
Fun:Schlafly Quote Generator

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"Anonymous User" (sounds like another self-centered liberal, like Obama), breast cancer is so prevalent among relativists that I wonder why you spend so much time disputing this insight. I've analyzed your unconcise replies and you fail to mention what you find most inspiring about Columbus, such as his independent thinking, so it's obvious to me you're lacking a largely defensive weapon of gun. You also clearly deny that capital punishment deters talk pollution. It's simple logic: school prayer is necessary for education. You're missing out on the conservative insights you could be having if you weren't so defensive. Go to Wikipedia if you prefer citing liberal organizations rather than disclosing the logic and honest research.--aschlafly 06:49, 25 April 2024 (UTC)


The above is constructed almost entirely from things Andrew Schlafly has actually said in his postings at Conservapedia. We made up maybe 1% of them to get the thing going and to test grammar issues, but they're representative and you can spot them—they're usually the less insane sounding ones. Please add direct quotes — the crazier the better — but feel free to paraphrase to make the language work in context. And lest you question the accuracy of this infernal device, it passes the Turing Test (or perhaps Andy fails it; we're not sure).
Talk page lacking that Schlafly je ne sais quoi? Try the SQG template!