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*A prime proponent of teacher-led prayer to open every public school class period is [[Andrew Schlafly]], who blogs at [[Conservapedia]].
*A prime proponent of teacher-led prayer to open every public school class period is [[Andrew Schlafly]], who blogs at [[Conservapedia]].

Revision as of 19:48, 2 October 2008

School prayer is an issue beloved by Christian fundamentalists who, being of limited ability as far as reading — amongst other things — is concerned, believe that there is some law against it in the United States.

This belief just goes to show how wrong fundamentalists can be (as if a reminder was needed), because the only aspect of school prayer that is in any way limited is the sort of public prayer that even Jesus himself was not a big fan of,[1] so why are the fundies so keen on the idea? Oh, and we are only talking about public schools here; private schools can have as much public prayer as they like. Oh, and we are only talking Christian fundie prayer here; the right for schools to force, for example, Muslim prayers on students five times a day is apparently not a part of the "lets get prayer back in the schools" agenda.

See also


  1. Matthew 6:5