak about "working" it is a pretty contextual notion, and even then some communists (like, Trots for example) are not even willing to grant the current feasibility of "global" communism without the advent of certain technological innovations. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 00:24, 16 April 2024 (UTC)
Even for that matter, "socialism" from my and Gee's working definition is pretty inclusive of many different kinds of economic systems -- all with various problems. I would define myself as pro-socialist, but he wouldn't. This boils down to a difference in attitude about what the failures of 20th-century projects actually entail (noting that we do not disagree about them being failures). But from that angle alone, a lot of Marxists and other leftist ideologues would have issues with us both because of the whole "scientific" vs. "utopian" socialism distinction, and the belief that only a very specific conception of socialism based in historical materialism is the de facto correct conception of socialism. In that case, many Marxists and even Leninists wouldn't even necessarily grant that socialism has ever been established as they envisioned it. Keep in mind too that Lenin was the one to make the distinction between socialism and communism, Marx used the terms interchangeably. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 00:32, 16 April 2024 (UTC)
This is like the touching point where a lot of "leftist-infighting" comes from. With the claims that "mutualists are just capitalists", "Market socialism is just capitalism", "anarchists are just liberals", or relevantly "social democrats are anti-socialists". The other side being "the Soviet Union was state capitalist", etc. So given that history, it would be weird if figures like Bernie Sanders or Jeremy Corbyn weren't accused of being "not real socialists" because that is just sort of part of the territory. I blame the corrosive power of Marxist hegemony. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 00:36, 16 April 2024 (UTC)
So you are the classic exemple of far-left in Europe (and most of Latin America)? Again, Jauresian socialism, the Fabian school, German social-democracy etc. Etc. Here is a funny anecdote: France, La France Insoumise (Unsubmissive France, founded by JLMélenchon). The « frondeurs » faction of the party is currently raising its voice against the lack of internal democracy in the party. They were just knocked out of the party council. Mélenchon, officially « en retrait » (in retreat) but not « en retraite » (in retirement) is not giving away power, according to the right and these « frondeurs » [BTW, the marxists and trotskysts are crying bc of their forced "useful vote" for Mélenchon in the last elections]. The « frondeurs » usually have unusual positions, from those who want to change the « le bruit et la fureur » (the sound and the fury) populist strategy, to those who want to focus on workers’ rights and put progressive politics after those. François Ruffin is the latter type. He is the deputy of a regionalist party. He’s rather moderate compared to Mélenchon. The « frondeurs » are known for going to media outlets and saying things like « I disagree with Mélenchon. Do I have the right to? » which make amazing titles. And so, one big French media outlet has a title on its front page « François Ruffin: " I am a social-democrat " ». When he was asked about it later, he answered that 1. he said he was a "social" "democrat" (in French, social-democracy isn’t translated, it’s literally democracy social..) not a "social-democrat" and 2. that he is « a revolutionary-reformist socialist, like Jaurès, like Mélenchon ».
There are three types of people who argue for this definition: Americans/Canadians, « far-left » fellows, revolutionary or just very radical, and "capitalists". Some social scientists, but not a majority, argue for this as well. I mean, it’s not just European socialist parties (and again, do not mix this debate with Third Way traitors, please), Morena in Mexico, Pacto Historico in Colombia, PT in Brazil, the Chilean dude who’s not sure what he is (think his name was Boric). At least we can agree that this debate is far from finished. I bet Lenin didn’t like Jaurès, yet Jaurès is a socialist. You can’t take Lenin’s essays and say « those aren’t socialists », or Marx and Engles, or anyone else. Jaurès founded French Socialism, and its ideological goals. So French reformist Socialism isn’t socialism? Because it’s too soft on when and how the natural transition between one system to another will happen? Really? Let’s agree to disagree, comrades. [As to communism, the term communalism sort of fits that function when it gets controversial, like, for exemple, with the Inca Empire in Peru, or other indigenous groups] New world (talk) 00:58, 16 April 2024 (UTC)
'[Socialism] is the system having a predominate collective or public ownership over the means of production' is a wonky definition, Dumb. First, how do you judge 'predominate'? Numbers of orgs? GDP output? Number of employees? Then how to you measure these critera? What counts as 'working in the socialist sector' - is a freelancer [for example] for a SOE self-employed or a state employee? How does one rate the economic output of a teacher, police officer or social worker? What about the tons of unpaid work performed within the economy - does the parent feeding their baby have 'value'? What about partly state-owned companies, or [as you note] the myriad of what is often called 'the third sector' [coops, charities and so on]. An economically advanced nation can still be solidly 'socialist' even if the vast majority of businesses are privately owned because they are mainly small and predominate in sectors of no real interest to economic planners - such as hair salons, bars, jobbing gardeners, freelance artists and similar - because modern forms of capitalism has a huge % of economic output in the hands of a very few large companies.
The question of 'how much', 'why' and 'how' in regards to private ownership is also strongly dependent on the economic situation of the individual country. You cannot judge a country with an agricultral sector dominated by a few large landowners operating plantations exactly the same as another where the setup is owner-occupier farmers. I will also argue that the issue of 'state capitalism' is a false one. A nation may decide to nationalise a particular sector or company not because they felt the products needed to be supplied 'below market cost' to the population, but to stop monopoly exploitation, foreign capital-extraction, was deemed 'too big to fail' or that the production/distribution was 'too important' to be left to the private sector.
From my experience, most communists currently argue that communism is impossible due to consumerism. Ernest Mandel, for example pointed out [back in the 1980s] that to bring the whole world to an 'Western' SoL immediately would be either a physical impossibility or an ecological catastrophe, while I've seen it argued that the USSR partly collaped because they went from trying to improve folks QoL [ie working on Maslow's hierarchy of needs] to chasing SoL [more material stuff] which was a race against the USA they could never win. This could be said to be the crux of eco-socialism; that this chase will end up killing the entire planet and to quote WarGames; 'The only winning move is not to play'. KarmaPolice (talk) 12:35, 16 April 2024 (UTC)
Just to muddle this even further, there are anarchists who would balk at the label of socialist, and I'm not talking about ancaps either. Anarcho-nihilists, post-leftists, some egoists, some green anarchists.... A common refrain among these types is not "seize the means of production," but "cease the means of production," that's assuming they buy into the notion that a concept as vague and amorphous as "society" holds any meaning or relevance. Carthage (talk) 13:35, 16 April 2024 (UTC)
May I add that Only sort of dumbs’ definition of communism isn’t the one I was using. I was talking about revolutionary socialists, as this term is often, and legitimately so, used following Lenin’s revolution and the split between reformists (who already held pretty "social-democratic" positions) and revolutionaries. We have communist regimes, communist parties etc. Of course most of these believe communism, on a certain scale, is possible, but most importantly they are revolutionary far-leftist socialists. I’m used to economic liberals calling me extremist and a "tankie", but getting contradicted because of a- somewhat -moderate definition of socialism? I don’t know if I’m angry or stunned at this development, it’s just not what I’m used to. Sort of refreshing. New world (talk) 23:13, 16 April 2024 (UTC)

@KarmaPolice definition of predominate: "be the strongest or main element; be greater in number or amount" - Oxford Languages. Predominate social ownership of the means of production would mean that the majority of the means of production are owned socially - as in owned collectively or owned by the state. I don't see the logic in reading that in terms of per "GDP output" or "number of employees". Suggestions like that seem deliberate to read the definition with as little charitability as possible, as instead of taking the default, most obvious, most literal meaning, you decided to construct wonky measures and interpretations on the fly. You can literally measure this by the number of firms, factories, and other commercial resources that are cooperatives or state-owned enterprises in ratio to traditionally privately owned firms. Everything else following that "objection" isn't relevant to whether a definition of socialism is accurate or not. The definition I am using would capture pretty much every preferred economic model among Marxists, Libertarian socialists, and market socialists without including any examples that would more often be classed as capitalist. Most if not all of GeeJayK's common suggestions about examples of socialism would fit my definition. When the object of relevance (that being the means of production) is built into the definition, then that obviously the most relevant factor to measure things on. Notice how I do not use wonky ass terms like "socialist sector" nor do I endorse that the use of such a term as meaningful, so to ask me what "counts" as part it, is a malformed question. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 09:11, 17 April 2024 (UTC)

This revolutionary socialist definition isn’t the only "common" definition (As to "libertarian socialists", most people I know who would identify with that describe themselves as anarchists, anarcho-syndicalists or syndicalists, unionists. Libertaire in French, contrary to libertarien, is used as a synonym of anarchist). And besides, owning the means of production is also a goal of reformists, not of Third Wayers though. It’s about a slow, gradual move towards something that actually works, maybe with the help of truly protectionist economics and a break from NATO, at least in France, and a rewriting of the European treaties. Because right now, I am not convinced that Lutte Ouvrière (LO) or the Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste (NPA), following the principles of father Trotsky, will be successful in their revolution against the ruling classes, when it eventually inevitably happens. Nationalizations of some industries already assure you that if socialist governments continue to govern a country democratically most of the means of production will be in the hands of the country. The only statesman that I’ve heard supporting this definition is Colombia’s Petro to fight off allegations of communism from our favorite Argentinian president. He also announced that a revolution against capitalism will come because of the ecological crisis and the impossibility of a green capitalism. I mean beyond the economic theories and all that, (theoretically I could identify with ordo-liberalism or social-liberalism, or euro-communism, and the list goes on) we are talking about the revolutionary socialists who are at maximum 5 percent in a stable country of Europe? And Sweden now, because it’s important. The "third way" of Sweden meant no direct diplomatic allegiance to either US capitalism or Soviet Communism. The Scandinavian countries might not have been fully socialist, but up until the neo-liberal turn in the 80s and 90s, let’s say at the death of Olof Palme, they were among the biggest welfare states of the world (they still are), and one of the most equal. This idea of excluding anyone except for the far-left from socialism as one united ideology split between communists (revolutionary socialists) and reformists is completely off putting. Again, it’s not not democratic socialism just because it didn’t do it as fast as Chavez did, and that went horribly with Maduro, or Bolivia, and that has a high potential to become a complete disaster too, or Chile, because the CIA couldn’t have a democratic socialist in their backyard. This completely ignores the history of Western Europe, which is important because this thing started in Western Europe, and eastern Europe was a part of the soviet unions backyard. New world (talk) 12:38, 17 April 2024 (UTC)
this is something I've said for years, decades now, and I stand by it. In the face of any Randian Goober, I, like Washington, cannot tell a lie. There are three things you shouldn't privatize. Hospitals, prisons, and schools. That is what your tax money should be going to. Political campaigns should be going toe to toe on public works. Extra capital is so easily spent on fixing potholes, the fuck we need it to buy a commercial? Nobody likes ads. Torrent (talk) 08:16, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
I would also add; 'militaries', 'law enforcement/courts', 'central banks', 'basic infrastructure' and government itself. However, when you say 'privatise', do you mean zero for-profit provision? Again, one of those things where socialists and and do argue about; for example whether private education should exist in principle. And yes, the arbitary definitions of 'socialism' and similar is stupid, very 'The Judean People's Front' about it and not helpful one bit. We may argue about the exact how and when, but we are all roughly on the same page on who/what the enemy is.
Dumb; it's perfectly clear to all you don't understand my previous point. No, my question is relevant. By your 'default, most obvious, most literal meaning' rules that Wal-Mart has the same weight as 'Bob's Window Cleaning Co' who's total assets comprise of an old van and three ladders. This is patently stupid to a point where I wonder if you even throught this through. And no, I am speaking of quite a bit of study on this topic; including [but not limited to] my reading of Soviet economic history - see, for example the NEP [pointing out that if you went on simple numbers, the USSR in the 20s was 'not socialist' (by your definition) because during this the majority of 'businesses' operating were in private hands ie peasant farms].
There is also the simple question of what constitutes 'one'; for example in the UK the NHS [socialised] currently owns 930 hospitals or major standalone clinics [well, good as]. Is this 'one' entity? Or 930? This is important because often when things are brought out of the private sector major amalgamations occour; for example in 1947 when the nationalised 'National Coal Board' came to be, it took over the assets of some 800 former private coal companies, comprising of 980 colleries and a workforce of around 780k. Yet, using your 'default, most obvious, most literal meaning' the UK would have become 'more capitalist' if 900 people had set up corner shops on the day of coal nationalisation [-800 private coal companies, +1 socialist NCB, +900 private corner shops = 'more capitalist by 99 firms'.]
This is the whole point of the Marxist term 'commanding heights of the economy'. That you need to only really worry about the sectors of the economy which effect the general structure of the economy, provide vital goods/services and/or are the biggest employers. That you don't [as some early regional Bolsheviks did, to Lenin's chagrin] run around 'nationalising' windmills, artisan workshops or small stores simply to boast of the numbers of nationalisations. I mean, what's going to be 'more socialist' in the USA in 2024; nationalising 2,000 corner shops or nationalising the 20 largest private firms, which between them directly employ 10 million Americans [6.2% the entire working age population], doubtless have millions more indirectly dependent on them and have perhaps trillions in capital assets?
But I fully expect you shall view this as more 'malformed questions' or simply 'not relevant'. KarmaPolice (talk) 16:59, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
The man speaks on behalf of "all". I think you are getting bogged down in the metaphysics of economics asking about the mereological character of socialist vs. capitalist entities when the discussion is more so about the dominant mode of production in a political economy. A single collective or cooperative is not what makes a socialist economic system, adding more co-ops into a capitalist economy does not make it "more socialist" if the conception of socialism is meant to be exclusive from the presence of capitalism. Yes, many Leninists and Trotskyists would say that the dominant economy of the soviet union was not socialist during the 1920s and in the decades following. Lenin actually openly admitted he didn't think socialism was achieved in Russia during his lifetime. He saw the Soviet Union as being in the process of building the material foundations to transition into a system of socialism, but not yet achieving it. The DoTP is not meant to be a synonym for socialism. Lenin was using socialism the way that Marx may use the term "lower phase communism", and in that, he specified that socialism would be characterized by the absence of class distinctions. Something he didn't think the SU achieved because he thought there was a present class conflict between the industrial workers and the peasant class. Mind you, they are going with a more strict conception of socialism than what I offered, but the idea that calling the Soviet Union "not socialist" at the time of the 1920's isn't the obvious falsehood you think it is. Also, I don't the term "commanding heights of the economy" originates from Marx, I think that term comes from Lenin specifically in his defence of the NEP in the strategic value of what they were doing. I think the idea you are going for is not that far off from the parody of "socialism is when the government does stuff, and the more stuff it does the more socialister it is". If your interest is in the defense of the presence of private property under a system describable as socialist, you have to recognize that you are departing from the vast majority of socialist thinkers Post-Marx within the realm of political philosophy. If we're going to wave reasons for epistemic credibility around, I studied political philosophy at a masters level, whoop-dee-fucking do. Do my "studies" account for shit? - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 06:43, 19 April 2024 (UTC)
Also, this aspect about "class distinctions" is sort of integral to the socialist conception of private property, and would address your distinction between walmart and "Bob's Window Cleaning Co" with the total assets of 3 ladders and a van, which I am not even sure fits the criteria of a "traditional firm" nor am I certain that "3 ladders and a van" (with suspiciously absent window cleaner) constitutes a genuine "means of production." What is Bob producing besides utter confusion at his lack of cleaning supplies? Also who is the capitalist and who is wage-labourer in the context of Bob the incompetent self-employed window cleaner? Mind you, Mutualists, a type of market socialism, is totally down for the presence of self-employed 1 person operations like Bob. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 06:52, 19 April 2024 (UTC)
Oh god damnit. You could write for révolution permanente. In university, at least in France, you can verrry often meet people, who, well, study, while waiting for the revolution to come, one day or another, while preaching Das Kapital and the Communist manifesto, and Trotsky’s essays, and more. The problem is that I, sadly, similar to how many economic liberals categorically refuse to accept us old-school radical reformist "populist" left-wingers not being "far-left", cannot accept your opinion, because 1. Your thing, and the things your revolutionary ideology has tried, have not worked, so I am not convinced we can try again, (and the Soviet Union could have certainly become something if the West didn’t abandon Gorbi) and 2. you are a far-leftist, an actual far-leftist. I certainly don’t disagree with you on a lot of issues, but if you start excluding people from socialism because you, a far-leftist of the textbook, wants to dominante the left-wing, which you’ll never do, then the line is crossed. New world (talk) 11:07, 19 April 2024 (UTC)
As to theorists not defending private property, il have to agree. If we count politicians as theorists, (some of them are, basically), then the picture is different. However, it doesn’t need to be revolutionary socialism. Chantal Mouffe, one of the biggest influences on Mélenchon, is one exemple I could cite. And Mélenchon himself, based on her and others ideas (and strategies), has developed his ideas in the form of his various party programs, and sometimes essays, on the "presidential monarchy" that is the 5th republic, and so on. And Tony Blair also gave his spin at it, and I bet Bernie did too. On what exactly do we disagree, actually? Well, I don’t believe that a reformist socialist needs to have "overthrowing capitalism" in his program, with expropriations and all, to be a reformist, and to want a gradual move towards socialism. New world (talk) 11:32, 19 April 2024 (UTC)
'Bob's Window Cleaning Co' is a company because it is registered as such. You did not make distinctions on 'what was a company' and what was not - and as you deride my points as 'metaphysics', I assme you are going to do some pin-dancing to 'show' how 100% correct you are and how I am totally wrong. Which you do with your total ignoring of my points, drifting off into polysyllabic waffle and showing a general ignorance of economics in general - that questioning how things are to be measured [and why] is in fact a fairly common topic and one which normally needs to be sorted first.
If you have not noticed, I have been ignoring you for some time, Dumb, because I find your points in the Bar generally turgid, windy and at times borderline incomprehensible. However, I have let you be because they've generally been on topics I either didn't know a lot about or care about. Not this time. I will firstly point out that political philosophy is not economics. Or economic history. So no, this is not your bailiwick. Oh, but it is mine [I can actually understand you somewhat for starters] and yes, 'three ladders and a van' does count as a 'traditional firm' if Bob has an employed assistant. It's not 'a parody of socialism' to make a defence of some private property; most respect private ownership of personal possessions, their own homes [within limits, obs] and many will extend this to small-scale 'owner-operated' concerns [qv, Titoism]. Even more simply, even socialists who don't like the latter often shall come to a conclusion that our current technological level means 'state management' of very single economic unit in the country would be somewhere between 'terribly inefficient' and 'utterly impossible'.
I agree with New World on this; you cannot simply draw an arbitary line of 'this is socialist' which only fits you and [I am sure of this] a very small crowd. This completely reeks of 'The People's Front of Judea' posturing which really puts my back up as a socialist becuase it's utterly counter-productive, divisive and ineffective in doing those little pesky things like building a mass movement. Which is why, for example I am willing to give assurances to the 'petty bourgeois' that their little shops, farms, workshops and houses will remain theirs - that the only people who really have much to fear are going to be the top 5% and their hangers-on. If capitalism is animals fighting over bits of meat, there's no point on taking away their meagre scraps [and making them your enemy] on 'ideological' reasons alone. KarmaPolice (talk) 12:58, 19 April 2024 (UTC)
The SPD also collaborated with the Nazis to "own le commies", sooooooooo... PoorlyDrawnRockford.jpeg Rockford the Roe boop my snootpraise Oscar Wilde 18:01, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
I don't know where you get this information, but I believe it is factually incorrect. The SPD was the only party to vote against the Enabling Act in 1933 and was outlawed after that. If anything, the refusal of the KPD to work with the SPD (they hated them more than they hated them Nazis) was a major cause of the rise of Hitler. GeeJayKWhere all evil dwells Where every lie is true 18:33, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
I wonder why the KPD didn't want to work with the guys who used the Freikorps to kill Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, real mystery that is. Also Stalin being an idiot didn't help. A somebody. (talk) 18:59, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
Yes, the parliament ended up with a 'negative majority'; ie that between the Communists and Nazis they had enough votes to bring down governments, but quite obviously not form one. Thalmann [the head of the KPD] was ordered by Stalin to not cooperate with the SPD in any way, mainly in the mistaken belief that if/when the latter 'failed', their voters would turn 'leftwards'. It was partly this failure which led to the resumption of the 'Popular Front' philosophy; that if confronted with a clear fascist/militarist menace, it's the duty of Communists to block their route to victory, even if this means collaborating with Marxist revisionists, social democrats or even stodgy liberals. KarmaPolice (talk) 18:55, 18 April 2024 (UTC)
Fun fact: Because of Jaurès dying assassinated by a nationalist in 1914, a lot of Querfront activity was happening in Vichy France, in all the parties of the former Front populaire, out of "pacifism" (although fear also played a role). What’s funny about this is that the former socialist PM, Leon Blum, was Jewish, and had so see with his own eyes that "more centrists, Christians and conservatives had resisted and voted against the Laval project" which gave Pétain full powers. New world (talk) 19:17, 18 April 2024 (UTC)

@KarmaPolice Well it’s saying the quiet part out loud at least, when you openly admit to desiring to make assurances to the petit bourgeoisie. But if the goal is simply to “build a mass movement” then just be a populist. Assuming you have differing goals beyond that, then what exactly is the term “socialism” doing for you? What it the end goal? If it is just wealth distribution, or nationalizing certain key industries? If that is the case there is nothing per se incompatible with those aims and being a post-60’s modern liberal then identifying as a socialist. Might be easier to get people on board that way.

The issue that lib socs, mutualists, marxists, etc. have with yours and New World’s conception is that it is *overly* inclusive — and undermines the aim of abolishing the systems of exploitation of the working class. When people complain of “defanging socialism” this is exactly what folks are talking about. Marx included an entire section of the communist manifesto going at length about French and German socialist projects inclusive to the petit bourgeois as being failures. If you are so frightened by the placement of “arbitrary” (can’t be arbitrary if there is a reason for it) lines, then what exactly is your response to the claim that “National Socialists” were genuine socialists?

My aims are particular to the opposition to class distinctions and class domination. Domination as understood in the Rousseauan sense of a social relationship between a social group that regularly appreciates the role of being obeyed against a group who regularly perform the role of doing the obeying. With a republican conception liberty, as freedom as non-domination, I believe the maximization of human liberty and means of self determination requires the abolition of certain social dominance hierarchies/ social inequality.

We can have fundamentally different interests and that’s okay, but your politics is bordering on something akin to respectability politics, and that has inevitable tendency to throw certain minority groups under the bus to maintain an idea of mass appeal to the majority.

Also New World keeps classifying my conception as the “revolutionary definition” falsely framing it as incompatible with gradualist approaches. Many mutualists adopt my definition and many do not believe in the aim of violent revolution. They also keep listing “politicians” as genuine authorities to the contents of political philosophy, and that is a whole can of worms if we are going go down that route because we have a lot of politicians who use the label “socialism” with completely contradictory aims. What grounds do you have to say self-identified National Socialists before and after Hitler are not genuine socialists? I can genuinely provide an answer to that. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 22:43, 19 April 2024 (UTC)

@OnlySortaDumb I cited Chantal Mouffe, a defender of the populist strategy for the left, not just politicians. The problème with this is that it is a completely revisionist take on things, almost a denial of the historical and theoretical reality. There is an entire history to the moderate, not radical, gradualist approach. Jaurès taught philosophy, and he’s the founder of French socialism, so he’s a theorist, right? As to the national-socialists, as far as I know, the broader picture is that the far-right always uses a "social" element to lure the popular classes into their camp. As to liberalism, that’s a wider question. But yes, the left-wing is essentially entirely socialist, and that’s a good thing. In theory. In practice, the "mainstream" parties are neither socialist nor "social-democratic" and are rather bordering on neo-liberalism. Again, we mostly agree. If you have got nothing fundamental against gradualist approaches, then why is Bernie not socialist to you, exactly? Because he doesn’t have expropriations and co. in his program? That would make him effectively far-left. You see, I grew up in a socialist family, I’m studying the lefts and their history, socialism is something I believe in, it is my ideology. I feel socialist, as Mitterrand said in that interview I linked. Reformist literature exists, to your great detriment. But above all, I’m left-wing. I believe in the republican principles of the enlightenment and the reformist socialist tradition in accordance with it. I feel like far-leftists like you are using the situation with Bernie in the US to your benefit, and, you see, that’s to the detriment of socialism. Many marxists won’t see that it’s the same ideology with a complementary history, and the useful vote for Sanders or the future demsocs will die out. New world (talk) 00:52, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
And as to the part about goals, I do think we need to develop something akin to a socialist model. You say I might as well identify as populist, or liberal. The problem is that in practice there are only 4/3 political courants, "communism", "socialism", classical liberalism, which always includes economic liberalism, so no, we are not liberals, conservatism, and fascism. I am not a Biden supporter. The "center" and the conventional right wing, while they sometimes might have similar positions, just aren’t the left. The left-wing and the far-left agree a lot, that’s a fact, but is the far-left an instance to cite, can the far-left decide over wether the left is socialist? Even though the left has its reasons and intellectual traditions for and claiming socialism? New world (talk) 01:19, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
You are talking about historical reality while citing a contemporary political philosopher, who defines herself as "post-Marxist", so there is already a concession of breaking from certain traditions here. Also, you are reading a bunch of stuff about Bernie Sanders into what I said, expressing your "feelings" about what I am doing here -- but that has fuck all to do with the actual content of what I am saying. I didn't say one way or another if Sanders was socialist or not. If you think that my definition of socialism is socialism's detriment" then I don't care, because whatever fuck you are referring to as "socialism" isn't the thing I am interested in. I do not give two shits about validating your identity or your particular political aims. I do not care, it does not matter to me, it has nothing to do with my politics evidently. I care a lot more about ethical principles than I do about labels. If one is okay with tolerating various forms of socioeconomic oppression that I don't support, then I am not a political ally with that person. If that makes me "not a good socialist" I do not care. If socialism has nothing to do with anti-capitalism and establishing worker's control over the means of production then socialism is meaningless to me, and I don't give two shits about it. - 06:10, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
@OnlySortaDumb Oh oh oh. Is someone who fundamentally believes in something a little undemocratic getting angry? See. Various forms of oppression etc. I’m sorry. But you seem to be a far-leftist. And I do not give two shits about validating your identity, or your impossible war on capitalism. What I was telling you is that there are certain socialist traditions, histories and milieux which just don’t fit your definition. I’m telling you that my historically and intellectually already validated wider definition is the common one in many places. You are what is commonly called a communist. You say I cited a post-Marxist, which is true, a post-Marxist who greatly praises the left-wing "social-democratic" governments of the glorious thirties in Europe and the government of Mitterrand (while accusing the traditional movements of having allied with the neolibs later). Yes, that’s a fact, unless we live in an alternate dimension. You see, this is the sort logic which makes me, and a lot of other people, not far-left. If you had to make your words actions, would that be a disaster? Absolutely. It would. Are you wrong in your assertion that the entire PS or PSOE are not socialist? Yes, you are. At least for the PS, which has a left-faction, to say the least. Scholars and history have already "watered down" socialism. Only a far-leftist cannot understand that, citing Marx on previous socialists pre-1848. Socialism has developed towards this ideology, not model, with extremely gradualist approaches. These are just facts. Do you have a problem with that? If yes, one more reason not to become a far-leftist or anarchist, really. Especially not a sectarian one. You have the word communism at your disposal, though reformists might also sometimes use it. Your sectarianism is ultimately hurting the wider ideology (or maybe it’s just stoping social-democrats from manipulating the masses into supporting capitalism, huh?). New world (talk) 07:35, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
"Is someone who fundamentally believes in something a little undemocratic getting angry?" How can you know fundamentally that I am undemocratic? You have no idea what my political philosophy is. I am not a communist. You have no idea what the fuck I am. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 08:58, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
@OnlySortaDumb: Of course. And Trump isn’t far-right. I know your an American (?) far-left communist. Not more. New world (talk) 09:44, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
More so, a Canadian Degrowth Social Ecologist. I been described as a left-wing version of minarchist by student cohorts. I also concede the evidence for the necessity of markets for efficient resource allocation. That is definitely not compatible with the aim of a stateless, classless society without currency or markets. So, not really communist. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 22:38, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
@OnlySortaDumb: Ok. While you seem to be rather radical (no problem with that, just an observation), I re-read your comments, and it seems I mixed your posts with those of Gee. Sorry for the malentendu. You’ve made general comments about the wider and restrictive definitions. The subject of this post, however, concerns specifically social-democracy, and Bernie Sanders. I admit I am not competent enough to know the validity or invalidity of your economics, Karma seems to be well fit for that. First, on populism, Chantal Mouffe argues that left-wing populism is needed to counter the resurgence of the right-wing and far-right, by "federating the people", from the agriculturalist to the factory worker to minority politics to urban youth, fighting the 1 percent, the oligarchy, the common enemy to rally the people against. This is very much in line with "building a mass movement". My point is that social-democracy isn’t inherently capitalist, or "not-socialist", but can be, and often is, a part of the socialist movement. The unity of the left comes first, in order to have a chance at fighting economic liberalism, and creating a mixed economy, first, out of pragramatism, instead of making the petite bourgeoisie your enemy because of ideological reasons. The "populist" element is in asserting the sovereignty of the people as theorised by Rousseau.
Second, communism in this sense means the revolutionary courant of socialism that split from the reformists and founded on the Leninist interpretation of Marx. New world (talk) 23:16, 20 April 2024 (UTC)

I don't have the time/energy to answer all this (as a worker I have to well, work) but I do wonder why the hell you think 'populism' is inherently a bad thing, Dumb? KarmaPolice (talk) 13:53, 20 April 2024 (UTC)

Where did I say I do? - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 22:38, 20 April 2024 (UTC)
nowhere, I guess, but you could answer. Y'all are so mean to each other. If every idea I ever had deserved a 'fuck you forever' I dunno what I'd even have to say for myself. Torrent (talk) 07:11, 21 April 2024 (UTC)
'But if the goal is simply to “build a mass movement” then just be a populist.'
Could hear the sneer even via text. I'm not sure what you dislike; having a mass movement or having popular policies. I don't want popular policies simply because they are popular, but because by picking a clutch of 'socialism in action' programmes can help build up a grassroots mass movement which can then lead to other things - I found this article on political machines compelling and believe that any socialist movement should build our own machines too. We traditionally relied on the trade union movement and would be well-served to work within them again, but other methods are needed too.
On the other hand, most far-left politics I've personally observed is complete wankery. A tiny group of people who I wouldn't trust to run a corner shop talking about overthrowing capitalism and/or the state with almost nil idea of how the hell they'd do it, if they [by fluke] actually ended up in power how they would achieve their revolutionary programme or even why this would actually be good for me personally. Also, absolutely terrible in communication, larded with Marxist jargonese and dialectic in which anything could mean anything - I think most communists/socialists would be well-served by taking a lesson or three in public speaking and advertising.
Anyway, I stand on 'socialist realpolitik' more than anything else. Almost nobody will vote for a communist party in Britain unless capitalism completely implodes [and then I suspect fascist/reactionary military regime is more likely then than communism], nobody believes the British state has the technical capacity to run the entire economy and lastly, any attempt of building socialism must work out how to do so without causing a coup attempt from our own capitalist class [assisted by the USA] and to continue operating within a capitalist world. In short; I have no faith a communist revolution can be successful unless under very particular circumstances are met and even then it would involve a hugely damaging civil war which would destroy much of the 'capital' which is required to build communism. KarmaPolice (talk) 19:29, 22 April 2024 (UTC)
So essentially, I didn’t say it, and it was not logically entailed by the content of what was said — you just read it in tone. I am not even sure why it would be anyone’s stance to oppose “popular policies” in concept. Does it not depend on the content of the policy itself? Surely, you wouldn’t support a policy merely because it was popular right? Some sort of ethical limitation needs to be at play here. Out of curiosity, have you ever been to lefty volunteer run bookstore? - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 22:20, 22 April 2024 (UTC)
It’s not just about following popular policies, it’s about federating the people yourself, as a movement, as a camp, as a faction trying to convince the people. And if you were successful in federating and convincing the people, the majority, and your adversaries were unsuccessful, then you have supported your popular policies. These policies help the people, they are for the people, by the people, if the people are seeing that they help, that they work, then you have successfully passed popular policies. You need to convince the people of socialist policies (you, as a camp, believe socialism is for the people, if you convince the people of that, that is make the people support socialist policies, or more largely left-wing policies, you are the majority, thanks to your federating the people, creating movements, not parties, mass movements, introducing conflict, protest, for the people to finally have a voice, for their interests to be represented. Only your success, representing popular interests, will determine if you can propose popular policies, only your success in federating and convincing the people). New world (talk) 09:42, 24 April 2024 (UTC)
This was exhausting. New world (talk) 14:18, 28 April 2024 (UTC)
But, just to be sure, I'm sure your tired, you know the rhetoric was 'this race of people holds the wealth, and in order redistribute this wealth, every member of this race must be exterminated, so that the wealth can be better consolidated by us, the buddies, the good guys. The Nazis.". So what is the different push for socialism in America? Socialism didn't cause the Michael Brown riots, socialism didn't cause the George Floyd riots. Democratic socialism has been stamped down by a Powerful two party system in the US, that you seemed earlier to call explicitly right wing. And I kinda agree, I would rather see progress, but what do you actually mean when you say federation is the only respectable term of civil law? And please don't pretend it wasn't said. Torrent (talk) 06:25, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
@Torrent: That’s an actually good observation. It’s complex. Essentially, it’s based on the theories of Chantal Mouffe, who influenced many strategies of the current populist left (Perhaps Bernie too). And yes, Mouffe based her analysis (which excludes the rationalist possibility of a consensus at the end of the day) on the nazi philosopher Schmitt (yes…) who talked about « friends » and « ennemies ». The difference is that in a democratic and free society, there aren’t « ennemies » but respectable adversaries who respect liberty and equality, while debating over their meaning. The antagonism of Schmitt needs to be made an agonism. According to this, conflit is inherent to democracy (between camps, like the left/right). There are all these different movements, not parties, since the 60s which replaced the classical class struggle, and which can be united, federated. It’s about creating a people, against the common adversary, the 1 percent, the oligarchy. The party of the class is now the movement of the people. New world (talk) 21:47, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
I guess this has cleared itself. New world (talk) 01:29, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
Indeed. New world (talk) 20:39, 7 May 2024 (UTC)

DDOS rate limiting in place - 2 reqs per second per IP address[edit]

tl;dr 2 requests per second per IP is now in force on the front end. If you read RW by centre-clicking on 100 tabs in quick succession (as I tend to), you will get a pile of 503 errors and be annoyed. But normal readers won't, so suck it up Princess.

The problem: our DDOS buddy is some fuckwit on Alicloud (a Chinese cloud provider, like AWS except Chinese) who is making repeated requests for diffs and Special:Whatlinkshere pages at multiple hits per second. These are expensive computations for Mediawiki's poor little PHP brain to handle. So the server gets overloaded and everything slows to a crawl.

The setup: So the way stuff is served here:

  • all incoming requests (port 80, port 443) hit nginx on the cache server;
  • nginx forwards the requests to port 8080 of the cache server, which is Varnish;
  • Varnish forwards the requests to the Apache server (a different box).

I tried limiting this arse-backwards:

  • first the Apache server. I couldn't quickly find a simple way to rate-limit a proxied IP. (e.g., mod_evasive doesn't work with X-Forwarded-For.)
  • then the Varnish server. vsthrottle is only available in the enterprise version.
  • finally, having crawled all the way up my digestive system to my back teeth, I tried the retrospectively blitheringly obvious solution of putting a rate limiter on nginx.

The solution: I've set nginx to only allow 2 reqs/sec from any given IP. Above that you get a 503 error. So if your style is 100 tab bursts, you will be annoyed. However, our load average now hovers between 4 and 12, which is between fine and slow-but-usable.

I also tried blocking all of Alicloud, but I wanted an elegant solution, i.e. one that wouldn't break the moment our esteemed dickhead moved to the next shitty cloud provider. I may tweak it further of course. So I'm letting our bozos through but slow.

Let me know how it goes!!

And in conclusion, how dare you make me think about computers, my eternal enemy - David Gerard (talk) 21:18, 25 April 2024 (UTC)

Update: somehow the rate limiter isn't rate limiting sufficiently, so Alicloud can bugger off and I'll do something when they move to their next shitty cloud - David Gerard (talk) 21:31, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
Have you attempted to report the abuse to alicloud? 2600:387:15:2810:0:0:0:1 (talk) 21:48, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
sure did! and I'm sure they'll give a fuck before the sun burns out - David Gerard (talk) 22:44, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
Whatever you did it seems to mostly work at least for now. Assets like the site logo and stuff load a bit slower (a couple times the WIGO icons didn't load at all) but that's the one pitfall I notice. Chillpilled (talk) 23:48, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
yeah, it's a very unsubtle bludgeon. In particular, the way MediaWiki works is that assets are pulled as separate requests chained off the first request and not in a single HTTP/2 burst. I might up the burst rate - David Gerard (talk) 23:57, 25 April 2024 (UTC)
Ah, that's why I was getting 503s when I was loading a bunch of RW pages while editing another. I suspected it was my ISP [who is shit] or this PC [which is even more shit]. But thanks for sorting the DDOS, David. KarmaPolice (talk) 00:26, 26 April 2024 (UTC)
Thanks, David! It looks like a side effect of the new page loading restrictions is that some images don't load on first page opening for pages with multiple images. Refreshing the page seems to load the images OK. Even so, it's an improvement over the long-term page loading sluggishness. — Unsigned, by: Bongolian / talk / contribs
@David Gerard Ya absolute legend. Thank you. - Rairyu75 (Talk) 23:29, 28 April 2024 (UTC)
Would it be possible to set the rate limit to something like 20 requests per 10 seconds? That's equivalent to 2 requests per second, but would accommodate for situations in which a page may load several assets like pictures. I wonder if this would even allow for reducing the effective number of requests per second, by setting something like 20r/60sec or so. ULTRACOMFY (talk) 07:13, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
update 29 April: upped bursts to 20 reqs, which should reduce the image issues a bit - let me know. I got a response from Alicloud, which is that the servers on the offending IPs didn't open in their browser. This response is of a standard such that the entire provider /16 can stay blocked - David Gerard (talk) 15:25, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
Cloudflare says DDOS attacks are up by 50% in 2024 and they are growing in size. A lot of elections are happening in the world in 2024. And with the war in Ukraine hitting a critical juncture, Russian hackers are busy too (French government hit with cyberattacks of ‘unprecedented’ intensity) Leitmann (talk) 13:53, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

I think its back. Revolverman (talk) 00:02, 4 May 2024 (UTC)

The Religious Right's Demise: How will it all end?[edit]

I've noticed folks here have said that the Religious Right is shrinking as folks learn sense or the fundamentalists fail to recruit anyone other than the gullible. As religions like Christianity continue to dwindle in favor of logic and reason, the Christian fundamentalists who regularly push stuff like creationism, Hell, uncritical thinking, and all the other stuff common to Christianity and have built their entire financial empires around fundamentalism, will without a doubt becoming more and more insane, fundamentalist, and aggressive in their tactics as well as relentlessly clasping on to their dying fortress to the bitter end. Do you think they'll go out with a whimper, or will they go out with a bang? TheEternalOutsider (talk) 09:31, 29 April 2024 (UTC)

My hope would be that the US would be come more like Western Europe. This is a comparison, though it's a few years old now.Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 11:40, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
(This is an American perspective. Offer not valid in other countries with evangelical Christianity like South Korea and Brazil etc.)
The key question here is what happens to Trumpism when the Boomers die out. I would say that the heavily urbanized northern and western United States already look like Western Europe to a large degree (a few pockets of uber-religious in places like Pennsylvania excepting). This was never the territory of evangelicals as much; it was more the territory of mainline Protestant. Mainline white evangelicalism's heart is the Southern US; it has surfed on the waves of white supremacy pretty much throughout its history, which is why it aligned oh-so-well with Trumpism. It's naive to think racism is going to go away anytime soon. But, as people have noticed, even evangelical churches in the rurals often are very "grey-haired" these days.
So the question is, will the youth embrace some of the Trumpism that currently is so tied to the evangelical movement, and/or will the evangelical church change? I suspect some of the later will happen more than the former personally. Foreign evangelical churches like Hillsong concocted a slick (if insipid) pop-rock formula that de-emphasizes the culture war, and this has proven popular over here (before Hillsong declined via its own scandals, that is). Such stylish evangelicalism may still remain viable, particularly where evangelical Christianity has always had a foothold.
I also expect that really racist pockets of the United States will remain after Trumpism, and the fire-and-brimstone sort of evangelical will likewise remain with them. I doubt it will completely die out. But this side may be quite diminished, judging by polls of millennials and younger generations. We'll see. From my perspective, anyways, Trumpism *is* the evangelicals "last gasp" in its current form; that's why they have embraced authoritarianism, after all. BobJohnson (talk) 12:34, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
Yeah, I don't think Religious Right members are really 'learning sense', more they're simply failing to recruit 'new blood' to counteract the Reaper [including now the RR's own kids and grandkids when the 'keystone' members die]. That this is dangerous not just from 'raw numbers' but also means their talent-pool is shrinking too - I remember reading an article about Southern Baptist pastors and I simply couldn't help but noticing how frigging old they all were in the pics. How can you find intelligent new pastors, outreach workers and 'popularisers' [think like non-shit/diabeties-inducing influencers/creatives] if your movement doesn't have that many younger folks period and you're become so anti-intellectual and dogmatic that you've driven many of the smarter ones away from you?
Anyway, if the RR is 'in decline' now, when was it's 'zenith'? I would personally peg it being the 1990s, with the election of George 'One of Us' Bush in 2000 the crowning glory and where Corp America worked pretty hard to not piss them off [which I suggests that they did represent perhaps the majority view on many social issues in this period]. I believe that part of their 'decline' since has not just been due to demographics but the simple passage of time; they [in a nutshell] wished to retreat into a 50s 'Pleasantville' - but while even 'mainline conservatives' have moved on, they have not [a good example being the schmalzy and 'safe' Hallmark films]. This means over time, the RR has fallen out with more and more folks who used to be allies [say Catholics] or steadfastly refusing to engage with folks who could be [Non-white evangelicals?].
The RR has managed to 'delay' their decline by superior organising - in short, they built their churches into a full-blown political machine within the Republicans which then allowed them to exert ever-increasing power over the party despite their shrinking raw numbers. More importantly, they're rather geographically concentrated [the South and Plains] and in most of the latter the populations are small which means they get a considerable uplift in say, Senators [and the political issues that then gives any Senate leader as the Republicans haven't had a 'nut-proof' majority there since 2007].
Unfortunately, all the signs are that the ageing fundie movement has decided to tighten their laager against the forces of the world. The Southern Baptist Covention has decided 'no reforms are the best reforms', they don't want to hear [even from fucking Trump] that pushing for legal Dominionism would be politically dangerous, their increasingly poisoned minds are even pissing off folks like Mormons [their staunchest allies] and most obviously, have shown zero desire to either confront their past failings or their hypocritical/corrupt/malign/stupid leadership. Even more importantly, they have the very toxic combination of an inability to self-question coupled with a seething persecution complex and a general belief that reality can [and must!] conform to their own beliefs and biases.
So to answer the OP's question; I think it will 'go down' with mainly whimpers. It is a fact of life that things survive as long as it has cash to sustain it; which means that due to lots of Boomer bequests and the occasional Dominionist bankroller, I suspect most churches will end up running out of active communicants before of cash to pay the pastor etc. In any 'shrinking market' situation, you will see the majors [ie megachurches] eating up more and more of the remaining congregations [and cash, 'cos that's the important bit] to stave off decline. In fact, expect folks to soothe that little 'nagging thought' about being on a sinking ship by noting that their church is bigger and richer than ever etc [it also hides the fundie brain-drain; a megachurch can survive on 2/3 pastors when the equivalent congreation would need 15 pastors for 'traditional' churches]. Alas, this will create more meddling pastors in Republican circles because, y'know I'm Rev Scummy McHypocrite with 3k active members in my Church of the Perpetual Exemption and if you don't figuratively suck me off, Mr/Mrs Town Council candidate I will diss you from my livestreamed pulput.
Which is where the 'bangs' will happen. Republican fundie-backed loons lose safe seats because the wider public rejects the lunacy. [Relatively] sane Republican candidates tell Rev McHypocrite and pals to learn how to autofellatio and they still win the primary. A TV provider drops showing a fundie channel and they lose no business. A culty 'college' shuts due to lack of business to sustain it, while McHypocrite's harrasment of a school board fails etc. I don't believe that any scandal will shake the power of the RR [though any massively cash-draining one will hasten the death of an individual megachurch/college/etc], it's when the wider community ignores them and 'survives to tell the tale'. KarmaPolice (talk) 17:49, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
The mirror image of this, in a sense, has happened with the Kennedys in Massachusetts. For many years just having that surname was enough to win, despite being just generally awful people (seriously, would you even get into a car one of them was driving?), but of late it's become possible for people (see: Ed Markey) to point out that being a spoiled brat named Kennedy doesn't actually qualify you for anything. So even the strongest-seeming vise can loosen. The Blade of the Northern Lights (話して下さい) 23:56, 29 April 2024 (UTC)
My guess is that the demise of the religious right if such a thing is even possible means new religions or just belief systems if you propose an exclusive definition of religion (like “makes truth claims about the afterlife” or “is mutually exclusive with its competitors”). The Q shit looks for all the world to me like a budding (yet failing) proto-religion, and I’ve met and encountered people on the internet who seem to genuinely hold aspects of the proposed American Civil Religion sacred. That space in people’s lives and the desire for universal accountability and justice don’t go away because faith in the extant placeholders wanes. Artificius (talk) 14:09, 1 May 2024 (UTC)
Heh. Bingo on the "universal accountability" bit. I think that does explain a significant part of religion's value and popularity — the idea that one will be held accountable for one's actions (for better or for worse), with no possibility to evade appearing before the judge forever, can serve as a deterrent against antisocial behavior. Luigifan18 (talk) 15:39, 1 May 2024 (UTC)
In this case I took 'demise' to mean 'ceasing to be a major political force which garners much attention'. In the 90s they were about 20% of the total electorate, but around 20 they're about 14%. If projections are true, by the early 30s it will be around 8% and at that point they will be about as 'strong' as LGBT Americans. KarmaPolice (talk) 20:13, 1 May 2024 (UTC)
Now that that's over with above, let's get this right on course again. A sock of one of those Religious Right bozos in denial and the commentary above proves my point that they'll all cling on to their sinking ship until the bitter end, growing more and more aggressive as they continue to sink. So now I wonder what kinds of last words will they say before they finally bite the dust? TheEternalOutsider (talk) 21:31, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I find it funny you're treating the religious right's demise as some sure thing. But my mind does go back to statistics about church attendance completely plummeting, and that's one that looks very bad for their influence going forward. Really don't put aside the possibility they could have some aces up their sleeve though. For instance they could integrate with the online world more. Chillpilled (talk) 21:41, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
If they do integrate into the online world, then what will it take to deplatform them for the copious amounts of disinformation they produce? TheEternalOutsider (talk) 21:42, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I would encourage seeking another method for handling that... I've seen online churches set up in video games, even proselytizing to minors actually. Not saying that should be banned as you're suggesting. But that is something happening. And a reaction I've seen is some of these kids will just go in the video game church and start trolling, disrupting the service. Which is a lot truer to how things went on the old Web — real-world institutions sloppily trying to encroach on digital terrain, then getting bitten by e-trolls. Chillpilled (talk) 21:51, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I’m of two minds. We’re due for another “Great Awakening” in about twenty years if you accept the Jesus movement as a “fourth.” These are to me just about people who don’t grow up with religion as a result of their parents not wanting them to suffer and be disillusioned as they were lacking a form of immunity to memetic plagues when some new blood turns up, so there’s a boom and a bust that happens regardless of the previous decline. But that the fourth one is debatable if it’s even appropriate to refer to it as such signals a general decline of the religion: it may not be able to take at all in the worlds of late 21st and 22nd century America. You’ll have to read between the lines very closely to find what Jesus says about germline modifications and memetic engrams ("as long as we carry these she will live forever" becomes a trial of the century after one such reconstituted personality and carrier commits a murder), and it’s probably going to be readily apparent even without all the fancy HuD upgrades through your mindjack that whoever comes up with a Jesus-centered policy for the same are pulling it out of their ass (hence waves of trolls whenever they try to engage and preach). I imagine there will be all too many conclusions reached after "praying on it." Artificius (talk) 13:27, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
If there is a 'Fifth Awakening', it will be fairly different in dogma etc than the forth/current one - let us remember, a lot of the RR's positions are on shakey theological ground and is very 'of it's time/place' re social norms etc. Chillpilled seems to be under the mistaken belief (also held by many of the RR) that if only they could 'get down with the kids' tech/style-wise everything will go just great - that it's not the shit, out of date and hypocritical message which is the problem. KarmaPolice (talk) 16:17, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
Well the thing is I think they may be able to get people loyal to a Christian "identity" even if they can't instill their actual message. Nick Fuentes is a weird vector for this, essentially what he's doing: spreading Catholic "identity" while acting extremely "un-Christian" altogether. This is kind of a double-edged sword, because it can help to "pass the torch" to another generation, but it's also highly alienating. Chillpilled (talk) 00:44, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
If we're talking about simple 'cultural Christianity', then yes (at least with this generation; I think the UK is a generation ahead on this). Though I think quite a bit of the RR are already 'only here for the culture/identity' which is part of the issue - their demands for politico/cultural conformity is driving away hard those who are looking for, y'know some kind of religion. I cite a study (done by pastors a couple of years back) that it was like only 17% of ex-cultists had left due to disbelief but 50%+ due to disliking the politics/pastor/other members. KarmaPolice (talk) 09:14, 5 May 2024 (UTC)

Quack cures: An easy way to make a million dollars[edit]

I can mix marijuana with vitamin c and call it a cure for AIDS. Sell it for $50 a bottle. Easy. --Trans Fem Agenda 12:04, 1 May 2024 (UTC)

Until the legal situation improves, you are best off sticking with CBD.
It's much easier, of course, if you are a "known marijuana user", or at least can hire one for the appeal to celebrity factor. For example, Tommy ChongWikipedia has moved on from getting jail time for selling bongs over the Internet in 2003 (because as shitty as US drug laws are now, they were worse then). Now, he (or someone who has hired him) sells CBD supplements,[3] such as one titled after one of his stoner films (Nice DreamsWikipedia) that is made with CBD, melatonin, and GABA...Wikipedia with a Tibetan fungus that grows out of dead insectsWikipedia included for some odd reason as well. This is $60 per tincture bottle, so your imagined price is too low.
(Some marijuana-derivative stores, like Chong's, are "pushing the legalities" a bit by offering hemp-derived THCWikipedia that is less than 0.3% of the final product as a purportedly legal "delta-9". If it was 2003, good luck with that. But I suspect in 2024, far fewer people care.) BobJohnson (talk) 13:58, 1 May 2024 (UTC)
I remember when marijuana was being legalized in Canada... my older family members were clutching their pearls claiming that it would be the end of order and civilized society; some conservative folks exclaimed that Trudeau must be an anarchist who wants to corrupt the youth and some such. On the opposite side of it my coworker, who was a major stoner, touted tremendous benefits of how once legalized, hospitals and medical institutions would surely realize marijuana's limitless potential as an anesthetic and cancer cure. Neither happened. Instead a lot of marijuana stores (dispensaries) quickly opened up to meet the initial increase in demand, but later closed once all the excitement died down.
IMO most people in Canada view it as pretty much the same as alcohol now. I bought a few edibles myself to try. Dosed myself with a 10mg THC/CBD lozenge... it was interesting I guess. Later did a larger dose of 20mg THC/CBD, which was too much; got severe nausea and a wicked headache. Been just sticking with some nice Trappist ale since. Impiricism (talk) 19:05, 1 May 2024 (UTC)
I think the UK is the Anglo outlyer here. We're still lurking around the 'gateway drug'/'just say no' zone as both major parties are courting the angry Boomer vote over everyone else who have a fit if they see a spliff but think of nothing drinking their brains to death six nights a week. Though the police are so overwhelmed now it might as well be bleeding legal... KarmaPolice (talk) 19:58, 1 May 2024 (UTC)
I saw a lot of pearl clutching, fear mongering and “Oh noez!” in Denmark in the wake of the German legalisation with lots of “Now Denmark will be flooded with weed!” doom crying, and of course xenophobic political parties like the Danish People's Party used the occasion to call for increased border controls for the umpteenth time (which would, of course, be in violation of Schengen and EU rules on freedom of movement).
I don’t know what planet these hand wringers live on, because getting weed in Denmark has been neither difficult nor expensive to obtain for decades, no matter which part of the country you care to look at, despite being illegal and hence, I don’t see what difference the German legalisation means.
Depressingly, hardly any Danish politicians made the astonishing leap of imagination that when even the rather straight laced (yes, I’m pandering to stereotypes here, I know) Germans have given up in the ineffective and largely symbolic criminalisation strategy, maybe Denmark should change tack too. ScepticWombat (talk) 04:19, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
Yeah, in about 25 years, I've only literally known one person who refused a joint on the basis it was illegal [I have seen a couple more say no because 'it's illegal and my work has randomised tests']. And if you could catch say, your GP 'off the record' I suspect most would tell you/admit that for health reasons alone it would be 'less worse' for you to spark up than have a pint, just like it's less worse for you to vape than smoke [I actually suspect they'd be more concerned about using tobacco as a filler for the joint than the weed itself]. The vast majority of cops would clearly tell you crime-wise weed doesn't by itself do much either, and the whole 'gateway drug' shite is mainly because it is illegal.
The 'hand wringers' in this case are often folks who think 'legalisation' means 'everywhere with no restrictions' [I mean, imagine the issue if 75% of the population started drinking vodka at 10AM...]. Most [as far as I can tell] 'legalisation' means a kind of 'restrictive sales system' sometimes along the lines of a 'state monopoly', like the ones used for alcohol. Which now I think of it, is frankly stupid from the view from Denmark - I mean, you can see the Swedish 'Systembolaget' and Norwegian 'Vinmonopolet' as a ready-make example of how such a system can be done. KarmaPolice (talk) 15:18, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
Denmark is probably not going to adapt the Swedish/Norwegian/Finnish approach in legalisation of cannabis (if/when that comes), exactly because their state monopolies on high strength alcohol tend to used as examples of a “nanny state” in Danish discourse.
That said, legalisation in Denmark would definitely come with some fairly stringent controls and the largest problem would probably be whether smuggling/“unofficial” weed would be able to take advantage of such rules to prolong its staying power (similar to the massive cigarette smuggling operations from communist Poland and East Germany during the Cold War).
But I’m just surprised that so many Danish politicians are still pretending that cannabis isn’t ludicrously easy and fairly cheap to get hold of everywhere and that they therefore pretend that German legalisation will mean fuck all (besides some Danes crossing the border to light up legally). Hell, the existing domestic production is so well known that a Danish psychedelic rock band made its own tribute song to one of the rural parts where its grown.
What’s more, no one seems to ask the obvious question of those politicians: How exactly will it be easier to import weed from Germany post-legalisation than it already is to either smuggle it in or produce it domestically. And to follow up with a question of what the decades long Danish “illegalisation strategy” has actually achieved. ScepticWombat (talk) 08:41, 4 May 2024 (UTC)


Hello. Since we’ve got articles on multiculturalism and xenophobia, wouldn’t it be a good idea to go ahead and create creolization? I think it’s a pretty important concept. If no one is opposed to it I might as well start the page, though I’m not too familiar with the theory. New world (talk) 20:29, 1 May 2024 (UTC)

Sounds like a good idea, go for it! The Blade of the Northern Lights (話して下さい) 02:49, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
I'm familiar with creolization, but how would it be missional? Bongolian (talk) 04:47, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
I am also wondering this.Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 19:29, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
As a proposed model of cultural contact, it seems pretty important. New world (talk) 21:12, 2 May 2024 (UTC)

@Bongolian I think that is a good idea. Imperialism played a role in it. --Trans Fem Agenda 14:41, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

It's not imperialism per se that creates creole languages, but rather extended trade contact between people with different languages (Romance + Germanic languages). For example, looking at the development of the English language, it's clear that it developed from periods of creolization from contact with different language groups. The modern Indonesian and closely related Malaysian languages developed out of Old Malay, a creole that was used in the Srivijaya Empire (7th-11th centuries CE) that predated the modern era of imperialism. But there are examples of languages that have elements of completely disparate language groups, indicating creolization without empire, e.g. the Peranakan language (Chinese Hakka + Malay, preceding the European colonization), and there's at least one language in Papua New Guinea that's a mix of Austronesian and Papuan languages. Bongolian (talk) 20:14, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I agree with all of this; the pidgin/creole/language process in general is really very interesting. But, like you, I'm not seeing the what specific mission angle is being proposed.Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 06:05, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
As I said, I’m really not familiar with it. All I know is that the Caribbean seems to be having it, and that it’s used as a model of cultural and linguistic contact. I just know that Édouard Glissant supports encouraging it, instead of other models, and that seems pretty important. I don’t know if the article would refute or support, or just tell about, the theory, but it has missional potential, to say the least. New world (talk) 12:40, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
It isn't really an "it" in the way you are talking about it - a thing localized in a particular location, time or culture. Creolization refers to a very generalized process whereby the speakers of two languages find ways to communicate. The first generation speakers create a pidgin, their descendants "formalize" it into a creole. The English we are using now went through that process at least once and - depending on the definitions you are using - multiple times.Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 15:10, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
I know. Specifically, I’m referring to what the school of créolité postulated, that is a creolization of cultures (and languages). While it’s deeply linked to the Caribbean, it isn’t exclusive to it. The notion isn’t really different from what ccreolization is, that is to say the "mixing" and "melting" of languages, and by extension cultures, as you just described it, which is of course an inevitable development. New world (talk) 15:23, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
So apart from the fact "this is interesting" - what exactly is the mission relevance you are proposing?Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 15:41, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
Well, it’s missional because, the school of créolité which supports it criticizes American multiculturalism for "juxtaposing communities", and because of the criticism and support it has received. Documenting the idea of "mixing of arts or of languages which produces the unexpected", seems pretty important. It’s missional in that people might hear about it, and potentially misunderstand or use it, so documenting it, what it is, what some thinkers have made it, what they proposed, how their ideas fit into a scheme of either assimilation (the criticism) or mixing of equal cultures, and what are its applications, or if it can even work, is important for informing of its reliability. Documenting all of this seems (again, I’m not too familiar with it, so don’t take everything I say for granted) pretty missional. New world (talk) 16:02, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure we have a clause somewhere in our guidelines that allow for non-missional articles as long as the community finds the subject interesting. Carthage (talk) 16:05, 4 May 2024 (UTC)

────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────I think if the article is specifically about créolitéWikipedia (rather than creolization) in relation to negritude and postcolonialism, it could be missional. Bongolian (talk) 17:34, 4 May 2024 (UTC)

That would be something about which I know nothing and have no comment on.Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 19:35, 4 May 2024 (UTC)

Is there a pre-existing term for this?[edit]

I have met individuals in the past who have been non-white and have used their status as non-white to dismiss or provide defences for other forms of oppression. I.e. adultism, ableism, queerphobia, etc. I am not speaking to the more justifiable criticism of critiquing the way these struggles draw analaogies to racism, that may be displaced. No, I think there is a genuine case to be made there. I am talking more so about people who state something like that because casually using the word "retard" isn't racist, it's morally permissible. If I object to it, saying that it's ableist, the criticism of ableism is framed as "white bullshit" and the individual continues using the word.

I have also witnessed people leveraging their status as non-white to defend iffy stances like the Irish slave myth or defend class exploitation, child abuse, etc. I feel like language to describe this behaviour should already be a thing, but I find it hard to find any literature on it. Asking around if anyone knows of an appropriate term to call this behaviour? An example may be something like a black person thinking that objecting to the word "faggot" is white bullshit, etc. Obviously, that is homophobic, but I am interested specifically in the use of one's oppressed status to justify oppressive behaviour. Like often these arguments have a weird implication that says disabled people or gay people don't exist in non-white communities....which is absurd. It probably works to marginalize such people in such communities even further, as it sort of implicated their non-existence, rendering them invisible.

Is this simply appealing to one's own authority? Anti-intersectionality? Oppression Olympics? I have only met a handful of people like this in my life, but dealing with some Palestinian acquaintances right now who throw around such language as "retard", and make weird casually homoerotic rape jokes in online games like it is an endangered species, then go on tell me "shut the fuck up, you're white" if I say something like "I don't like language like that, I think you should maybe stop using it" is getting hella exhausting. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 04:38, 2 May 2024 (UTC)

It is just up to you. You never have to engage with hate online, but if you do and get dismissed, it's their loss. And if it's online, you aren't really being oppressed, you're having your opinion challenged, probably disingenuously because a lot of people believe that trash talk works. I would say the word is a snarl word, but again, online, it's what you do with it. Growing up, my older brother knew if he called me a retard or a faggot, I was throwing hands and employed them in order to kick my ass. I tried a million insults on him, but the problem was he already knew them because I learned them from him. Not speaking on it is not the solution. The homoerotic rape joke stuff, I saw it coming from a real weird guy I worked with named Anus, not his real name but in real life somebody called him Anus and he thought it was hilarious, he was in high school and also thought the joke 'Hitler did nothing wrong' was top shelf, I did my best to discourage one of the jokes that wasn't OK, but I do remember him saying he was gonna fuck my dad before that meme blew up. I looked him straight in the eye, as his elder, and said 'you don't talk about my family'. He didn't talk like that to anyone afterwards, but he still made strange edgy jokes. Honestly, Anus was a naturally funny kid. A gem. His edge, for moving from online only to a group of real people only sharpened.
The must be retort more powerful than the insult, I would suggest rather than picking an insulting term, a response might blow their minds. Respondingg with 'hey, don't cut yourself on all that edge' Or a your mom response 'Weird, because your mom and I are friends, and we talk about you.'. I mean, if you can't vamp on that one, Then you don't know enough about these guys to worry if they are syour friends. I know a lot of guys who think, from movies, just giving each other shit and laughing about it is male friendship. I have run a majorally male warehouse , and I have had to interrupt, and say, literally 'Are you guys doing that thing where you're pretending to give each other a hard time but actually your feelings are getting hurt?' Adult men. And before I was in charge, I witnesIsed fistfights and wrestling matches. You ask that question, and the pride of no masculine feelings destroys all tension. But you have to understand your snarl words enough to know that the people who use them are ignorant of them and they don't have the understanding to use them in a truly harmful way against you.Torrent (talk) 05:52, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
The truth is, a lot of folks only give a damn about societal issues when it hits their 'own bubble'. In my experience, this is more often seen in people who are politically right-wing - that the moment a problem [such as homelessness] runs outside of their own personal experience they are incapable of empathising. Lack of empathy means lack of understanding, which leads to a complete lack of action on the issue. I've actually coined this issue 'the Cheney factor'; that the moment his daughter outed herself to him was the day LGBT rights became personal to him and he moved to dampen down the most homophobic elements swirling around Bush Jr. I've seen instances of where in the space of five mins a person has given a nuanced and intelligent decription of a marginalised group's problems to repeating the worst stereotypes of another.
The only time I've remotely managed to get through to anyone with this issue was arguing 'mutual tolerance/respect'. That if you want people to not call you [redacted], [redacted] or make jokes about [redacted] in return you must not call them [redacted] or make refrences about [redacted]. I don't give a damn in this case if you think the others 'mean nothing', it's simply about avoiding fucking blood on the carpet - there shall be some people elsewhere who think nothing of you but they are also biting their tongues. There's not much futher you can really go on this unless they've genuinely wish to learn, which in my experience is rare as hell. KarmaPolice (talk) 13:12, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
There is no pre-existing term for a marginalized group acting bigoted; this is because they are just bigoted. A black person, to give one example, certainly can be homophobic (hip-hop has been justifiably criticized for some pretty nasty examples of such). RW has an article on black supremacy for a reason. A group that is marginalized in one place may be the majority in another, so this has led to some very nasty anti-LGBTQ laws in Africa, eg Uganda.[4] Blacks are just an example here; you can pretty much rinse and repeat for *every* group out there, marginalized or not. TERFs and transphobic homosexuals, Jewish supremacists, racism in Asian countries, Islam xenophobes, the list goes on and on. Empathy is not the norm for humanity, unfortunately, IMHO. I agree with KarmaPolice that traditionally it is more the so called "right wing" (at least in Western-space, probably Asia-space too from what I can tell) that engages in anti-empathetic behavior, due to a greater emphasis on "traditional" society values or roles. But as noted above, it is not *exclusively* within that domain.
A lot of people's "bubble" involves them absorbing stereotypes without actually meeting the people in said stereotypes and failing to understand how much bullshit is involved with them. Even if there are elements of truth in the stereotypes, such is often grossly exaggerated. And yes, "the Cheney factor" reminds me of a compilation of anecdotes widely circulated on the Internet in the early days entitled "the only moral abortion is my abortion". One of the great ironies of religion is that so many of them actually do contain text encouraging empathy, but so many followers of the religion ignore said text and use the cloak of religion as justification for bigoted self-centered behavior. While Cheney had his "bubble" pierced a little, this doesn't happen for everyone who is personally affected on something they are bigoted about, unfortunately. BobJohnson (talk) 13:46, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
i dont know why anyone would be surprised at this. membership of an oppressed group does not prevent someone holding prejudices against another oppressed group. this should not come as a surprise. it should not come as a surprise certain prejudices are super common in some groups and super virulent too. with reference to homophobia specifically as an example, its no secret homophobia is present in most muslim communities, in the islamic world and in the west. in london, there are obviously going to be lgbt muslim people with the muslim communities there. but they are functionally invisible in those communities as a result of the homophobic sentiment in those communities. you either stay in the closet or you leave that community. either way, no gays in the muslim neighbourhood. that means all criticism of the homophobia in those communities comes from outside. often these communities already feel under attack from the outside, islamophobic sentiment common in the press, from, politicians of all stripes. they are attcked for being muslim, their defining identity, by a non muslim majority. people who just want equality attack them for their homophobia but say its not their muslim beliefs, and attacked by white racist groups who are probably just as homophobic say homophobia is fundamental to the being muslim. to muslims probably sounds like they both hate muslims. to them probably looks like white people hate muslims probably looks like white folk trying to diminish their faith, water it down by imposing something alien and in antithesis to their culture and religion and values. something abhorrent to them. a corruption not from within but from outside. they pull up the drawbridge and resist this poison from the white infidels.
should one be surprised that palestinians may be homophobic? sadly probably not. should a palestinian friend be taken task for homophobic comments? no doubt. will they appreciate the criticism? well that comes down to the individuals involved. palestinians have a cause in need of support and no doubt grateful to all it may come from. but whatever your intentions, you still look and sound like their oppressors and beating them with the same stick. the last person they heard that 'white bullshit' from probably used it to justify shelling his home.
criticism from white folk directed at a group once or currently oppressed by white folk doesnt make the criticism invalid, but it does make it very easy to ignore. ::::AMassiveGay (talk) 14:02, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
Stereotypes are also frequently fairly outdated too; for example, I've heard right-wingers going on about the unemployed sitting around watching their 'widescreen TV' [when was the last time you saw a non-widescreen TV?] all day while living the lifestyle of Onslow from Keeping Up Apperances [ended 1995]. This is unsurprising when it's recalled that in the UK a lot of these are being peddled by Boomer journos to be read by other Boomers, some of which literally haven't updated their worldview for decades [qv, Littlejohn - telling us how it is in the UK from his Florida condo since the late 90s]. But the truth is, shite like this isn't designed to be evidence, they're simply thought-terminating clichés to stop critical thinking.
The other aspect which is notable is the 'exception makes the rule' situation some folks end up in - for example a person feeling that the unemployed are 'dole scoungers' because their own mother spent their entire live 'playing the system' so they could avoid having a job for twenty years and was/is always trying to get 'more gives' out of anyone [no, they really did]. This is more difficult to counter because we have elevated 'personal experience' to some kind of indisputable position [ie feels over facts] - which can be deadly if we have some totally unrepresentative minority idiot [qv, Braverman, Patel, Sunak etc] telling 'their story' which a non-minority person would feel uncomfortable in refuting the conclusions of even if they have literal stats to show it [like Gay points out].
[Hey hey, Gay!] KarmaPolice (talk) 14:35, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
This is one of those things that has been bothering me as of late. It really takes you down a rabbit hole of dilemmas over tolerance, respectability politics, tone policing, freedom of speech, "freedom vs equality", loaded language and all that other fun stuff. Granted, I've been in a shitty state in the last few months, but it has shown me how people can get really conflicted over this sort of thing and can seek out conclusions that just "feel better." For instance, there's this one little part in the back of my mind that starts acting up any time someone with a pro-Palestinian position says something questionable. I'm trying to push that down for myself, but I can see other people being influenced by it all, letting emotional arguments pulling them to an opposite side. Again, respectability politics and all, but that does influence a lot of people. Doesn't really seem like you can do more than ask people to play nice, but that's not going to work (and someone's going to start yelling "You can't tell people what they can and can't say!").
I don't know. The whole thing just a pile of despair and my brain's been a goddamn mess with too much shit floating around. Paul S (talk) 17:24, 2 May 2024 (UTC)

I should clarify the thing of novelty for me is not of minorities being bigoted, that isn’t novel. The novelty is in appealing to one’s status as a minority as a rationalization or grounds of dismissal to the accusation of bigotry. There is no “surprise” in finding minorities being bigoted, and I do think Karma is right to assert that in a lot of cases it is about people being concerned about their “own bubble”. I know that is definitely true in the case of my acquaintances. But I am more interested in the fallacy of the rhetoric (beyond the obvious ad hom). I.e. given you’re white you cannot criticize me for x kind of bigotry, because whatever it is it is not as a big of deal as the racism that effects me. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 21:05, 2 May 2024 (UTC)

I think actually the most pressing example that y’all might of experienced online is in the comments section on a post about hitting kids. You’ll often see PoC who were hit as children themselves along side the usual crowd of “I was hit and I turned out fine”, stating that opposition to hitting children, or those who haven’t been hit as children are “predominantly white” — and that is appealed to as reason why doing so is okay. I had a Vietnamese co-worker express as much to me once, talking about how normal it was among his family for kids to get hit and that it was some “white bullshit” to oppose “physical discipline”. You can call this attitude “adultism” but there is something characteristic about the rhetoric afforded to non-whites, that white people who engage in similar practices can’t appeal to. That phenomena is something I desire a term for. - Only Sort of Dumb (talk) 21:19, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
I'd argue more the simple fact that if it's within your 'own bubble' you're basically forced to learn more about it [well, unless you simply disown them]. For example, Cheney had to re-consider any stereotypes he held re: lesbians when he realised he had 'produced' one. What's more, they have a ready-made 'guide/teacher' who will [usually] be more willing to field the stupid/insane/insulting questions with relative good humour - including but not limited to 'can't you stop feeling that way?'
For the latter bit... if anyone ever pulled the 'you're white so you cannot comment on any minority' I would simply turn around and say 'does this apply to the likes of Suvella Braverman [or some horrid example of humanity] too?' for this is just minority ultracrepidarianism. However, in the case in particular I would point out that no, the LGBT community does find that offensive and if you say otherwise, I will then curtly inform them that they are now policing my own feelings.
In fact, if I was in an onery enough mood, I might say that to them even if it wasn't true, just to fuck with their heads. KarmaPolice (talk) 21:27, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
The perennial problem concerning justice with respect to minorities is that, given a chance, minority groups can be as intolerant as any larger group. African Americans are culturally conservative. LBGT people are the alphabet people to many including one another. Minority groups, on average consider their group to be paramount and all others worthy of criticism. Asians are white-adjacent, and if they or middle-east people call out "white people," if you listen closely, they are often calling out western enlightenment values, and it has nothing to do with "whiteness". Every minority has its hierarchies. In general, it's hard to understand the hardships of minority groups to which one is an outsider. I know of no theory that adequately accounts for these problems. — Unsigned, by: UncleKrampus / talk / contribs
Being a part of a group that's faced a lot of trouble may give you extra potential interfaces for empathy with other groups that have faced a lot of trouble, but it's hardly a sure thing. At the least I might tell them that there are certainly people who are from their own communities who are part of both groups (thus where intersectionality came from), although I don't know how effective saying that really is. It seems more effective if they hear it from an actual breathing person from that experience, especially a friend or family member. (Assuming they are in fact the sort to retort "well you're white" or some such when this comes up.)
If we want a kind of "case study" minority community for these subjects, we might look at black Americans. There are a lot of black people in this country with anywhere ranging from very socially conservative to very progressive views, all in sizable numbers. You can look at discussions about how black people suffering mental illness are treated, or how black women are treated, and how these problems have been addressed as well as partly but not quite fully ever solved. I believe decades ago there was some kind of internal dialectic in the Black Panther Party regarding sexism, and even pro versus anti gay sentiments and that Angela Davis had something to do with that shift towards more inclusion long before gay inclusion was more mainstream. The history with things like that would be somewhere to look to understand how inclusion can come about organically within minority communities that previously may have held more prejudiced views. Chillpilled (talk) 00:22, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I cannot believe how many people have engaged this with an 'actually, minorities DON'T get a pass for being upset about any of this shit.' All racism is bad, yes. Systemic racism is real, yes. Parking racist/cultural ideas I that don't apply to an individual is racist, yeah? Existing in a multicultural system means you're going to carry the weight of your culture. Be a good white and laugh it off, I'm not joking, it's OK. They aren't after you. I know a white kid who honestly thinks he has the n word pass because he was friends with all the black kids at his high school and has been to jail. That's stupid. I have never witnessed him use the n word in front of a black person he doesn't know. I think he is happy he's got it, but fundamentally understands there's no such thing as the pass. Torrent (talk) 08:31, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
which brings me to my next point, there is no such thing as the pass. Racism is racism snarl words that have been coopted and colored are not that powerful. If I am called a 'cracker' and have space to defend myself, I generally tend towards 'I like to see myself as more of a honkey than a cracker'. Which is a very recognizably white American thing to say. I've lived with black and native and Mexican people around me, just, casually, all of us living. I had the lucky spot of being a little kid for a lot of it, in a trailer home across the street from a black family, going to school with a Shawnee kid, who had his family come to do a powwow in the gym, with a strange exchange program for a native girl from Alaska who almost always refused to speak, but had a big smile, and with nobody cartoonishly saying 'people aren't people.' Culture is culture. White culture is ambiguous, you have to carry that weight. Torrent (talk) 08:31, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
my idea for a modern white culture is one of informed anti-racialism. This will be hard to explain. defending your whiteness is not accepting your whiteness, which if you've read anything worth reading about race, white people are generally doing this wrong. It doesn't reach as far as white critics of white are doing it right, all race criticism is still bad criticism, this isn't that. What, at least I mean is 'what a silly insecure world, that cultures would continue to be bloodthirsty for something so inauthentic as a line on a map.'Torrent (talk) 09:28, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

US Election Update: 6 Months To Go[edit]

Back for the monthly update topic approaching the US elections. Approaching the point where there's only half a year left until the US elections. And things have been ramping up. Criminal trials for Trump have commenced, swing states oscillate to and fro in the polls, Trump and his lackeys begin plans to sabotage voting, America remains polarized, and more. Any updates and opinions for now? TheEternalOutsider (talk) 22:06, 2 May 2024 (UTC)

The more I read and learn about the United States, the more saddened I get. As things are currently I am of the opinion that USA is going become Fascist, or something or the sort, within the next few decades - not necessarily with Trump being the figurehead. Disturbing too that much of the Republican rhetoric is making its way into Canada. All this combined with looming climate change causes much anxiety. Impiricism (talk) 22:24, 2 May 2024 (UTC)
How? In the USA, all the projections show that White Dominionism will be a shell of their former power, the vast majority of Boomers will be dead, the decline in ruralites would have continued and the demographics of America will be the most ethnically diverse and educated in history. The only real threat I see is that of economics; that the Anglo world is lurching hard into a dystopian 'neo-feudalism' which if we are not careful will destroy what's left of the 'solid ballast' of democratic politics re: the middle class [the fact a lot of the finance/tech twats are leaning pretty hard into this future already and aren't getting much kickback from the serfs is worrying].
And yes, while MAGA/Dominionist shite is being exported hard, is there any sign it is 'sticking' well in places like Canada? It isn't really working well in the UK, because our politics simply are not that polorised. KarmaPolice (talk) 14:15, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
The majority in a country can disagree with their minority government, but still be dominated by them. It doesn't have to be militiamen overtly enforcing a group's will, instead it can be generally subtle... look at gerrymandering and first-past-the-post voting. Internationally Hungary and Belarus could be seen as developed examples. I will agree that I could definitely be wrong, but current things I read and hear about the US do make me think otherwise.
For Republican rhetoric sticking in Canada, Tucker Carlson's show in Alberta was sold out. "Conservatives" in Canada constructed a gallows for Trudeau outside a fundraising event. Rural and small town people I meet in my home province, a stronghold of conservatism, earnestly make exclamations of of Trump being the true US president, or Trudeau being a communist who must be shot like Joe Biden. Perhaps I have only been encountering the worse of people... either way I do not have much optimism. Impiricism (talk) 18:15, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
The Alberta example is exactly what I've long spoken of; that when confronted with an effective two-party system, the 'right' party has a tendency to lean further and further rightwards until their spine snaps. That the tail wags the dog as the 'cranks and crazies' demand more and more of the party's bandwidth and the mainstream... simply suck it up. This is why I no longer respect 'moderate' rightist politicos etc - for they have no fucking balls.
But small-town Alberta isn't the whole of Canada, or even of Alberta in the whole. However, it's always instructive [at least to me] to when I hear such people in my 'moneysphere' saying stuff like that to give them a curious look and ask, 'why?'. So why do they believe Trudeau should be shot? KarmaPolice (talk) 18:37, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
'X is courting the Y vote' means sod all, if you don't have any policies to really attract them or you're lugging about a ton of anti-Y baggage. What, you think a load of non-white voters will ignore how the Republicans are peddling shite like the 'Great Replacement Theory'? Yes, there's a bit of an odd discconect with socially conservatives voting for leftist parties, but that's normally explained by the simple fact they have other identities which cause the flip - such as race, religion and 'generations away from immigration'. We see similar here in the UK; a lot of British Muslims are socially conservative but mainly avoid voting Conservative because [esp now] the combo of entrenched xenophobia and Islamaphobia in the party. But similar can be argued about white working class folks who lean left economically but regularly voting for Conservatives/Republicans - often in the case they are voting against their own interests when it comes to their immediate SoL etc. KarmaPolice (talk) 14:48, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
AI and robotics will help improve productivity - the question is who's pockets said improvements go into. An 'aging population' is not in itself a bad thing; in fact there are some benefits of it. The critical issue here is the 'dependency ratio', which is also affected by the numbers of children [the UK's ratio was the worst in the late 60s/early 70s, when the Boomers were coming of age]. But again, per-worker productivity is also critical, along with 'healthspans' and 'workspans'. The Federal Debt is an issue, and one which is facing most advanced nations to some extent [yet corps are richer than ever]. Yet 'improving economic prospects' doesn't automatically mean 'more social spending' - for example, you can stop subsidising crap jobs through lies like 'workfare'. KarmaPolice (talk) 17:18, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I tend to not be as worried about a Trump 2 as some. US politics is messy by design, so I have doubts on whether Trump and the hard-right Republicans will get all of their wish list. Particularly since I don't see much evidence that "the Westpoint side" likes Trump at all. Now, certainly, many of the GOP / Trump's plans certainly would cause great damage if implemented in full. To give one example, one can easily see his attack on civil service (something that I think he is quite likely to pursue) driving out talent from government (which does many more things then "deep state" whargarbls seem to recognize) and causing a brain drain. I just don't know if Trump can actually completely implement this without a flurry of lawsuits blocking him. In addition, the GOP is now a thoroughly anti-intellectual party, and seems to prefer propaganda education models over anything actually innovative. That is perhaps a concern for the long term innovation capability of the US. But I don't know if this attitude will last post-Trumpism, particularly based on how repelled people eventually became of Moms for Liberty.
One worry is that the Supreme Court does seem to be capitulating to this authoritarianism. Indeed, if the court was completely composed of Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas types, it would in fact be a blank check for GOP reactionary authoritarian policies. Since the "less visible but probably more worrisome" issue today, as KP pointed out, indeed is the creeping authoritarian capitalism in certain parts of US business (I'm looking at you, San Francisco tech-bros), I see *this* as perhaps a bigger concern in the long run. Now a lot of the US authoritarian capitalism bros self-own themselves currently by getting too deep in the culture war. (Sorry, Elon Musk, no one cares about your "anti-woke" musings when deciding to buy a car... in fact, they might even be repelled...) Nonetheless, it will be easier in the future for "the biz" to get what they want out of the court, and at minimum that's probably not going to be good for climate change policy... or perhaps even business itself, because tired "big monopolies" have historically been *really* happy to use the courts to stifle pesky upstarts... or many other things. BobJohnson (talk) 17:01, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

With SCOTUS, do you think if Republicans get a majority in both houses, will they attempt to pack the courts to 9-0 by impeachments? TheEternalOutsider (talk) 15:40, 5 May 2024 (UTC)

"You never know".
Recent history, though, has shown the reactionary elements of the GOP demonstrate remarkable incompetence at actual governing. The USA lives in strange times where someone like Mike Johnson (who is nowhere near centrist) is working with Democrats to pass legislation and avoid the "reactionary yell-at-clouds" division of the Freedom Caucus and other idiots like Marjorie Taylor Greene. Even at the state level, many state GOP parties are in turmoil as extremists battle it out with less extremists.
Historically, few attempts have been made at "court packing" recently; and it hasn't typically been popular -- even FDR couldn't get away with it. Given what the court is doing of late, most of the "court packing" discussion has been on the Democrat side anyways. BobJohnson (talk) 16:42, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
And if the GOP were to successfully get a majority in both houses as well as win the presidency, would they be competent enough to achieve Project 2025 and damage America's government to achieve their theocratic ends? Or will they fail and trip over themselves again and again? TheEternalOutsider (talk) 20:36, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
Many of the things which BobJ notes comes under the 'feature, not bug' situation; that they want a civil service which has suffered from a 'brain drain' and a load of mass resignations/firings. 'Talent' are cursed experts in their field which shall tell the right-wing political appointee boss that they are wrong, or worse [policy] cannot be done and gah, they cannot be fired. They don't want actual advice, or competent management - they want obedience and loyalty - that like Trump and his lawyers/accountants they want them to 'do what they are told' and the only questions allowed are 'requests for clarification' and if they don't like it, well you can jump or be pushed. Their ideal situation, I suspect is where the old 'spoils system' has returned, every management position is a political apointee by the relevent Sec and they recruit loads of third/fourth raters who form a new right-wing nomenklatura. I suspect the right-wing neo-feudal bosses are also flitting around the room, arguing that say, 50% of the civil service can be replaced by AIs [which shall always be 100% loyal] while various industries are saying that say, self-regulation is better while the leeching outsourcing companies boast that their services are 'politically neutral' [ie no job/policy is too yuckky] and 'flexible' [ie civil servants are all freelancers on low wages now].
I argue that neo-feudalism is really the long-term threat because if nothing else, it is more competent and less openly repellant than right-wing authoritarian populism. However, I could see a situation where said right-wing populists continue to 'rule', but in reality they've become nothing more than neo-feudals' jesters - keeping us serfs distracted with 'culture wars' and similar while in closed-door dinners the magnates really rule the land. This is partly why the right/centre political class in the US and [even worse] the UK have declined in the in the last 40 years; that if you're a smart/talented/ambitious person, you're gonna go for the greenest field and that's the corp world, not politics. This is where the 'serf-view' hinders us; we correctly think the ~$175k to be a congresscritter is supremely tasty, but we have to remember those folks are sitting around dinner-tables where they're the poorest person in the room [sometimes by an obvious margin]. Trump is normally full of complete lies, but he was technically telling the truth when he said that he'd 'taken a pay cut' on becoming POTUS [as he'd been earning more as the Chief Exec at TrumpOrg]. And when it comes down to it; who has more power now, a congresscritter or a senior executive at a large company? KarmaPolice (talk) 12:12, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
Theodore Roosevelt was able to bust large corporate trusts over a century ago, there has to be something to do now. TheEternalOutsider (talk) 22:16, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
If those corporations and banks continue to grow unchecked, civil liberties will definitely be hobbled for hundreds of millions of people. TheEternalOutsider (talk) 22:28, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
The issue is that it's not the 'size of corporations and banks' which will be the crux of the problem of my 'neo-feudal' nightmare, it's the crippling perennial debt-loads us neo-serfs will carry from birth to death. That we will have to constantly hustle for a few more pennies simply to pay the impending rent/credit card/tax/education bill and because some 80% of the population is in the same boat due to robot/AIs effectively eliminating 'middle class' occupations. The insidiousness of this future is that the facade of 'civil liberties' will remain intact - just that they'll be theoretical for the vast majority of people [they already are for the poor, as anyone who really knows poverty can testify]. Serfs of old were banned by law from wearing fur, eating venison, being educated, leaving the village etc - our neo-serf will be banned from doing 'things above their station' by their lack of wealth [and as they shall forever be slaving to pay the bills, they won't ever develop the wad of capital to 'better themself'. KarmaPolice (talk) 11:33, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
Can´t wait to get worked up about something that will inevitably have no bearing or impact on me whatsoever. Gang O' Shadow Wizards 🧙‍♂️Bore me 18:40, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
Why, your folks really rich or something? Otherwise it is gonna impact on you. A lot. KarmaPolice (talk) 18:44, 7 May 2024 (UTC)

Billy flowers vandal[edit]

Seeing as we've had a lot of IP vandalism in relation to this, if I remember correctly we added the OG name to the edit filter to prevent said spam, but now the IPs have moved on to spamming aliases of him, would it be possible to add the aliases to an edit filter? Lavalizard101 (talk) 09:48, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

When people shift from left to right... a personal insight[edit]

So... I'm sure some of you have known about my personal struggles as of late. Well, as I keep working at it, going from highs and lows, some things occurred to me during all this.

(Again, this is all personal anecdotes, take it as you will)

When we've seen people make this shift, they often point to one or two things that they either disagreed upon with other leftists. Say, someone was throwing out too many Godwin violations or there were tankies being tankies. The question then becomes how does this end up causing someone to change all their other beliefs and convictions? How does one or two disputes lead someone to do a 180 on issues of economics, worker rights, struggles of marginalized people, the role of government, etc.? Well, one might say "Perhaps they were never really all that left wing to begin with." Well, I'm sure that's true in some cases. However, I'm also finding that when even a tiny crack forms, it can end up getting bigger and bigger until the whole thing breaks.

Doubt is a powerful thing. First it causes one to focus on those disagreements, and then you start to see more and more of it. Not because it's happening more and more, but because one focuses more on it. Every hyperbolic statement or comment becomes magnified. You start seeing more and more "imperfections." Again, not because they're there, but because one starts to unconsciously look for them. And the thing I found is that if you start to question one part of the whole structure, than that spreads to other parts. One starts to think "Well, if that part is erroneous, than what else is wrong?" And that's where the crack begins to widen. The doubt becomes a wedge and it gets hammered in by the rhetoric of the other side, ie: "See! See! Look how bad they are! Listen to us instead!" One begins to dwell more and more on the whole structure. Disillusionment spreads, convictions are challenged, "faith" begins to fade. And through outside influence, one begins to seek the security of the structure of the other side.

Now, I really don't want to be the kind of person that says one has to play nice and civil all the time to avoid alienating people. Part of me thinks that this can be more of a personal failing, a lack of critical thinking and an inability to separate the "bad from the good." It might be born out of various stresses and traumas one experiences, causing their mental defenses to be weakened. I can tell you that I've been having a hell of a year myself. But through all of this, I can see why it happens. Personally, I'm trying to get myself back to where I was, to regain my convictions and "faith." I'm looking for people to actually talk to face-to-face to get me through this, to "reconvince" myself. It's not an easy task, and it's worse when you didn't have much of a support network to begin with. But I'm trying and I'm hoping. However, I can't say the same for others.

Of course, I could just be totally wrong. Again, this is just my personal insights. Take it as you will. Paul S (talk) 15:40, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

Well, first of all I've never really encountered a genuinely thoughtful person who was '100% orthodox' on that subject. And 'leftist' is such a huge tent that it's almost impossible to find much [or anything] that all of us 'agree on' fully - I laugh in the faces of those loudmouths online [on the main] with too much time on their hands and who are convinced they are speaking ex cathedra when talking to the wider public. And one of my own 'heresies' is that those types of people are some of the best recruiters for the 'other' side.
I suspect a lot of these 'conversions' are much more personal than folks would like to admit. That [for example] someone says something mildly 'heretical' [or even simply viewed as inconvenient] like 'trans women are not biologically female'. They catch a lot of flak from the above loudmouths of the extreme end, supported by 'bad allies', and our 'heretic' feels isolated, under stress to 'recant' and all that. But oh, some nice-seeming folks have defended them. The heretic spends more and more time with those nice folks... except they're not nice folks, they're a bunch of hardline TERFs and simple 'phobes. But they seem nice and reasonable and those 'trans activists' are nasty and unreasonable... drip drip drip and before long, the 'heretic' has been converted - because as they are radicalised, their other 'outside contacts' slowly snap off and their minds go on a 'dark adventure'. KarmaPolice (talk) 16:32, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I agree that love bombing can play a big role in this. Having other people seemingly support you while driving that wedge further into the cracks. Of course, none of this is logical or rational, but it can feel more comfortable to the person in question. This is something I've been trying to avoid myself... I deleted Twitter and I'm making a point to not read comments, I don't need more rhetoric floating around inside me. But like you said, some of those "loudmouths" can be recruiters for the other side.
For instance, we all know that complaint of "The left calls anyone they don't like Nazis/fascists/racists!" and then you see people throw out those terms and it starts to bother you. Someone starts to cheer on vandalism or destruction of property during a protest, and that begins to bother you. Someone makes hyperbolic blanket statements, and that bothers you. And then that powerful force of doubt begins to take its toll, pushing you towards the rabbit hole. And again, this can easily happen when you're not in the best shape mentality, when your mind is too fatigued to push things aside. And one seeks out help, looks for supportive voices... and that's when someone walks up to you with a friendly smile all while planning to shove you further into their own camp. Paul S (talk) 17:07, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
All too often "left" and "right" are as KP says. Whenever those terms are used, they require disambiguation. They are a lot like any pair of opposites or binaries: too vague to be useful beyond the rule of thumb stage. "This is too hot (spicy)!" or "That was too bland!" are meaningful subjective statements that relate nothing useful, to a third party, about the object. The facts of social conversion are occult. If you say something that is mildly heretical, as KP points out, then you are likely to be criticized and supported based upon a political binary that immediately presents itself. All too often one presents oneself in a masquerade of approval in order to disentangle oneself from a conversation.
Thought experiment: why should an average dope like myself care about the Climate Change question? First of all, my opinion would have less to do with any event effecting future climates than my vote in a national election would have on its outcome. Probably exponentially less. Secondly, I remain unaffected by the extreme consequences of CC during the course of my lifetime. I can and will be selfish unless you prove to me that I cannot afford to be selfish. If I happen to live in a very cold climate, say northern Canada, I would probably welcome warmer weather even if small Islands begin to disappear in the Pacific; and I would laugh about the rich folk in Florida getting flooded out of their seaside residences. I am theoretically a very self centered person as I get older. So, now I know nothing about CC. I am average. If you tell me about it, the above mentioned thoughts go through my mind. I am not of a mind to think I can influence such outcomes, so I scoff at activists. Indifference looks a lot like a political position. We humans can be terribly indifferent to the problems of distant peoples. UncleKrampus (talk) 17:12, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
Yes, yes! I've been going through this myself. Having those kind of thought experiments while laying in bed or going through work. And one of my fears is that indifference becoming a part of me, seeing "Fuck you, I got mine" as somehow a valid position to have. I think that's why I'm looking to find someone to talk me through all this in person. To discuss these things and help me get back to where I was. Been looking at the local Humanist chapters, for instance since I've long held similar positions before this personal crisis of mine began. That, and the mental health professionals that I've been seeing has suggested that I've been too isolated and can use some actual face-to-face discussions. Paul S (talk) 17:31, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I used to believe the rhetoric "Well, they probably had those beliefs all along anyway", but overtime, I've felt like it's become a general "No True Scotsman" cop-out to pretend someone's beliefs can't radically change under pressure, stress, and feeling disillusioned. This is especially a problem in modern day purity politics which refuses to acknowledge people often have different or even contradicting beliefs to whatever label they may fall under. This problem is worse for those who are online a lot due to the nature of online discussion since the nature of social media can often leave people with a lot of negative emotions. Anyone who dismisses such instances as, "You become X-ist because your fee-fees were hurt, lol", fail to understand how powerful others', and even their own, feelings are in guiding their personal beliefs. Radicals and extremists of any stripe are often more happy to have one less supporter than tolerating half of one by their nature.-Ryan1257 (talk) 18:42, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
Apathy, I suspect is a human defence mechanism against 'bad stuff' we cannot realistically change. It's not like we can stop climate change, wars and epidemics, is it [well, unless you're one of the very few folks who can]. The 'fuck you, I've got mine' mentality is another; that you cannot help everyone and if you shrink your 'responsibility' down to literally your immediate family, well at least you can do something about that [but again, this is something which is poisonous when elevated to a political ideology qv: Thatcher 'there is no such thing as society'].
I think we are also ignoring the fact that a lot of people do hold opinions without really thinking about them. This means that when they encounter a 'challenge' to them [be it from others or life's events] they don't know how to cope - usually they'll double-down/counter attack but on occasion it could cause a 'crisis of faith' which leads them very vunerable position and thus, ripe for recruitment by others. At the best side, said 'questioner' will go through a journey of self-discovery and end up with perhaps different but more solid views - but there's a myriad of bad-faith actors out there who are positively searching for vunerable targets to recruit and remould in their own image - for example, cults and religious fanatics. KarmaPolice (talk) 08:02, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
I have one personal friend, and I think the answer for him is something along the lines of contrarian by default. Which is fine, to get into politics like a dumb dumb baby and get burned because Sanders was your guy has to actually scar your political vision like looking directly at an eclipse. The weird thing is, I could never quite get it across to him, Republicans are BAD AS WELL, usually worse. It's this dumb 'Fool me twice' devil I know but then eventually also have to agree with to avoid contradiction kind of belief. I had one friend who said he wouldn't talk about politics because all politicians are snakes. I said 'that ain't true, there's all sorts of lizards in politics'. He was a Rogan listening (before it mattered) 2nd amendment absolutist who didn't know which side of the political spectrum he could possibly land, and sure as hell didn't want to hear a word about it. I'm a conundrum to a lot of grievance right wingers that I know. I can both think Joe Biden is an awful candidate AND believe that Donald Trump is worse. I can hate Democrat messaging AND refuse to believe Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools. Oh, that was 2 years ago and nobody is talking about it now? And it's frustrating when I then say 'Racial equity is not a real thing anyone is trying to do'. 'D.E.I. is not a real thing' and yet, I both despise Democrats and keep voting for them. Like if I think the Democratic party is vile and useless, I must be brainwashed to vote for them. And then they actively SUPPORT the GOP talking points, because they are the party fighting the 'mind virus'. Very strange. It is much easier to call yourself a 'Free thinker' when a party is telling you you can't be if you vote for the opposition. There are all sorts of lizards in politics, they can all be the bad guy, it is so frustrating to watch people be smug and parrot nonsense. If your politics are based in distrust of a party, you are doing it wrong, but it is so easy to identify that way. Torrent (talk) 12:54, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
Methinks your not brainwashed, methinks that has a simple and plain name: tactical voting. Nothing wrong with it, it can get frustrating though. In France, I decided to not vote for Macron in the second round, the moment I was about to go, because he was gonna go in front of those cameras and claim his astounding victory over Le Pen (at the time, he was flirting with leftist voters by pointing out "common grounds": well, turns out two months later, when the left Nupes alliances formed, Manu and his team were rambling about "soviet anarchy", "extremes", "anti-republicanism", "populism" and "authoritarianism" in the face of the "democratic" institutions of modern France) Not that long ago, the democrats and the GOP agreed on almost everything, so it’s only natural some non-voters, despite the menace American democracy is facing this election, will keep ignoring it. Before 2016, that made sense, but now it really doesn't. And even among those who vote, the White vote is not negligible. It’s nothing special, all elections are dominated by the tactical vote. Distrust of all political parties is only natural, that doesn’t mean you need to not vote for Biden, in fact you can cast a tactical vote and hate "The establishment" at the same time. New world (talk) 16:54, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
But American voting is extremely stupid. I live in a state within the federation that will actually split its electoral college votes. Very stupid, very complicated, but honestly if the popular vote doesn't exactly matter, this is a better system. I must vote every fucking time. Withholding my vote is not a viable statement. Torrent (talk) 04:39, 7 May 2024 (UTC)

I dedicate this song to Trump[edit]


Describes Trump perfectly. --Trans Fem Agenda 16:11, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

Even better: https://youtu.be/WkZ5e94QnWk?si=oq94yKYynw8kFtW- Monet Ye 20:27, 3 May 2024 (UTC)
I learned this on my bass for his send-off in 2021. The Blade of the Northern Lights (話して下さい) 23:07, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

U.S: Still best of the worst?[edit]

I had a fellow chap considering to move out of the U.S. for a better quality of life. So I looked up how does the cost of living of his top countries compare to the United States Note he does not live in texas, js using houstan as a base comparison. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/137sima/is_the_cost_of_living_in_the_usa_really_that_low/

Ye yikes. While it is more fair to compare city to city than country to country I have seen a lot of money earned by rando coders and trade workers living in the united states while paying little taxes and basic needs, especially in rural areas. And this is despite all the shitty problems the unity states have.

Laughable how to successfully move out of the united states you need a very skilled and high demand job the country wants yet you get paid much lower than in the U.S. Any thoughts to clarify my friend more? SEaffäreranalysator (talk) 23:10, 3 May 2024 (UTC)

There's just too many factors IMHO to really compare, even with those links. US pays really well for "rando coders" compared to pretty much anywhere else. Salary differences will vary depending on profession, of course. The cost of living is pretty insane for select cities (New York and San Francisco especially) though. Your example, Houston, is somewhat lower of a "cost of living" than many American metros (let alone world ones).
There is of course a "quality of life" factor -- I'm sure some are fond, but compared to a city like Paris (or NYC / SF), Houston is pretty boring culture wise IMHO (and we're talking beyond the intrusion of fundies into Texas politics). This is a "very subjective" thing, of course, it's my opinion. :) Europe also generally has better "safety nets" as well as better public transportation (a car is a requirement in Houston, it is *not* in Paris), so you have to factor in things like the health insurance being cheaper. Whether that makes up for a ~50% salary drop (a guesstimate for "rando coders", though YMMV) is "your call".
On the flip side, competitive "rando coders" can make quite a bit more with select "West Coast" firms (as well as NYC finance firms) than they can in typical Texas IT, with the trade-off of often bad work-life balance (as I've heard), but with (IMHO) much more interesting (and more expensive) cities. (Again, this is a focus on one profession in particular...)
Paris is pretty expensive for a French metro. Houston would better compare, perhaps, with a Toulouse or Montpellier. (Rinse and repeat for the other examples, you chose very large cities).
One thing that is very laughable though in the online world is all of those Internet randos calling the United States a "third world country" or similar. This is a pretty good indication that they've never visited one. The USA honestly still isn't a terrible place compared to a lot. But, this is another point of comparison: compared to a so-called "developing nation", the US really *is* expensive. But the salaries in these places are even lower than Europe, and sometimes the safety nets too (except perhaps for US's stinky health insurance system...). BobJohnson (talk) 00:05, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
I've actually had this discussion [seriously] with a relative [same industry] recently; that they were pointing out that a) they could earn x2 they do in the UK what they do, b) their taxes would be lower and c) their bills would be lower. My retorts were as follows; 1) their work-week would balloon form 40/45 to 60/70+ [meaning the p/h earnings are in reality a third lower and will all but eliminate their side-hustles], 2) public transportation is shit [and they can't drive], 3) public services are 'iffy' enough that you need to be prepared to pay for a lot of things which in the UK are free-ish [though due to Austerity, are increasingly shit too] which nullifies much of that extra cash 4) their partner's earnings would be about the same as now [but less secure and more hours], 5) some of the 'cheap prices' [such as food] are for shit which is below UK/EU standards - that for example, equivalent quality meat is about the same price in the UK and USA and 6) the 'cheap housing' allure was seriously nullified if you were working out of Boston/Seattle/SF and lastly 7) working in somewhere like Houston shall equal lots of extra cash for air-con etc.
After some Google-hitting, we both came to roughly the same conclusion; that America would be fairly shit for them to raise a family, be dealing with a long-term health condition or to be old in. They didn't say it outright, but I do think they're still keeping an ear out to see if something 'very tasty' comes up [so they can slave for 3/5 years, build up a large wedge of cash and then come back and use it to buy a property etc]. But due to below, I don't think that's really gonna happen.
Lastly, your 'fellow chap' needs to consider the fact that the market for coders etc is currently rather 'bust'. All big tech, gaming industry etc are having big layoffs etc - the relative in question is [at the moment] basically surviving in their non-coding skills [which they find a touch ironic, as it's not the things they paid ~£75k to develop.] KarmaPolice (talk) 07:35, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
I know of a somewhat parallel example of a couple that considered moving from Denmark to the UK when the husband got offered a substantial pay rise. In the end he declined, at least partly due to the “family economics”. The high cost of child care in London would mean that his wife would either have to give up her job entirely to care for the kids, or she would also have to find a job with a salary at least equivalent pay to her Danish one (which I seem to recall would be difficult) to actually increase the effective disposable income of the family as a whole.
Similarly, lower salary levels and/or high taxation might be (more than) compensated by, say, far cheaper health or education costs, or the general cost of living (food, housing, transportation etc.), not to speak of quality of life issues. The former is probably one economic reason why Denmark is still able to attract high skilled foreign labour, despite relatively (for an advanced economy with high costs of living) low wages and high taxes: There tends to be fairly low “extra” contributions in terms of insurance, co-pays etc., once you deduct those high taxes from your income. ScepticWombat (talk) 09:04, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
Yeah, which is why The Economists CoL index use the yardstick of a family of an exec expecting a US level SoL - that various payments in kind (like decent free schooling, healthcare etc) are factored in while stuff you might need to pay for (such as having to basically live in guarded compounds etc if in Brazil/South Africa) are also deducted.
Other aspects also need to be taken into account, such as the current UKGov 'why don't you fuck off?' immigration policy (which is unlikely to be softened much by an incoming Labour administration). KarmaPolice (talk) 10:07, 4 May 2024 (UTC)

The Afterlife Fallacy[edit]

I'm unsure what I should say to introduce this, but it seems like the very concept of an afterlife is untestable and unverifiable, so whether it exists or not is a serious unsolved void. People have to die to even find out. What can I even say about this question? TheEternalOutsider (talk) 16:11, 4 May 2024 (UTC)

In what way? The afterlife is a concept that, scientifically, lacks falsifiability. Because you have to die in order to find out whether or not it exists, and no one living can enter the afterlife by definition, it cannot be proven false (or true). Therefore, the afterlife is not a question for science.
(Though I will mention the near death experience as an interesting "tangent" to the afterlife discussion, since such has been more testable, and there *has* been some "interesting biological points" in that phenomenon. However, even here, the scope is limited towards the speculative; it is impossible to prove or disprove that NDEs relate to "the afterlife".)
Religion, of course, can have all the afterlife discussions all they want. BobJohnson (talk) 17:12, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
Related to this, The Washington Post recently gave some oxygen to a bunch of quack shrinks at the Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS) within the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia School of Medicine regarding their "research" into children who "remember" their past lives.[6] The current publisher is a former Murdoch employee who seems to be slowly pushing the paper toward tabloidism in search of more eyeballs. DOPS has this untestable premise as part of their mission:[7]
The primary focus of DOPS is investigating the mind’s relationship to the body and the possibility of consciousness surviving physical death. In general, this process involves studying phenomena that challenge mainstream scientific paradigms regarding the nature of human consciousness.
Bongolian (talk) 17:46, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
Like I said in another post regarding spiritual groups, discussing this type of thing (in a non-religious framework) is an interesting philosophical thought, but the truth is we know so little (provably) about the theoretical "afterlife" we would be experiencing, or about our "souls". Your fallacy is that it’s neither scientific nor pseudo-scientific, it’s purely inconceivable for us humans in 2024 on planet earth, there’s no reason to investigate something unknowable. New world (talk) 23:28, 4 May 2024 (UTC)
The closest question to ask is, would it hurt less? Would it be more important for an afterlife than for none? And then, it would also be worth wondering why near death experiences are culturally specific, but also universal. Torrent (talk) 10:52, 5 May 2024 (UTC)

On men dating/marrying younger women, sexism, redemption, a bit of venting and being an asshole[edit]

This is going to be a very long, weird, boring thread, and I’m not sure if I’m a good person after the last few days, so read at your risk.It is also a blog thread, one kind of thread that I personally don't like a lot. Ref notes are usually important, so I'd like to ask you to read them as well.

So, a few days ago me and my sister were drinking, and we ended up arguing because I told her for the first time some things about how I met my wife.

I'll tell the story, and I expect some people to get angry at me as well.[1] I was 26, almost 27 and she was 19 (this age difference is important). Back then I was still dealing with porn compulsion[2] and I would probably have considered myself allosexual, aromantic, and possibly hypersexual, even if I didn’t know these words yet. I was also, to put mildly, an asshole.[3] And the one thing that made me interested in my future wife so much[4] wasn’t her personality, but her looks alone. Despite being slim-to average, her cup size is closer to the middle than to the beginning of the alphabet, and during my porn compulsion era I could only get hard by lesbian sex[5] and with titfucks[6] and as someone who, at that time, only wanted to get laid and hated the idea of long-term relationships, I saw her as exactly what I was looking for. Yes it was extremely sexist from my part to see her as an object,[7] but I while I regret my first approaches toward her, they worked and they were probably the best thing I ever did to my life. What I didn’t know back then is that, in the first moment, she also just found me attractive, and didn't think about having a serious relationship with me as well.[8] Fast-forward, we ended up liking each other and started dating, she got pregnant, we got married, and are still very happy together.

When me and my wife found out about our original intentions some years ago, we both took a good laugh, even if we acknowledged that we were both assholes to each other.[9] Which, to be fair, seemed obvious until this conversation with my sister. We were at different stages of our lives, and had different priorities, even if she was far more mature than expected for someone at her age and I (the asshole) wasn't very mature. But when I told this to my sister, she said that I was a horrible person, that used and manipulated (and apparently still do, not sure if she meant that) a younger, naive and less experienced girl[10] and that I should be ashamed of myself. Me and my sister ended up saying horrible things to each other and we haven’t spoke since that day.[11]

Is she right? Well,I am ashamed of this episode and many other horrible things that I did in my mid 20s that I'd rather not talk about here, and I can’t stop but thinking: from a moral point of view, can a wrong make a right? Again, I will never deny that I was an asshole back then, for this and for many other reasons, and that my first intentions with my future wife (having one specific type of sex with her, in case a titfuck, without considering the feelings of a young girl) were indeed awful, but we ended up finding a way. Are initial blunders a poisoned tree that can never be produce good fruits? Will our relationship be tainted forever because it started because an asshole was a manipulative asshole, even if the said asshole see what he did as something horrible today? And more important will I be an asshole forever because of something I did many years ago? She and my wife are friends, they are both psychologists[12] I don’t expect her to talk to my wife about this subject,[13]

There is one last thing that it’s probably worth mentioning. My sister is 27, far from old then. But I she’s also a very insecure person that cares a lot about what others think. Her best friend, who is 27 too, also dates younger women, around the age my wife was when I met her. I suspect that, as she’ll be 30 in three years, she’s scared that she might be around the end of her prime or something. Of course she isn’t old at all, but again, I do think that she’s an insecure person and I think that the reason she might not like how this situation is because she’s scared of younger women being more attractive than her. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I know her very well, and while I’m not sure, I think this is plausible. This is also important because, as I was very angry by her insinuations, I ended shoving this in her face during the discussion, another thing that makes me wonder if I’m still an asshole, even though I regret doing this.

Thanks for everyone that read this whole thing. If you think I’m still an asshole, feel free to flame me here. As I’m not sure myself, I won't mind being panned. GeeJayKWhere all evil dwells Where every lie is true 02:53, 5 May 2024 (UTC)

  1. And I won't blame if you get angry at me, as I'll say many times ITT, when I was younger I was a piece of shit, and the reason why I'm telling this whole personal story here is the fact that I'm afraid that I might still be one.
  2. Can elaborate, but you can check the barchives and find more about it, I think the only moment that I said something so personal here was when I talked about those terrible days.
  3. Will not elaborate.
  4. Of course this quickly changed, and now I love everything about her.
  5. Something that, as a man, I can’t have.
  6. I had to use viagra back then since I always started my day wanking a couple of times and my sexual interests didn’t include penetrative sex.
  7. Again, I was an asshole.
  8. I was extremely ripped, had around 7% of body fat.
  9. I personally think that I was much worse than her, though she might disagree. Keep in mind that this is just a summary.
  10. Though the list of ex-boyfriends of my wife is longer than my list of ex-girlfriends, and I don’t think she is that easy to manipulate
  11. We know each other very well, I think we'll be fine in a week, so I don't think I'll need tips at how to make peace with her, this thread is not about this
  12. A field that for a very long while I had a hard time taking seriously, and only started respecting more because both of them taught some things, and convinced me that I, in fact, needed therapy.
  13. Even if she does, I doubt my wife won’t be on my side, and indeed, I’ll probably talk about it to my wife myself tomorrow, though I’ll only update this thread if necessary.
If you and your wife are happy with where you are and how you got there, what's the issue? People meet in all kinds of ways, it's how it works out that matters. If your sister feels insecure it's her issue to resolve, and I hope she does resolve it, but projecting it onto you is absurd. You have your life, she has hers. (Also, as someone who was once objectified by someone who was up front about having a huge crush on me on sight (!), I admit I don't get the hysteria about it because it isn't that bad; I can think of worse things than someone finding me attractive and thinking I can be the source of sexual satisfaction, in my case it wasn't a mutual attraction and for our own reasons we're both happier that we became friends.) The Blade of the Northern Lights (話して下さい) 03:33, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
I agree with the Blade. Also you are not the same person you were back then - so your current self should just forgive your current self and get on with life. Because one way you certainly won't get past it is by constantly torturing yourself about the actions of an earlier version of you. Secondly, you and your wife both talked about this and laughed about it. So it's clearly not causing you any current problem with your marriage.
finally I honestly can't see why anyone would flame you about the actions of your younger self which you clearly regret.Bob"Life is short and (insert adjective)" 07:08, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
@GeeJayK Clearly, as far as your relationship with your wife is concerned, you've got nothing to worry about. Obviously what you have to do now is patch up your relationship with your sister. Maybe your wife could speak to her. Maybe you and your wife could speak to her together. It does indeed sound like your sister is unfairly punishing you for thoughts and feelings you had many years ago from which no real harm resulted. However, and I don't know about you, but if I were in your situation, I'd be happy just for my relative to say, "I can never forgive you for that. But..." Spud (talk) 10:16, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
Wow. Talk about kicking self and overthinking this. So it was your partner's body which first caught your eye? Fuck, I think that's like how 65% of relationships start - even the smaltzy Hallmark films allow the male love interest to be a decent-looking (in a non threatening masculine way) person which the MC notices first. The 'inner workings' of sexual attraction are mainly a mystery to science (esp when it's not obviously related to youth/health/success) but from an evolutionary standpoint it worked here - your 'excessive' interest in funbags led you to a mate which also expressed an interest in you physically, leading to reproduction and (I assume) continued interest in the mother.
On the 'maturity' question - well, mere chronological age isn't everything; I've found teens with better judgement and opinions than people in their 30s (said judgement is often simply down to level of life experience). The fact there was a 'mismatch' in my opinion isn't an issue, it's whether she had enough maturity to be able to appreciate what was being 'offered'.
But I personally think the crux is your sister believes 'you manipulated a girl'. As in a child. This 'elongation of childhood' has been going on for decades now - your relationship would have been seen as perfectly fine in say, the American 50s. That there is a growing opinion that people under say 21 (or even 25) are 'too immature' to make such decisions. KarmaPolice (talk) 10:36, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
you think that makes you a bad person, try catching feelings for you ex girlfriend's younger sister. Torrent (talk) 11:04, 5 May 2024 (UTC) (the above comment was moved from another post where it didn’t belong)
I’ll be honest, I find some age gaps like that to be weird, but I’m only an outsider looking in. If you and your wife are happy and in a healthy relationship then that’s what matters. I’m not gonna be a judgy bitch, ya know? Pizza SLICE.gifChef Moosolini’s Ristorante ItalianoMake a Reservation 20:29, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
My dad was 10 years older than mum, so what tf..... sadly he died the day before their 65th wedding anniversary!Aloysius the Gaul (talk) 22:02, 5 May 2024 (UTC)
Right, so I will preface what I say with the fact that I'm just 23 (I think?) myself. I'm not a mature person. Still, I believe there are a few things I can add that may be useful things to consider.
In short, this needs elaboration. Seeing people as and treating them as an object isn't inherently immoral and doesn't immediately make you an asshole. It's the circumstances that matter. Considering someone an object is likely to cause significant emotional harm to a person, but this can be prevented by communicating your intent clearly. If you get to a mutual agreement then that's fine. Now, from what I read it seems like this didn't happen, OK, but from here on we move in steps. Being an asshole isn't a binary, it's gradual. Questions you will need to ask yourself are things like: "Did you try to deceive her?", "Did you pretend like you are interested in a long term relationship, for example to keep her around for longer?", which directly translates into a question like "Did you do things like the aforementioned that reduced her ability to make an informed decision?". What about the "manipulation" you are talking about? Just being older than your partner isn't inherently manipulative. Did you try to scare her, yell at her?
This is about aggravating circumstances. There are, however, extenuating circumstances as well. To put it bluntly, how "sick" and "desperate" were you, Ie. how much of this was truly in your control? And I emphasize truly because many times in our lives we find ourselves in situations where it's technically, physically possible to do a thing, but it's just not realistically tenable. You put it best yourself on your userpage where you say that you're a human and answer to the incentives you receive.
Additionally, how much control did she have in general? Could she have done things to get out of it if she wanted? How much resistance would you have afforded?
Lastly, I believe it's worth evaluating this from her perspective as well. How much of this happened because she let you do it to her? After all, she does have to defend herself to some degree, can't run out onto the street and then complain when someone runs you over more or less accidentally. Did she ever complain and ask you not to do things? Did you comply?
Now, hypocrisy isn't a strong argument, but it seems like it's still worthwhile to mention that the way you're saying this makes it sound like her perspective is actually quite similar to yours, albeit perhaps less "aggressive", if you catch my drift[note 1][note 2].
For what it's worth right now, you have done everything right by telling her and giving her the choice. You did wrong, you told her about it and then she can decide whether she wants to live with you or not. Apparently she still wants to be around you, and unless you are limiting her ability to make informed decisions right now, this is her active choice that she goes out of her way for, which means she believes in you as a person - which is really all that matters between you and her.
On the other hand, I can definitely see that other people may not look quite as favorably at this[note 3]. So, if you ever find yourself taking a shot at romance with someone else, your best bet would be telling them about this so they have the necessary information to make an informed decision. That's a bitter pill to swallow, talking from personal experience as someone with a long, very long history as a pathological liar[note 4] who lied to and eventually betrayed absolutely everyone, including people who would have been yearlong friends (~7 years in fact) if I hadn't lied to them all this time. I believe or at least hope to be better now, but you can see how making this palatable to a gril is quite painful, alright. What? Oh, right, this isn't about me, excuse me. I'm still processing myself.
So, are you an asshole? Well, it will depend on how you answer which of these questions I gave you to consider. You will find that the end result you will come up with is going to be a very complex, hah, tree of perspectives and things that were done, and it should reflect the non-onedimensionality of your personality quite well. Similarly, the actual answer to your question will not be one-dimensional either, but that's what happens when you look at complicated questions.
There's more I could say about this but I've already gone way past my allotted talking time, so I will leave it here and hope that I said something useful. Thanks for sharing your story, GJ :)
ULTRACOMFY (talk) 09:09, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
  1. "Not as much assholish" - Strategic aggression, not actual aggression.
  2. Actually, because of this in particular I am lead to believe that she let you do a lot of objectification to her because, why not? From her perspective she might not have cared very much either, so of course she would let you do it.
  3. This is an important quality to "assholiness", in that it's down to subjective perception and very hard to pin down in absolutes. And I say that as a consequentialist who tries to get quite absolute indeed and tries to apply these values.
  4. Not clinically diagnosed, so I don't really know. But I'm saying this because I believe it's the most accurate term to describe the things I did.
What an emotionally intelligent generation. Torrent (talk) 05:01, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
Gee: I don't know if you are an asshole, if you are I haven't noticed. Question: is being an asshole part of human nature, so that you are always going to be an asshole? Are you an essentialist about assholes? Or, is being an asshole, from time to time, part of the learning process? I still am an asshole, on occasion. It's very liberating. Everyone should try it (everyone does). If you were still on speaking terms with your sister, I would tell her to get therapy, because being right about her opinion about your relationship was in no way worth sacrificing the closest part of her family. Your wife was a legal adult. Let's not be silly here. I don't call women assholes, usually...UncleKrampus (talk) 20:14, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
You should try to solve this with your sister. Then, you were morally not OK, now you seem to be. There are people married to someone 15 years younger then them, most of them are fine (depending on the age group). You two aren't too much of a shocking age gap, are you? New world (talk) 20:29, 7 May 2024 (UTC)

American cops and American cops who shoot dogs[edit]


Cops are trained to shoot dogs in a life or death scenario. Cops are also trained that every scenario is life or death. Somehow, this correlates with a statistic that implies just shooting dogs. So the difference in the title is nothing, until American cops stop unloading on dogs. I was attacked by a dachshund let out for a pee, while I was just walking home. It must have looked to that the tiny little dog that I was headinvg straight for them, and it bravely charged me and just kinda bonked off my leg and started barking. You know what I did? I laughed, little sweetheart, I'm not here to hurt anybody and did not break my stride. I did wave hi to the guy. Sometimes I walk to a gas station, and there is a dog that starts barking at me. I never go meet it, but I do whistle a little two-note tune every time I walk past, because I want this dog to know, I'm just walking past. It actually worked tonight. The dog that wants to bark is very useful, a bark is a good alert. This dog is a shepherd collie mix, if I can guess from across a street, while walking. You absolutely cannot do this 'ain't I just walking?' training if you are not a just walking. Any approach to the dog, as long as my heart is wide, negates the training that, ah will whistle two tones, stay on my side if the street and you have identified me. The dog barked at me, I gave the whistle, and dog just stopped barking. Y'all are never gonna believe this, but I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. Torrent (talk) 08:53, 6 May 2024 (UTC)

The point is, with a dog, it's not supposed to know me, but it a does remember me because we meet each other on very dog ass terms. It doesn't leave the back yard, I don't approach the back yard. The bark is loud, the whistle is two notes, and there's no more barking for the neighborhood. A big bark against me as soon as it sees me from across the street, not bad or dumb or unusual. It's a dog, it's gonna do dog shit. Torrent (talk) 09:18, 6 May 2024 (UTC)
This is literal. Torrent (talk) 11:51, 6 May 2024 (UTC)

Why is EOWK making troll accounts about bald people[edit]

So for some period of time Kirkeegrad has been making accounts making fun of bald people why bald people specifically Reichtangle (talk) 13:18, 7 May 2024 (UTC) ←§

It's not Kirkegaard it's Michael Coombs making the accounts Ioe bidome (talk) 13:19, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
How do they find the time? I mean, don't they have, y'know, a job or something that needs to be done? KarmaPolice (talk) 13:27, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
Also why is he targeting Bald people? Why not target Jews who apparently control the world ←§ Reichtangle (talk) 13:50, 7 May 2024 (UTC)
He found out the prophet Elisha was antifa and he wants everybody to know it. Now for a timelier question, would you rather be stuck in the woods with Mike, or with one of the bears Elisha summoned? Chillpilled (talk) 14:09, 7 May 2024 (UTC)